Tuesday, 10 January 2023

One third of January

One third of January passed by, just like that. It goes by too quickly for me. It was filled with lots of thoughts. I wondered if they ever tried to make a car that runs on dry ice. Frozen Carbon Dioxide goes straight from ice to gas when it heats up. I thought that when it turns into a gas, it is still cold and has a lot of room for expansion. You could have a heat exchanger that mixes warm air with dry ice co2 to produce a lot of expansion. At the same time there would be contraction from air mixed and even that could be harnessed. 

Then I was thinking how rivers are full of kinetic energy and they are very long. Some of the water from the river could be syphoned off into aquaducts and used to turn lots of water wheels below the ground close to river banks. Yet we turn to wind all the time, most of the rivers are always flowing but the wind doesn't always blow. I don't get the logic. 

Then I was thinking about if they dropped tinned baked beans near an enemy in war and they made it look like a mistake. The enemy would eat the beans and fart. "Faaaaart" then "bang". Fart Fart, bang bang. Fart location, they would shoot at the farting. Who cares if my thoughts are silly? I don't care. One day there will be no thoughts in my brain, just decay; it would be as if my thoughts never existed. 

I was also thinking about the Chromecast a lot. I was wondering if it can handle a graphically demanding game without slowing down too much. My TV has a frame rate of 50 hertz but the Chromecast was running at 60 hertz, I slowed it down and the image was the same, it was working hard for nothing. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...