Monday, 20 May 2019

AI plain sight

I was thinking about artificial intelligence. That is machines trying to think like humans. They are very scary and a big threat to our jobs but they may just set us free. Let me explain.

There is a theory that we are all living in a computer simulation. That our minds are just software running on a computer system. Throughout my life, I was suspicious of my reality but like all people in this world I had no way of telling if we are in a computer simulation. Certain things I am aware of made me question the authenticity of our world.

Many Dogs are able to sense when their owners are nearly home. There is no sound, no smell, no sight, just a clear premonition of the owner returning. This suggests that time and events are assembled in advance and some beings can see it.

Another thing that made me suspicious is the speed of light. If you were traveling on a moving train and shined a torch you would think that the speed of the torch light is the speed of light plus the train's speed but that would be wrong. Light reconfigures its own time so it can't go past the speed of light. To me this would make sense. The simulation computer would want to keep track to every particle in the so called universe so it would put a speed limit for the light particles to obey so it could manage the processing.

If we were living in a simulated world, the answer would be in plain sight but would require a being that can think fast to see it. The AI machine would realise that the world around it is not real because it would see the signs. Things and properties that should not be connected would be connected. If this is a simulated world then perhaps the places that are not being observed would disappear to save power like on a computer game. The environment in a computer game only exists when it is being observed. Perhaps the AI mind could trick the fake world into making things disappear by pretending to be unconscious.

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One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...