Monday, 30 March 2020

What March 2020 means to me

It is the last day of March and it is true Spring. I called it Spring when I saw Daisies in the grass after the first week of March, you know what I'm like. 

It was in March 2020 when the whole world recognised the Covid 19 virus outbreak as a Pandemic infection and many countries enforced a lockdown on social activities. They put pressure on people to stay at home and only leave your home for essential things like work and buying food. 

I looked into the faces and eyes of my fellow Brits and saw anxiety. They were afraid of their monetary well being; they were worried about loosing their income.  I spent a lot of time at home myself because I fell sick and self isolated myself to protect vulnerable people from being infected. I wish everyone a good outcome and good health. 

One thing I have learned from the Pandemic is that the world economy is very brittle. A small thing like a virus can put the health of the economy in jeopardy. 

We came from a Mind

About 5 years ago I came to the conclusion that DNA and all the protein machines in our cells that interact with it came from a conscious mind. We are here because of the thoughts of a Being. 

A few years ago I downloaded an E book about how DNA works written partly by the man that discovered it. DNA is a molecule that is used to instruct Cells how to build themselves and how to make proteins from Amino acids. 

What I learned was that the DNA molecule is a code and each rung on the code can have one of 4 values using just 4 base molecules, Thymine, Cytosine, Ademine and Glytocine. The code is read by a protein machine, it reads 3 base codes at a time to form an instruction character with 64 possible combinations and that there was one character that starts a gene sequence another that finishes it. This blew my mind because it showed that our cells are like machines and every living thing on this planet has DNA that follows the same code and rules. The protein machines in my cells only read one side of the DNA rung and only in one direction and they work the same as cells in every other living thing on Earth. The nano machines in my cells read DNA the same way as plant cells, Bacteria cells and even Fungus cells. The Ribosomes are biological micro robots that work the same way in all living things. All DNA reading machines read 3 base codes at a time and follow the same codes to start and finish. They Ride the DNA like a zip and even use the instructions in the DNA to make more of them. 

This caused me to think that DNA and all the micro protein machines that interacts with it came from a Mind. Life on Earth came from thoughts of a conscious Mind because the simplest part of it is precise and extremely complicated. Every part of the protein machines that interact with our DNA molecules are extremely complicated and won't work if they are incomplete. 

We came from a mind of a being, we came from thought, all life. At least that is what I think. 

Saturday, 28 March 2020

Do a Winslow

The movie franchise police academy was very popular in the 80s and 90s. There is one character on there that stands out, Lourel Jones played by Michael Winslow. He was the guy that would make sound effects with his mouth, he was able to initiate any machine or device with his mouth. 

I think that everyone has a bit of Michael Winslow inside them and they do a Winslow, they try to make a beep sound or try to imitate the sound of their kettle boiling. 

Friday, 27 March 2020

Mental health pandemic

One thing I have noticed is that many Brits seem to be stressed and suffering their own mental hell. They are afraid of the outcome of this Lockdown and feel helpless, they don't know what is going to happen to them. All I can do for my fellow Brits is try to give you some comfort. 

You are not free to go outside so try to play computer games and read about things that have nothing to do with the virus and watch videos of people making things on youtube and perhaps a few mystery shows on Netflix about solving crimes. Some favourite books of mine are Holocaust Memoirs, paranormal books and back stories to sci fi movies. The Bible book of Daniel is also very interesting. 

Keep your chin up and try not to think about the chaos that is happening all around you. If this blog gives you comfort then feel welcome to read it and if does nothing for you then don't read it, it is just a blog and I won't feel sad if no one reads it. 

Remember to pray my friend. Tell God how you feel and get it all off your chest. 

Thursday, 26 March 2020

Noisy cars

If there is one thing that really gets on my nerves it is when people modify their cars to be noisy and they make as much noise as possible as late as possible. 

It can be very difficult to get a baby to sleep. You have to rock the baby on your shoulder for more than 20 minutes and gently sing a lullaby. When you finally get your infant child to sleep you don't want to hear the sound of a noisy car outside waking the baby up. 

What people do is they remove the exhaust pipe on their car and put a bigger one on the car that has fewer mufflers, you can hear the cylinders in the car burning and sputtering because the sound is no longer being muffled. They also put very loud speakers in the car because everyone wants to hear their shitty music blasting out. Then they add a turbo charger but it doesn't fit engine area so they change the hood door so it has a dent to fit the turbo charger, so now the noisy cylinders have a more compressed fuel mix to make even more noise with. Finally they over rev the engine while they are waiting at the lights so every person can hear their cylinders sputtering and their noisy drum music playing. 

