Tuesday, 2 August 2022

July 2022

At the start of July 2022 Boris Johnson was unable to hold down a working team in government because they were all spontaneously resigning from cabinet duty. The reason was because they thought Boris' government were unlawful and unethical. He had no option but to resign as leader and start the 3rd conservative Leadership race. By the end of the month we were aware that one of two people would get the job; we now know it will be Rishi Sunak or Liz Truss. 
By the middle of the month we had record high temperatures and from the 19th onwards, Britain recorded temperatures of 40°C for the first time that we know of. Throughout the world vegetation dried up and burned up because of dry weather and careless human behaviour. 

The new space telescope called 'James Webb' was working well and we saw things we never saw before, we saw light that was transmitted 10 billion years ago, 5 billon years before the earth and sun formed. We learned that Galaxies flatten themselves into a disk shape as soon as they form and many other things like that. There is so much insight coming from their web site jwst.nasa.gov right now. 

On my birthday I was given a smart watch as a gift, to me it was amazing because I could see my blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen level and steps taken any time I wanted. It is like having a computer on your wrist. I never knew my average resting heart rate was 75 beats per minute, now I know. I never knew that my blood pressure was normally 112 over 72, now I know. I never knew my blood oxygen level was 98% in the day time and 99% when I sleep. I could take a reading from my phone without touching my watch and look at my health data without touching the watch because my phone and watch are both connected. 

During the last week of July we learned that the ports were not prepared for Brexit because they didn't have enough passport inspectors to keep up with the flow of people going on holiday so many people were held up by hours and days before their holidays started, ouch. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...