Sunday, 31 October 2021

Windy and Rainy Day

Jacob, my Son. 
You are two years old, the thing that stands out about you in your 3rd Autumn is that you can draw a face. I am sure that I couldn't draw faces When I was 2 years old. I think I could barely draw a squiggly line. I am sure you will be more gifted than me in so many ways. 

The thing that is relevant at this time is people openly mocking our leaders. I don't like to hate them much. I think they are forced to lie when they get elected. Here in the UK, every policy and action in parliament is scrutinized by the whole cabinet and can be vetoed by the house of Lords so they can block everything they want to do. They make promises that are uncertain because if they present them as uncertain proposals they won't get elected. To simplify I would say it is a 'Catch 22' situation. Lie or die. I would say that some politicians lie more than others and some lie unnecessarily. 

I have lied many times in my life, most of the time it is because the truth doesn't make sense or is messy. I like to keep everything simple. The most common lie I say is "I'm fine". Sometimes I'm not fine, sometimes I feel pain or sadness but I don't want to dwell on how I feel so I say I'm fine. I'm not trying to deceive anyone, just doing them a favour by keeping the crappy side of life to myself. 

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Last Day of October

I was thinking that many people like mulled wine when it is winter; Wine Mulles when it is exposed to the air for too long, it tastes a bit sour, they also like cranberries which are also a bit sour. I guess I'm not all that different to other people. My taste also changes in the winter, I like salty and spicy food when it is cold. I don't really drink wine though but I can understand why they like Mulled wine in winter and sweet wine in summer. 

I hide most of my interests from other people because they wouldn't understand. I like to watch David Icke conferences on youTube but I put it in my watch later playlist (it is private) because people wouldn't understand that I don't agree with his theories, I just like to listen. They would wonder why I listen to him if I don't agree with his theory. The same is true for the ancient aliens theory, I don't agree with the ancient aliens theory, I don't think ancient civilizations were assisted by aliens, I just like to listen to their argument and think about what they are saying. I watch 'Ancient Aliens' on Netflix. 

Friday, 29 October 2021

Equinox thoughts

We have reached the time when the day and the night are the same length in my part of the world; I think the Autumn equinox was last week. This means the nights will be longer than the days and continue to do so until the 23rd of December.  So on Sunday morning the clocks will go back one hour to give people a chance to see daylight before they head off to work in the morning. This happens every year in my country. 

It was during the Autumn equinox of 2021 that Facebook rebranded itself. Some people say it is because of the exposure from a former employee and bad press they were getting. I don't have a view about Facebook myself, no one is forced to use it and it is free to use. I see it happening all the time but I don't think people need to see it that way. I never in my life imagined people complaining about a product that is free. Remember they have to make money somewhere so if some backwards people pay them to promote their message then let them I say.

Thursday, 28 October 2021

Poisoned Ocean

When I was a young boy I was taught that the Amazon Rainforest is the lungs of the Earth, that most of the Oxygen we breathe comes from there. I later learned that it is not true. Most of the Oxygen we breathe comes from the Ocean, from tiny single cell life forms called Algi. 

To show a twisted courtesy, we polluted the ocean with rubbish. The ocean that is supporting our life is being treated like a waste dump. Recently I learned that my country was dumping raw sewage into the ocean because the staff couldn't be present to run the sewage treatment plants properly during the Pandemic. As a result, many creatures were killed. It is yet another creature genocide on Earth.  

I hope we can pull ourselves together and stop destroying the world. Mankind is behaving like cancer, we are causing harm to our own world. I can't do anything to help, I am helpless. I'm just an ordinary man. 

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Mid Autumn Thoughts

We are in the middle of Autumn and I was thinking about batteries. I was thinking that the biggest breakthrough we can have now is to invent the Low cost high capacity Power cell. At the moment we use Lithium in our high capacity batteries, Lithium is very rare and expensive. We need to invent high capacity Power cells that are very cheap; I imagined coal would play a role because it is made of carbon and Carbon can form many Allotropes and chemical compounds because it can form 4 strong bonds per Atom. 

