Friday, 3 November 2023

What October 27 Means to me

This post was delayed because I had a flu infection and was sick for a week. There is a virus going around and it is a nuisance. I couldn't do very much and my small family were sick. I think it's amazing that viruses can't move but they're transmitted by the infected body. Our bodies make antibodies that attach to the virus and disable them; it is like giving a disease to a disease. To me that is amazing. 

At the end of the first week of October, there was an attack on Israel by Hamas. Then Israel attacked parts of Gaza. Christianity is the only religion that is native to Israel. The Jewish religion started in the edge of Egypt where the Asian and African continents meet. Islam Started somewhere in the Arabian peninsula. Christianity started in Israel while it was occupied by Rome after Jesus was resurrected in the 1st century. Jesus taught us to love our enemies and to forgive everyone that wronged us. I hope that Jesus comes back and brings righteousness and peace to Earth. 
I was shocked by all the selective outrage throughout the month, people didn't seem to care much about the Ukraine and Russia conflict, they didn't care about Armenia losing land to Azerbaijan. They didn't care about the Sudan Civil war, they didn't care about the Myanmar military coup, I guess come conflicts are more important than others to some people. 

I tried to keep it all out of my mind, I would read blogs about space and try to keep my mind on Jesus. He will wipe away every tear and bring peace. I can't do anything, I'm just an ordinary man. No one listens to me. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...