Some people only think about themselves, they don't think about other people. They don't care that they are disturbing people's infants so they have to work harder to get their child to sleep again. or maybe someone is just watching something on TV and they don't want to hear their horrible noises. They don't care, they disturb everyone. 

Happy places

There are two happy places that I am thinking of right now. I don't want to be sad, I want to be happy. 

One Happy place is sitting Infront of my small TV in my room and playing Conduit on my Nintendo. Conduit reminds me of Halo. It is a very fun game and has a similar look and feel to Halo.  I would play the network part of the game so I would shoot people's avatar in first person mode and they would shoot me. I would pick a map and a game mode and weapon set and the other players would do the same then the computer would randomly pick which configuration to play with. I always choose explosive weapon set , Marathon mode and the streets map, the streets map was just one street with little buildings and ledges for people to stand on. The explosive weapon set was a Rocket propelled grenade (RPG) gun and Marathon mode was every man for himself for 10 minutes with unlimited respawns. The secondary gun on the explosive weapon set was a plasma gun. Many people had no use for that gun except for me. I found it worked well shooting up staircases and over ledges behind a wall. I would use the plasma gun to pick off people that were hiding at the top of a staircase in ambush. I would know they are there because of my radar screen. I was a good player in my own eyes because I always found a use for the secondary gun in each weapon set and would always take out people that were hiding in ambush. The network part of the game is gone now. 

Another place I am thinking of is Abbey Park in Torquay. When I first got my driving licence in my 20s, I went back to a favourite childhood holiday place for the booth family. The Hotel we would go to every year was gone. It had been demolished and turned into flats but there was a special park that is still there, abbey park. Abbey park in toquary is a hidden paradise. It has a river flowing through it and a small forest and several lakes. It had lots of hills and I felt it was a place of outstanding natural beauty that few people are aware of. Many people don't know that there is a place called Abbey park in Torquay Devon UK and many people never will. When they Visit Britain they go to London and never know there are little pockets of natural beauty throughout the island. 

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Watching crafts

It is spring 2020 and I will call it the lockdown Spring because many countries around the planet have imposed a lockdown to stop covid19 spreading. People can't leave their homes freely. Here in Britain we are only allowed outside to work, get food and go to hospital, essential things like that. 

For me the best way to get through a lockdown is to go on youtube and watch people make things. I love to watch people make lamps and tables using Epoxy resin and to make clever little things out of plastic bottles, stuff like that. I also love to write blog entries and make my own drawings, I rarely share them but do like to draw pictures, by my own standards my artwork is in need of improvement but that is the wonder of having such a hobby, seeing how much better you can be. 

I will write out some lockdown keywords for youtube to help you my friend get through this pandemic. They are ...

Epoxy resin 
Epoxy resin project
Epoxy resin lamp 
Epoxy resin table 
Home made fountain
Cleaver home craft toys 
Home made game 
DIY project 

The beauty of this list is that you don't need sound. You can play it with the sound off if you have a baby sleeping nearby. 
Keep your chin up and try not to think about the chaos that is happening all around you. 

May God keep us safe. 

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Personal flight

I was thinking about personal flight and how many small propeller cartridges would be needed to lift my weight. I weigh 95 killograms. If a small cartridge was able to lift about 500 grams then you would need over 190 of them to lift my weight. To be safe I would say about 200 would be good enough because you need to allow for the added net weight from all the devices plus anything you are carrying and you would need a little bit more power anyway for extra control. 

One propeller cartridge is two propellers that spin in opposite directions, they are both powered by the same electric motor. Although they spin in the opposite direction they both push the air in the same way. They are nested in a small grill to stop the little propellers from hitting anything around them. 

The device I have in my head would be a kind of rigid shirt that has propeller cartridges built into it that fold outward when flight mode it switched on. I dream of trying to make such a thing. Perhaps it could be a back pack with an umbrella type thing that folds out. 

Monday, 23 March 2020

After Violet

One thing I often wonder is what ultra violet light actually looks like. We can't see ultra violet light because it won't go through the lenses on our Eyes and we don't have cells that will detect that light directly. I was thinking that if ultra violet light was visible then it wouldn't be violet, it would be a completely different colour that we can't imagine. Ultra violet light is very thin, much thinner than the cells in your retina and Infra red light is thicker than the cells in the retina. 

