Monday, 23 January 2023

Stern Day

Jacob, my Son. 
We recently learned that the police force in the UK have some personnel that are unlawful. They arrested a cop that was committing sex offences. I was wondering if the profession attracts bad people or they just have some bad people amoungst them just like every profession. We had a radio presenter that was raping children, we had a doctor that was murdering patients for example. I thought it may be the other way around, there are fewer harmful police officers than harmful personnel in other professions. Perhaps it's more rare to find a bad cop than a bad teacher for example. I try not to think about it much; I only think about the issue when it becomes news. 

I like to play computer games on my phone and on our TV. I was looking at the Evercade website the other day and thought they don't have any cartridges that I want. If they produce a cartridge with all the 'commander keen' computer games from the '90s, I would think about buying the system. I also have some computer games I play on my phone. I think girls self-harm themselves more than boys because boys play computer games more. Girls look at other girls on social media and feel like their value is based on their outward appearance, boys just like doing difficult missions on their computer games and don't have time for all that nonsense. That is the one thing most boys have over most girls, their mind set on what they are doing and not on their perceived value. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...