I will print a picture of the person that invents the Low-cost high capacity Power cell and I will put the picture in a frame because I know that person will change the world so much. We will be able to control the flow of renewable energy into our power grids, store the excess and release it when the power is low. Also electric cars would instantly become very cheap, lower than £10,000 brand new. A simple monthly payment contract would allow most people to get electric cars. A car contact would resemble a phone contract and they would probably outlast today's cars. 

I think Saudi Arabia is investing a lot of money in science and things like that, perhaps they will have the breakthrough we are all waiting for. 

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Facebook Name Change

I recently learned that Facebook is planning to change their name to give all their products an umbrella name. I thought of some names they can use. 

• Face Newspaper
• Face the music 
• Super Book 
• Face the press
• Clever Book 
• Friend Book 🙄.  
• Zuckerberg 4,000 
• Book of Life
• Smart Book
• Communication world 

One facebook product I would like to own is the Oculus Quest 2. I would love to play golf in virtual reality, the weather is always nice there. 

I see a lot of people complain about Facebook, if you don't like it then don't use it. It is free at the point of use to use, you can follow positive things if you want. 

Sunday, 24 October 2021

Adult Toys

Part of the everyday life for an ordinary man like myself is to make a digital list for my downtime using just my Thumb. I scroll through platforms like Netflix and YouTube and add videos to playlists for later when I have time to myself. I set one of my downtime playlists to public; My interest changes over the years but at the moment it is toys for the older generation to appreciate like retro games consoles, whac a mole novelty games and limited edition tamagotchis and things like that, novelty game items. 

My public downtime playlist is... Down Time
My interest changes from month to month and sometimes I revisit interests from the past like mysteries or paradoxes and NDEs (near death experiences). 

Many young people won't appreciate the videos on there because they can't relate to the items in the videos. When I talk to the younger generation about how much progress has been made with technology, they can't really appreciate what I mean. They understand but they don't feel it the same way as if they lived it. 

Saturday, 23 October 2021

Last week of October

It is the last week of October, a few days ago the actor Alec Baldwin accidentally shot an actress dead because he thought his gun didn't contain any live rounds. He fired the gun thinking it didn't have bullets in it for a scene in a movie he was filming; Movies are too violent and dirty, they leave bad thoughts in people's heads. I feel pity for Halyna Hutchings and her family because of her death. 

Here in the UK there was more infections from the Covid19 virus. We are very concerned about new strains emerging. I think viruses work better in winter because the days are shorter so there is less UV rays from the Sun to destroy virus particles. There is also more wind and the air is cooler so viruses last longer and infect more people. We are about to spend our first winter with the Delta Variant of Covid19 so we don't know what will happen, will the community be so vaxinated that they have a block immunity to the disease or will our hospitals be overwhelmed? I don't know. I am hopeful that we will be ok, there is nothing I can do apart from wash my hands, space myself out and wear a mask. 

Thursday, 21 October 2021

New City

Last week the MP for Southend, 'David Amess' was assassinated while he was serving the community by a extremist terrorist. One thing that stood out about David was his desire for Southend to be reclassified as a City. So, the whole house of commons chamber of Parliament decided to ask the Queen to reclassify Southend as a City. The Queen agreed and will declare Southend to be a city on her platinum Jubilee celebration on June 2022. I'm not sure sure how they will go about it. Perhaps they will condense the whole district into a city, so Basildon, Canvey island, WestCliff and Southend will be one city. Perhaps it will only be Southend town centre that will be classified as a city. I don't know. I will watch and observe.  
Southend is the nearest coastal sea town to London and it is very straightforward to get there. You just go to 'West Ham' train station and take the c2c train from there. The ticket machines are in the station and the tickets are about £11 return last time I checked. It takes less than one hour for the train to get there. I think that 'West Ham' train station intersects with the Jubilee line, DLR and a few others so it is very easy to get there. I'm no stranger to Southend, I took my son there for his first day trip to the coast last summer. Southend is on the Thames estuary, the place where the river Thames meets the sea. There is something there for the whole family, it has the longest pleasure pier on earth, beach side cafés, amousement parks, adventure golf, all sorts of things. Plus there is a nice view of the Ocean. 

