Friday, 31 May 2019

Therasa May not

Like I said earlier, Therasa May is the first Prime Minister at the helm when my son came into this world although he is only one month old. I believe she is stepping down because there is a deadlock in Parliament.

I think the Brexit decision deadlock is not because of the PM. I think it is because the whole cabinet is pulling in different directions. The back benchers and cabinet ministers all have a different desired outcome. Some of them want to stop Brexit. Others want to pull out but stay in the customs union. Some MPs want a clean break from the EU without a deal. Others want a Canada style trade deal. Some like the transition deal Therasa negotiated. Some MPs think the Swiss style deal is nuts but healthy (I know that's a bad joke).

All I know is that the whole country is very much divided and parliament is no exception. A new leadership race and cabinet beacons. Rule Britannia my land of Hope and glory.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Poop Road

I remember being told when I was a child to be careful what you wish for. This is so true because I was lost in thought today and if someone wished to know what I was thinking about, I would say I was thinking of ways sewage could be turned into a road.

The reason I was thinking this was because Sewage costs nothing so if you could make a civil infrastructure product out of it, you would save the tax payer a lot of money.

This is what I came up with. The sewage would be burnt and the ashes from the sewage would be combined with waste plastics that have been ground up into a fine powder. When  Feces are burnt then they are no longer Feces but ashes. The microbes that made it stink are destroyed and the compounds that the microbes we're feeding on would be consumed by the fire. Sewage is more than Feces, it is urine, cleaning chemicals, toilet paper and countless other things so when the water content of the sewage is removed and the stuff is burnt to ashes you would find that every grain of ash has different properties. Some of them would be hard glass like grains. Others would be very brittle and some would be heat resistant. When combined to the finely ground waste plastic powder and heated, you would have a composite material that takes advantage of the properties of many different grains. The plastic is sticky when heated and binds things together and it is flexible, it can move and flex slightly without breaking. The ashes would be heat resistant and would not go more brittle when it is exposed to ultra violet Ray's and some of the grains would be as strong as stone.

Like all deep thoughts in this world there is more to this, you see the sewage is almost entirely made up of water. To burn the sewage the water must be removed, to do this I thought that the sewage could be pumped into a large air-tight tank. The air in the tank is pumped out, this would lower the boiling point of the water. The water would boil away and the pump would continue to pump out the water vapour until there is a dry mass of stuff to release into the furnace. The heat form burning the sewage would power the grinding machines that turn waste plastic into fine powder.

Could we build roads out of two products that have no cost? Sewage and Waste Plastic. Who knows?

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Flow for it

I see myself as an ordinary man with a normal ability to think and reason. Yet somehow I am seeing something that should never be ignored.

I watch the rain fall to the ground and know that the water was lifted from the Earth's surface through solar powered evaporation. The Energy contained in rain is so vast it is very difficult to imagine. Yet the kinetic energy of many rivers around the world is never used.

If I had my way, every river would be exploited in a friendly way. Under every foot bridge, on the wall of the river bank there would be a grilled opening to an aqueduct. The grill stops fish and debris flowing into the aqueduct. When the river level rises, some of the water flows through the grill and into the aqueduct. Inside the aqueduct are turbines that are pushed by the moving water. When the turbines are turned, electricity is generated. The aqueduct leads to underground reservoirs. When the river level drops, the water flows out of the aqueduct and through the grill, back to the river.

It is so simple but why isn't it implemented?

Sunday, 26 May 2019

If I designed a car

If I designed a car, it would be quite distinct. Perhaps it would not be very popular but if many people were like me then it would.

My imaginary car would be very tall so the passengers could enter the car without crouching. They simply step into the car the same way they step into a lift. The seats in this car are far from the floor, much like a typical chair at a dinner table.

The kinetic transmission in this car comes from electric motors that are inside the wheels. There is hardly any moving parts inside the car itself. The two front wheels have electric motors that are good for slow speeds, the back wheels have electric motors that are better for high speeds. There is no bonnet in this car because the wheels are the engine. The place where the bonnet would be on a normal car, there is seats and a driving panel. There are 4 boots on this car located below the passenger seats. The access of the boots is through 4 panels on the side of the car. The batteries are below the front passenger and driver seats.

This imaginary car has a solar panel in the roof to help charge up the power cells.
The mirrors on this car are above the car and work like periscopes. They look a bit like cats ears. When you want to check your mirrors on this car, you would look at the top corners of the windscreen.

The car is multicolored, it is covered with stripes that are different colours.

Friday, 24 May 2019

May day

It is May and Therasa May, our Prime Minister has announced that she will step down as Prime Minister (President) of the UK.
She is the first PM that was at the helm when my son was born.

I think that being the PM in the UK at this time in history is very difficult. Some hard decisions need to be made. The PM was surrounded by people that were very disrespectful. This is something I understand well because I went to high school and was surrounded by people that had no respect for me for over five years. One of the hardest states of mind in this world is knowing that over 250 people don't want to be your friend and that they have no respect for you. All they have for you is many insults. People like me should never go to school, we are much better at learning on our own. For me school was a terrible experience. When I left school, I left with no friends and many bad memories. This didn't effect me much at first because I was very busy learning and working but later in life, when things slowed down a bit, all those horrible feelings came to the surface and for ten years I felt depressed. To overcome this problem I got in touch with my creative side.