Not only would we see an extra colour. We would see several because there would be different mixtures with ultra violet light present. Ultra violet and yellow mixed together would make yet another colour. 

Sunday, 22 March 2020

Current state

If I were to describe the world today I would say it was very much like a woman in labour. Distressing events pulsate through the world and they are all coordinated as if they were connected by one body with one distress. This Year in winter it rained incessantly for 3 months until the rivers could no longer cope and overflowed in old world continents like Europe. At the same time in the new world continents like south America and Australia there was very large bush and forest fires. Then there was a vast locust swarm that consumed many people's crops and at the same time a virus called Covid19 emerged and spread around the world and caused companiess assets and stocks to be less valuable while killing many people.

The whole planet is connected in ways that I don't understand and everything seems to work together as one. 

It is like a big event is about to happen that will change the world forever. 

Saturday, 21 March 2020

Atlantic Catamaran

I was wondering if it was feasible to travel to America by boat, by Catamaran boat to be more specific. Well. All you need is a few stats and the calculator app on your phone to see. (Or just a calculator) 


There are 5,585 km between London and New York, that is 3,470 Miles. It's probably a bit more than that by boat because you have to go around Kent. 

Very large  and modern Catamarans can travel at speeds of around 80 killometers per hour or 50 miles per hour. 

Is it feasible? 

Well, no. You would be at sea for more than 2 days and then more than 2 days coming back again. I think people wouldn't want to spend 5 days at sea to go on a trip. Plus the cost of paying the crew for more than 2 days would add up so it wouldn't be significantly cheaper than flying there. Unless you made them go faster so they did the trip overnight or inside one day. The large ones that would take passengers don't go anywhere near the speed needed to cross the Atlantic in one day. 

You would need to travel nearly 150miles or per hour , 230 killometers per hour constantly just to reach America , but you can't because you would be crossing busy shipping lanes. You would need to slow down and be prepared to stop at certain points. Perhaps if they went to Bristol instead of London they would fare better. 

That's my verdict. With today's technology it isn't feasible to travel to from Europe to America by boat. You won't save much money and there would be many costs that emerge to the company providing the service. 

Friday, 20 March 2020

stay humble

Jacob, my Son. 
For the last 6 days I have been sick with a fever and dry cough and all my strength was gone. It takes all my strength just to stand up to use the toilet. I gave the virus to you and your mum unintentionally, you were both sick. 

This is how your second spring has started. Your Dad was sick and your mum was sick and you were sick. The whole world was facing a pandemic. 

I would say always be humble because every day something small can destroy your glory, take every day as it comes and try to be happy. The most important thing in this world is good health. You need good health to live well in this world so take care of your body. Eat foods that fill you up, don't have too much salt or sugar. I have developed a taste for vegtable soup because that is the only thing I can eat fully right now, my throat is enflamed. 

Sunday, 15 March 2020

Mild Day

Jacob, my Son. 
If you are the type of person that associates a disaster with a song and a food item then you may have inherited that from me. 

I associate the Corona virus outbreak with the song Nessun Dorma and the food item spring rolls. 
I made every part of that song fit the disaster in my head. The song comes from Italy, Italy got the virus early and had a lockdown in Europe first. Nessun Dorma means no sleep in Italian. People are afraid so they have trouble sleeping. At the end of the song he sings vincero forcefully, vincero means I win, most people's immune systems win against the infection. He sings  at Sunrise I win. The word Corona is related to the sun. The song is about a princes that has locked herself away because of a romantic dispute. People are getting locked in their apartments to stop the virus. 

The food item spring rolls are associated with the Chinese. The virus first emerged in China. Spring rolls are brittle, the global economy also seems to be brittle, a microscopic virus is enough to cause it vast damage. People are buying lots of toilet rolls as they panic and spring rolls as also rolls. Some people will be able to blow their nose and wipe their bum and cry for the next 5 years without going to the shops I think. 

Saturday, 14 March 2020

Tom Horn interesting

If you are like me then you would make a video playlist on youtube while you are on break to watch when you get home and rest for a while. You would save the video to watch later then use the YouTube  Chromecast button to hijack the TV and play the whole list through while you sip some coffee. 

I found an interesting topic. Tom Horn, wormwood prophecies. Tom Horn is a man that claims to have met Jesus when he was clinically dead and was shown the future. His predictions so far have come true and are very accurate. 

