Russia was angered by Ukraine aligning itself to the west, they are preparing to join the EU and NATO. Russia sent thousands of troops and tanks close to the Ukraine Border, the Eastern border of Ukraine is lined with weapons and trained soldiers and they have enough for an invasion. There was an exchange of threats but right now there is a standoff. There is a lot of tension and no one knows what will happen.
Throughout January, the James Webb Telescope was unfolding itself as it was heading to a place called L2, where Earth's gravity balances out with other forces, it is very far from Earth and takes a rocket one month to get there. When the James Webb telescope arrived, it was fully unfolded, now all that is left is the mirrors and lenses to be adjusted, that will take about 3 months.
Joe Rogan invited vaccine skeptic doctors onto his podcast talkshow to discuss vaccines, the musician Neil Young boycotted the platform, he removed his music from Spotify. He said he won't share a platform with Joe Rogan, In my view he was trying to topple his podcast talkshow and I didn't like that. I understand why he did it though, if you convince a group of people not to get vaccinated and some of them die from the disease, you are partly responsible for their death. I have nothing against Joe or Neil myself.
Happy February ?