Sunday, 3 June 2018


Last month the Irish community voted to abolish their anti abortion law. Abortion is a very complicated issue and sometimes it is not clear what is wrong and what is right.

There are people in this world that would love to invent the time machine or take a Delorian with a flux capacitor back in time and abolish the law in the past, those people remind me of the "John Smith" agent in the movie called "The Matrix". In the matrix, the world we live in is a simulation and our senses are plugged into a computer program. John Smith is a bad villian because he rebels against the system and hates mankind. Neo Defeated the John Smith program by letting it kill him or take him over because the code that allowed John Smith to defy death was running inside his body. When John Smith killed Neo, he killed the software that kept him alive. His eyes shined and he exploded and freed all the people he had infected. This is a strange twist of the grandfather paradox you see. If you abolished abortion in the past then perhaps one of your ancestors would get aborted and you would shine and evaporate like the John Smith agent in the Matrix movie,  So be careful what you wish for.


The question I have is where do you draw the line? There is a point when life that is aborted is no longer a non sentient mass of tissues floating in the womb but a small person. Where do you draw the line?

In my view, I don't know if it is right or wrong to allow abortion. The only thing is that I would reduce the time limit to 10 weeks because the sex of the fetus is undefined at that stage and some people use the gender of the baby as grounds for abortion. Perhaps if someone's lifestyle changes while they are pregnant and they feel like the baby will have a hard life then they maybe trying to pause their family until circumstances are better. Or perhaps they were raped or the baby has a defect that puts both their lives at risk.

Life is a gift so if you can the please avoid abortion. That is all I can say.

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