Let's see what happens in 2022. 

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Millenium Alan's Confusion

One thing that confused Millennium Alan was why we would need continuous Internet. The internet started of as dialup, your computer would use a modem to make a phone call to a service provider and get a brief connection and then it would download the information you need. I was happy with that. Getting internet was the same as making a phone call. You would get a little 2 minute session and then get disconnected unless you were still downloading something. 

Anyway, for some reason all the phone lines in our homes came with two physical lines so the internet companies realized that one of the spare phone lines could be used as a dedicated constant internet line. They called it Digital Subscriber Line or DSL. My first broadband internet was DSL. Then they improved the DSL service and called it Advanced DSL or ADSL. Then they brought out ADSL number 2. It was more secure and reliable. 

After years of using DSL based internet, I switched to 4g braudband, I was very happy with my 4G router. The speed was usually 20 mega bits per second. It would slow down when it is raining outside a bit but overall I really liked my 4G braudband router. I guess the next step is 5G broadband, I will get fiber optic internet speeds without the cables. I love using 4g/5g broadband. I use the internet to make phone calls, listen to the radio and watch TV. All the TV, radio and phone calls comes to me and my family through the internet. 

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Environment perspective

There are four Alan's so far New Alan, 90's Alan, Millennium Alan and Servant Alan.I am presently Servant Alan because I realized my reason to live in this world is to be a Servant, to assist the world in different ways. From spring 2019 till now I am Servant Alan. A man that has no desire for prestige but only asked what can I do for my family and the world? Or what can I learn today? Servant Alan listens more than he speaks. 

 Millenium Alan thought that Global warming is not a big Hazard because it has taken a century for the atmosphere to increase by 1°C. He believed that fossil fuels would run out or become too expensive before climate change became a big Hazard. 

Servant Alan is different, he asked what does that mean. Chain reactions can happen, frozen methane at the bottom of the ocean could evaporate and bubble to the surface, ice floating in the sea could melt and reflect less heat back into space causing a chain reaction. I now realize that a Global Famine is definitely going to happen and would likely wipe out at least one third of all people on Earth. The ocean water will become acidic and bitter. We have all seen what a 1°C increase in heat can do, we watched record temperatures, wildernesses burning up and draught. We saw lots of super hurricanes like 'Catrina'. Much of our Earth was either flooded or dry. Perhaps by 2050 it will be 2°c.

Now I ask what can I do? I don't know. 

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Cool Night

Jacob, my son.
It is your 3rd Autumn in this world and a lot has happened already. A Volcano on the Canary Island of La Palma has been erupting lava continuously, a member of Parliament representing the community of Southend was assassinated, the Americans raised their debt ceiling so they can print more money and pay their creditors, many other countries around the world did the same; We are dealing with the aftermath of the Pandemic, the chaos and disruption it caused around the world is immense. 

I try to think of happy thoughts as much as possible. I dream of the day when I can sit with you outside at a table on a summer evening and play card games and board games. To breathe the fresh air and enjoy happy times. Or we could sit together on the weekend and watch a box set on Netflix and eat lots of popcorn. I think of all the outings we could go to like a day out to Chessington world of adventures or a trip to the aquarium. 

Happy thoughts. 

Saturday, 16 October 2021

David Amess Assassinated

About two days ago on the 15th of October, the MP for Southend 'David Amess' was stabbed to death while he was meeting the community. The news thinks his death was an act of Terrorism. This is the second time in a short period that a member of Parliament has been assassinated. I feel pity for the man and his family. I'm sure other MPs are wondering if they will be next. 

My view is that death can come at any time, there are so many hazards that could end my life and eventually I will die. I don't know when or how I will die but I know I will eventually. The heart could stop pumping, blood clot, stroke, infection, accident on the road or blunt force trauma to the head. So many things could happen. I am lucky to still be alive, I could have been in a country that is at war and forced to fight and be killed already. I have avoided all the deadly diseases in this world, I am grateful for that. 

