Wednesday, 3 August 2022

Bad dream finally stops

I think we were all given a gift of premonition but we don't listen to our unconscious minds; a machine like side of us that persistently looks for answers. 

I had a dream that repeated about six times on six nights. It was a deluge of rain causing a large object to dislodge and fall down, the object was very much like a hill. The hill caused other problems when it dropped that was a danger to many people in the world. I saw stuff being push sideways and thrown outward. The amount of rain falling in this place was very unusual, it behaved like a lubricant because the object was stuck in place and couldn't move. When it rained constantly for a long time, it broke free and triggered a deadly chain reaction. 

We are worried about war and disease but we are not worried about what the Earth can itself can do to us. We are just little specks compared to the world around us. Just Specks... We are almost nothing. Why do we look down at other people when our lives are so short.  

The good thing is the dream has stopped now, I don't want to think about the dangers that surround us. If nothing happens then I will be pleased because my sleeping dream was horrible. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...