Friday, 13 January 2023

Lisa Presley Dies

I recently learned that Elvis Presley's Daughter passed away because of a heart attack. I feel pity for her friends and Family. I think about death every day because it can't be avoided. One day my luck will run out and my life in this world will end. I'm only one bad cell away from Cancer and one blood clot away from stroke. Every day I'm alive is good luck. 

At the time Lisa Presley Died, I was thinking about Prestige-Alan, an alter ego of me that doesn't exist. A version of me that is famous. He would have nothing useful to say. He would just laugh if someone said something he didn't like about him and turn rumours about him into a joke. The reason I was thinking this way was because Prince Harry released a book about the Royal family, he reminds me of Princes Fergy. If he was concerned about privacy and the press, then why the book and the Netflix series? I don't know. I have nothing personal against prince Harry, or Prince William. 

I think the most important thing in this life is to live a life free of hate and grudges. To be pleasing to the creator. It is more important to be righteous than to be popular. I hope that I avoid being pompous through the remainder off my life. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...