Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Millenium Alan's Confusion

One thing that confused Millennium Alan was why we would need continuous Internet. The internet started of as dialup, your computer would use a modem to make a phone call to a service provider and get a brief connection and then it would download the information you need. I was happy with that. Getting internet was the same as making a phone call. You would get a little 2 minute session and then get disconnected unless you were still downloading something. 

Anyway, for some reason all the phone lines in our homes came with two physical lines so the internet companies realized that one of the spare phone lines could be used as a dedicated constant internet line. They called it Digital Subscriber Line or DSL. My first broadband internet was DSL. Then they improved the DSL service and called it Advanced DSL or ADSL. Then they brought out ADSL number 2. It was more secure and reliable. 

After years of using DSL based internet, I switched to 4g braudband, I was very happy with my 4G router. The speed was usually 20 mega bits per second. It would slow down when it is raining outside a bit but overall I really liked my 4G braudband router. I guess the next step is 5G broadband, I will get fiber optic internet speeds without the cables. I love using 4g/5g broadband. I use the internet to make phone calls, listen to the radio and watch TV. All the TV, radio and phone calls comes to me and my family through the internet. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...