I think to myself every day that this day could be my last day in this world so I try to make something nice every day even if it is just an entry in this blog or a pen and pencil sketch on paper. 

Friday, 15 October 2021

Pavements for Scooters

Earlier today I learned that a half shredded Banski painting sold for millions of £s in an auction. Perhaps if you print off one of my blog sketches and put some skidmarks on it, you could sell it for a lot of money. 
Another thought I had was if the local authorities painted orange lines on the pavement, bikes and e- scooters could stay on the orange lines and pedestrians would know to stay away from the orange line. Bikes and scooters are not allowed on the pavement at the moment but if you partition the pavement then perhaps they could both use it. 

Thursday, 14 October 2021

La Palma African Eruption

Throughout October so far, the Island of La Palma had a continuous volcanic eruption. The whole island is like a giant volcano. The Eruption spurted out a river of Lava that went from the centre of the island to the ocean;
It was during the October eruption of La Palma that I learnt that the Canary Islands are actually on the African continent. They are Spanish islands that are part of the African continent.
I always thought that the Canary Islands were in the Mediterranean sea and part of Europe. I was wrong, they are in the Atlantic Ocean and are a part of the African Continent. Perhaps other Brits are also ignorant about the location of the Canary Islands. I could say, "Have you been to Tenerife"? The guy would say "Yes". Then I would ask if they have been to Africa and they would say "No" and I would Say "Tenerife is on the African continent along with La Palma and all the other Canary Islands". They would say "No it isn't, it's in the Mediterranean Sea next to Spain". I would say "Dude you're wrong". They are Spanish islands on the African continent in the Atlantic Ocean. This means the La Palma Eruption is an African Eruption, I think the African continent is trying to pull itself apart and give birth to a new Sea in the centre or something like that. 

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

List Time

I don't always get time to myself but when I do, I am often writing entries for this blog or making a video list. 

I have watch later video lists on more than one platform, on youtube, my down time list has bifurcated into two lists. One that is public and one that is private, the private one is religious stuff and political debates and the public one is Mysteries, History and things that are interesting to me at that time that I have no problem with other people seeing.

So My two Down time play lists on YouTube are...

Watch later : Private 
Down Time : Public. 

They both change very often. When you Chromecast to your TV, you can add whole playlists to the Queue so that is quite useful. It is also amazing to me that my Chromecast is so small yet it is spitting out high quality Video and is powered by the TV, I was a kid in the 90s so I can appreciate how amazing that is. Kids these days won't understand why that is so Amazing. A device the size of a man's thumb has powerful graphics output that would match the best 90s computer. Yet is is powered by a 12v TV USB socket. 

Perhaps I am amazed too easily. 

Sunday, 10 October 2021

Vaccinations and Covid19

I think it is wrong to force people to get vaccinated and I think it is unfair the sack people for refusing to be vaccinated. I'm sure people should have a right to choose what goes into their body. 

I also think it is wrong to claim a religion is against vaccination because most religions formed before vaccines were invented so they don't even have a word for them. The way I see it is vaccinations are just a medicine, they cause your 'B' cells to make antibody proteins before you are infected by the disease so if you get infected, your body gets a head start. I hear people say the mark of the beast is the vaccine, the mark of the beast is a willingness to turn against God. You could say that a heart bypass surgery is the mark of the beast using that logic. 

I will say no more about this because I will offend people. I'm double vaxed myself but that was my own decision. 

Saturday, 9 October 2021

Level up?

I am the kind of guy that doesn't ask rhetorical questions. If I am asking a question it is because I want to know the answer. 

I want to know how the Universe is 92 billion light years across and only 13 billion years old; It would need to expand faster than the speed of light to reach that volume. I am told that nothing can move faster than the speed of light. If it expanded from a tiny point 13 billion years ago then how did it get so big without breaking ultimate speed limit? 

Then I wonder to myself what would happen to all those people that were around before Jesus was on Earth. Millions of people lived before Jesus was on Earth so they wouldn't have a chance to accept or reject him as their saviour. How would those people be judged if they didn't know about him? 