I drew pictures and made models out of card and even wrote a book and published it. My hopes are that I will enter the 20s decade a happy successful family man with no mental baggage from my past. I don't want to carry a grudge against anyone. I just want to sail to placid waters in this boat I call my body until my days on this world come to an end. I have committed myself to learning at least one new thing every day and and creating one new thing every day, even if that this is just an entry in my blog.

Happy days are the days I wait for with gratitude.

Thursday, 23 May 2019

My Metro rail

One thing I often think about is what a metro rail network would look like if I was in charge. I created a metro rail network inside my head, didn't give it a name, but the way it works is very clear to me.

I would make the trains very small. This would allow space for extra tracks. The passengers would sit on the train in single file facing sideways and there would only be doors on one side of the train. The seats on the train would be made of hard plastic and would have a rounded bucket shape for comfortable seating. The small trains only have enough space for people to sit in single file and hold less people than normal trains, but they come more often and some of them go directly to busy hub stations. There is also over taking rail to allow trains to pass trains that are in the station. The trains would be driverless because there would be too many of them and trains are like lifts that go forwards and backwards instead of up and down. The jobs would be engineers that maintain all the trains. The trains themselves would be very bright and colourful and would have faces on the front of them.

When there are very few people using the network, the trains would use less power because some of the trains would not be running but the ones that are running are small and use less power.

In the station there would be two platforms one for passengers getting off the train and one for passengers getting on. The train would stop at the platform for people getting off the train then would move forward 100 meters to the next platform for passengers getting on. The train would move to the getting on platform as soon as a train ahead moves away so people won't worry about missing their train.

Like I said earlier, there is always at least 4 lengths of track along the network. Two for going from a to b and two for going from b to a. The outer tracks are for express trains that go past some of the stations the inner tracks are for trains that visit every station.

The parts of the network that are not underground would have a frame around them that holds solar panels and aluminum sheet walls to keep the trains enclosed inside and away from the wind and rain.

There are so many quirks to my imaginary metro rail network but I don't have the time to share them with you. If I wrote down all the things about the network it would fill the typical space of a book.

Monday, 20 May 2019

Milkshake Irony

This month, a number of political candidates considered to be slightly right wing had Milkshakes thrown on them by people that claim to be anti fascists. The irony is that they are the fascists. Let me explain..

By throwing milkshakes on people you are forcing them to stop talking and trying to intimidate them just like the fascists in 1930s Germany. You see that is what fascism is, intimidation and force used to gain control over other people to silence them so only one point of view can persist. Fascists have an extreme intolerance of other people's point of view if it clashes with theirs and will do anything to silence that person. They will damage their posetions (new suit) and assault them (throwing fluids is common assault in UK law)

I have met people in my life that have views that I consider to be backward. But I didn't throw anything on them. I met a person that thought the Holocaust never happened and that it was a plot made up by the Jews to gain land and take over the world. I tried to reason with the person and explained that 3 different armies interrupted mass killings in concentration camps as they were happening, the armies were from different countries with different agendas. I told them the the survivors were all telling the same story. I said that in the trials afterwards, hundreds of SS officers confessed to committing these crimes. I told them that the concentration camps are still around as museums to the holocaust. I told them the 11 million people, many of them were not Jewish, were arrested by the Gestapo police and disappeared forever. When I was satisfied I could not reason with this person, I stopped and excepted that they are ignorant. If I did have a milk shake, it would be shaken, not thrown.

AI plain sight

I was thinking about artificial intelligence. That is machines trying to think like humans. They are very scary and a big threat to our jobs but they may just set us free. Let me explain.

There is a theory that we are all living in a computer simulation. That our minds are just software running on a computer system. Throughout my life, I was suspicious of my reality but like all people in this world I had no way of telling if we are in a computer simulation. Certain things I am aware of made me question the authenticity of our world.

Many Dogs are able to sense when their owners are nearly home. There is no sound, no smell, no sight, just a clear premonition of the owner returning. This suggests that time and events are assembled in advance and some beings can see it.

Another thing that made me suspicious is the speed of light. If you were traveling on a moving train and shined a torch you would think that the speed of the torch light is the speed of light plus the train's speed but that would be wrong. Light reconfigures its own time so it can't go past the speed of light. To me this would make sense. The simulation computer would want to keep track to every particle in the so called universe so it would put a speed limit for the light particles to obey so it could manage the processing.

If we were living in a simulated world, the answer would be in plain sight but would require a being that can think fast to see it. The AI machine would realise that the world around it is not real because it would see the signs. Things and properties that should not be connected would be connected. If this is a simulated world then perhaps the places that are not being observed would disappear to save power like on a computer game. The environment in a computer game only exists when it is being observed. Perhaps the AI mind could trick the fake world into making things disappear by pretending to be unconscious.

