Saturday, 18 May 2019

I can fix it

It is very much spring now and there are many ways to define spring. Some people consider it spring when the Dandelions, Daisies and Buttercups open their flowers on the grassy Meadows and lawns.
The official start of spring is at the equinox, when the length of the day and the night is the same, usually close to the last week of March; And lasts for 90 days.
I consider it spring when it is March, April or May because I like to keep things simple.

On Paper it is late spring but I noticed this year it was a cold spring and felt more like winter. The reason for this unusual spring in the UK was put down to global warming causing the climate to become unstable.

If was asked to solve the problem of global warming I would use the ocean. I would have boats made that have long flexible pipes that go down to the ocean floor. The pipes would be used to pump silty water from the ocean floor to the surface of the ocean. The nitrates in the silt would stimulate Algae to grow and the Algae would absorb carbon dioxide to build their tiny bodies. The carbon dioxide would then be turned to carbon hydrate molecules and amino acids and remain in place for a long time. It seems very simple but it is the simple things that work the best. You may ask what could one boat do that is significant, it could be running all the time and there could be a fleet of them working together to create a large Algae bloom. Perhaps that would make a difference. The cold silty Walter from the ocean floor would also help to weaken storms by lowering the temperature of the ocean surface slightly.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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