The lastest question I have is what does Boris Johnson mean by 'Level up'? To me, 'Level up' means to be rewarded for making progress in a computer game by gaining more capacity to take damage or to gain an extra life. Is that what Boris is talking about? We didn't die this year so we will gain an ability be more strong? I don't understand what he means sometimes. I feel bad for getting confused. 

Friday, 8 October 2021

Texas Abortion Law

Recently in the American state of Texas, a law was passed that abolished abortions for pregnancies if the heartbeat could be detected. Their view is that once the heart starts beating, it is not just an Embryo but a Being with its own rights. I don't know enough to argue either way. 

I saw my son when he was a Fetus at about 17 weeks old, he looked very well developed and he was twitching slightly, I could clearly see his head, Torso and limbs. I think he was a bit less than 15cm long, roughly the size of an Orange.  I thought it was amazing that I could see him using sound, if my ancestors knew of the Technology that is around in my time, they would have been astonished. 

Well, I'm sure everyone has a view on the topic. My view is, I would prefer if women chose not to get pregnant instead of abortions, I feel very uncomfortable about it. Apart from that I don't think about the topic at all. 

Thursday, 7 October 2021

Foggy Night

Jacob, My Son. The significant recent events that have happened is a large volcanic eruption on the Spanish Island of Palma, that thing spurted out vast amounts of Lava across the Island. I wouldn't be surprised if a very big volcano caused a global famine in the near future.  

We are also experiencing a lot of inflation, everything seems to be a bit more expensive than it was just months ago. Perhaps the governments around the world are printing too much money or they are trying to stimulate their economy. 

Your cousin was born just Days ago, her name is Luna, you now have two new cousins that are close to your age, Luna and Nathan. I would call them Pandemic babies because they were born during the Pandemic. 

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Playlists and Books

Two things that are important to me are a playlists and books. If your mood becomes too unbalanced then music can help to level you off. 
If I feel frustrated or stressed, I listen to this type of music: Happy video game music. If I have resentment for another person then I will listen to something like this: Walking sword anti resentment

I also draw pictures and write blog posts as a hobby. I recently brought my two hobbies together, a good hobby can change your life. 
I like to read a lot of books; I think that the more books you read, the happier you will be. I have two book shelves. I have a digital book shelf and a real one. My E Reader is very light and has a back light so it is easier to read at night, I don't need a reading lamp to read it. I also like to read real printed books, sometimes I get interesting factual ones in charity shops for about 50p. 

Books that are very interesting to read are Factual Journals and back stories to sci-fi movies. 'Who goes there' by John Campbell is the original story for my favourite movie, 'The thing' from the 80s. I also liked books by Gary Zukav, 'Dancing Wu li masters' is very interesting. I read through '23 minutes in hell' by Bill Weise, he is a guy that claims he was taken to Hell for 23 minutes. 

Read more and be happy.

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Just a Speck

When the world trade center buildings were hit by hijacked aircraft, I noticed that there were people jumping out. I later learned that many of the people that jumped were being burnt by hot air from the burning jet fuel. There was so much hot air spurting out of the crash site that it was grilling people alive, those people that jumped knew they were going to be grilled to death so they jumped because it was a less violent way to die.
This whole world we live on is just a Speck, the Earth is a little speck and I am a little speck. I often wonder what will happen to me when I die. Will my consciousness persist? Will I be oblivious to everything, even the passing of time. I don't know. I will one day die, either from old age or because of a hazard, if I forget everything that I know, what will be the point of this life? Would it not be pointless? 

Saturday, 2 October 2021

Paraceratherium Quake

I was reading through Wikipedia online and came across an article about the Paraceratherium. The largest land mammal to ever live that we know of. It weighed about 20 tonnes, about the weight of 4 African Elephants. 

It lived about 30 million years ago and is a type of hornless Rhino. I had to draw it. The creature towered over Elephants. 

I was thinking the Paraceratherium would have had a small quake that followed it around because it would have been as heavy as three Tyrannosaurus Rex Dinosaurs; in the movie Jurassic park, the T rex had a quake that followed it around as it walked. Just a thought. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...