Monday, 20 May 2019

Milkshake Irony

This month, a number of political candidates considered to be slightly right wing had Milkshakes thrown on them by people that claim to be anti fascists. The irony is that they are the fascists. Let me explain..

By throwing milkshakes on people you are forcing them to stop talking and trying to intimidate them just like the fascists in 1930s Germany. You see that is what fascism is, intimidation and force used to gain control over other people to silence them so only one point of view can persist. Fascists have an extreme intolerance of other people's point of view if it clashes with theirs and will do anything to silence that person. They will damage their posetions (new suit) and assault them (throwing fluids is common assault in UK law)

I have met people in my life that have views that I consider to be backward. But I didn't throw anything on them. I met a person that thought the Holocaust never happened and that it was a plot made up by the Jews to gain land and take over the world. I tried to reason with the person and explained that 3 different armies interrupted mass killings in concentration camps as they were happening, the armies were from different countries with different agendas. I told them the the survivors were all telling the same story. I said that in the trials afterwards, hundreds of SS officers confessed to committing these crimes. I told them that the concentration camps are still around as museums to the holocaust. I told them the 11 million people, many of them were not Jewish, were arrested by the Gestapo police and disappeared forever. When I was satisfied I could not reason with this person, I stopped and excepted that they are ignorant. If I did have a milk shake, it would be shaken, not thrown.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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