Millenium Alan thought that Global warming is not a big Hazard because it has taken a century for the atmosphere to increase by 1°C. He believed that fossil fuels would run out or become too expensive before climate change became a big Hazard.
Servant Alan is different, he asked what does that mean. Chain reactions can happen, frozen methane at the bottom of the ocean could evaporate and bubble to the surface, ice floating in the sea could melt and reflect less heat back into space causing a chain reaction. I now realize that a Global Famine is definitely going to happen and would likely wipe out at least one third of all people on Earth. The ocean water will become acidic and bitter. We have all seen what a 1°C increase in heat can do, we watched record temperatures, wildernesses burning up and draught. We saw lots of super hurricanes like 'Catrina'. Much of our Earth was either flooded or dry. Perhaps by 2050 it will be 2°c.
Now I ask what can I do? I don't know.