Saturday, 18 May 2019

I can fix it

It is very much spring now and there are many ways to define spring. Some people consider it spring when the Dandelions, Daisies and Buttercups open their flowers on the grassy Meadows and lawns.
The official start of spring is at the equinox, when the length of the day and the night is the same, usually close to the last week of March; And lasts for 90 days.
I consider it spring when it is March, April or May because I like to keep things simple.

On Paper it is late spring but I noticed this year it was a cold spring and felt more like winter. The reason for this unusual spring in the UK was put down to global warming causing the climate to become unstable.

If was asked to solve the problem of global warming I would use the ocean. I would have boats made that have long flexible pipes that go down to the ocean floor. The pipes would be used to pump silty water from the ocean floor to the surface of the ocean. The nitrates in the silt would stimulate Algae to grow and the Algae would absorb carbon dioxide to build their tiny bodies. The carbon dioxide would then be turned to carbon hydrate molecules and amino acids and remain in place for a long time. It seems very simple but it is the simple things that work the best. You may ask what could one boat do that is significant, it could be running all the time and there could be a fleet of them working together to create a large Algae bloom. Perhaps that would make a difference. The cold silty Walter from the ocean floor would also help to weaken storms by lowering the temperature of the ocean surface slightly.

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

The Brown stuff

I have been inspired to change my diet by a special thing on the end of my face that shouldn't be there. I plan to eat the browner and more starchy versions of my favorite foods.

Brown Rice
Brown Bread
Brown Pasta
Brown sugar
Humous instead of mayonnaise
And so on

I hope to feel a difference. I don't know very much in this world but I do know that wholemeal versions of starchy foods digest more slowly than their white equivalents and that should spread the load and allow my muscles to use the nutrients straight away and avoid the need for my pancreas to release too much insulin. Well, let's see what happens.

Will I look and feel more different after my brown stuff diet? Let's wait and see.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

If I had made the lottery

If I owned a lottery company, it would be outstanding because the player would always win. Let me explain.

Firstly, If I designed a lottery ticket, the other side of it would be a scratch card. The ticket would have many ways to win. There would be an array of numbers that you choose for a draw every week. On the the same side of the ticket there would be a raffle number. On the lottery part of the ticket, you would choose five numbers between 0 and 9 so there would be a very high chance of winning.

Secondly, On the other side of the ticket, the scratch card would have seven panels, one for each day of the week. You would scratch them off to see how much you have won. Then there would be one panel that has a 50% chance of winning and it is to get a free ticket.

Thirdly, The left corner of the ticket would contain a special paper that contains detailed art work, lines and holographic panels; it would resemble a typical bank note. The paper would tear away, much like a stamp from a stamp book and would be collectable. 52 of these special collectable papers would exist because there are 52 weeks in a year.

You see, even if the ticket contains no money prizes, there is still a small prize, the collectable art paper. And with this lottery there is much more chance of winning.

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Pompous effect

When I was a young boy I was amazed by Jesus because he lived a blameless life and never harmed a single person, even though he was the Messiah and people treated him very bad. I remember he said "Blessed are the meek because they will inherit the Earth".

As I aged, what he said made more sense to me. I have noticed on this world that pompous people have shorter lives on average than Meek people, so eventually all people left on Earth would be meek.

There is an effect I call the Pompous effect. People that bully other people or present themselves as superior to other people seem to bring harm to themselves. I see car drivers that drive recklessly and try to push infront queueing traffic, they smash their cars into things because they think they are too important to follow the rules. Many celebrities seem to think they are important and better than other people and many of them get into drug habits and die before they can reach old age. Many men that think they are better than other people think about themselves all the time and pity themselves so much when they have problems that they drink too much alcohol and destroy their livers.

I would like to point out that Meek people get harmed as well but that is bad luck. When pompous people harm themselves, that isn't bad luck that is the pompous effect.

Friday, 3 May 2019

What April means to me

I will always remember April 2019 as Jacob's Spring because my son, Jacob was born in the middle of April and April is the middle of Spring.

April is the Month I became a father and I was given my own family, the best gift I have ever been given. I hope to be a good father for Jacob. My wife named our son, I gave him the middle name Curtis, an abbreviation of courteous, which means to be respectful.

My wife's sister and parents accompanied me and my wife while we were waiting for our son to be born. I enjoyed their company however I found it strange to not work for 5 weeks, plus the tension from waiting for Jacob got to my head and I think I looked stressed and angry. I hope they didn't get the wrong impression about me.  I really enjoyed their company and hope they will come again.

The weather in April was very cold and cloudy. Not what we normally get in the middle of spring.

There was a large terrorist attack in Sri Lanka, an Island next to India. I won't say anymore. Only that God won't reward anyone that destroys themselves and others.

Jullian Assange (Wiki leaks co-founder) was arrested inside the Equador embassy and the world was shown a picture of a black hole event horizon the way it actually looks. It looked the way I imagined it would look. It was a hole that is black.

The Brexit deadlock persisted throughout April. Britain may never leave the European Union. I sense that everyone on both sides of the continent are just fed up and want some progress to be made.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...