Sunday, 3 October 2021

Just a Speck

When the world trade center buildings were hit by hijacked aircraft, I noticed that there were people jumping out. I later learned that many of the people that jumped were being burnt by hot air from the burning jet fuel. There was so much hot air spurting out of the crash site that it was grilling people alive, those people that jumped knew they were going to be grilled to death so they jumped because it was a less violent way to die.
This whole world we live on is just a Speck, the Earth is a little speck and I am a little speck. I often wonder what will happen to me when I die. Will my consciousness persist? Will I be oblivious to everything, even the passing of time. I don't know. I will one day die, either from old age or because of a hazard, if I forget everything that I know, what will be the point of this life? Would it not be pointless? 

Blog Archive

One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...