He seems to know some future events that will happen. It is very interesting. Some of his predictions make the Covid19 virus look like a little fly. 

He wrote a book also, I am tempted get it and read it. 

Friday, 13 March 2020

Vincero I win

I was thinking about the Italian people because they got the Corona virus before the Brits so they are 2 weeks ahead of us and the virus is surging through their communities relentlessly. 

When I think of Italy I think of the song Nessun Dorma which means No sleep. Being who I am, I made the song fit the Pandemic in my head so they are both connected. 
So I have this song stuck in my head for a while and the words now have an extra meaning to me. 

I recall Luciano Pavarotti singing Nessun Dorma (no sleep). At the end of the song he sings "all abla vincero, vinceroooo, vinceeerrrrrooooooo" (At sunrise I win, I win, I wiiiiiiiiinnnnnn.) He sings that last bit as forcefully and tone perfectly as he can and you can just feel it. Amazing memory. It symbolises the struggle people face with the infection, their bodies give the disease a disease (antibody proteins) the disease gets sick and dies and then they win and get to see the sunrise once again. 

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Spring rolls

It's spring now, at least to me it is. Officially it is spring on the 20th but I called it spring last week when I saw Dandelions, Buttercups, Daffodils and Daisys sprouting out of the grass. If I see spring flowers, it is spring. I like to keep things simple. I would even call the whole of march spring if a saw a Daisy in the grass. 

It is a strange spring. I will call it the Pandemic Corona Spring of 2020. A virus that kills between 1 and 2 percent of all the people it infects has been surging throughout the whole world and is killing many people. For some reason all the people were inspired to buy large amounts of toilet rolls. I'm not even sure that runny nose is one of the symptoms but I would say, if it floats your boat buy the coat. If it makes people feel in control to buy 150 toilet rolls then let them be. I don't even feel a need to argue really. High Street retail needs a boost these days anyway. 

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Be careful what you wish for

If you made a wish that all the biological viruses on the Earth were to disappear then you may regret that wish. 

There are many microbes on Earth that produce toxic chemicals and are capable of turning the Earth into a toxic world that can't support life if they were allowed to multiply but viruses kill them so viruses are preventing the Earth from being toxic. 

They are a gift that gives us life but occasionally new strains appear that attack us but mostly they are helping life on earth to persist. 

Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Playlist for the strained

I have made a music playlist for people that are fed up and feel like they have hit a wall in life and can't seem to make progress. It is also for people having a mid life crisis, we get those in our 30s these days. 

Play in the order shown and don't knock it until you play it my friend. All sound tracks are on youtube. 

1) I'm glad there is you, Temptations 
2) Sailing, Christopher Cross
3) Lifted, Lighthouse family 
4) Nessun Dorma, Luciano Pavarotti
5) Kumbaya My lord, any artist 

Nessun Dorma means let no one sleep in Italian I think, sums up my job. 
Kumbaya means come by here in a lost African language, the American slaves would call out to their Gods when they were made into slaves. 

Monday, 9 March 2020

4th spacial dimension

I was trying to imagine what life would be like if there was an extra spacial dimension. We live in a 3 dimensional world. Up and down. Forward and backward and side to side. 

In a 2d world you would only be able to see in 1 dimension because you have no width so you would only see a line. 

In this 3D world we see in 2D. We see a grid of pixels up and down, left and right and and we have two copies of the image from 2 eyes so we can judge distance but the image is still 2D and when we look at photos they are also 2D. When you look at a TV it is 2D but it shows a 3D world but the screen is still 2D. 

In a 4D world you would see in 3D so you would be able to see the top of your head and look at yourself sideways and forwards at the same time. In a 4D world you would be in many copies of the same  place at the same time but only be in one place when you observe yourself. That is what my imagination makes of a 4D world. In a 4d world the rules would be different I think. A 4D world is not just one place but many copies of that place at the same time. Each copies of reality is slightly different to the previous one. It would be as if you have millions of eyes. 

Sunday, 8 March 2020

If I was the Mayor

If I was the Mayor of London I would make an east to west car boat service. This is how it would work. There would be a dock in West London in the Richmond area and there would be another in Greenwich perhaps a third and forth in Gavesend and Southend. The boats burn the same fuel is 9 cars but they carry 50 cars. Tickets are £3 per car, about the cost in fuel you would spend waiting in congested traffic for an hour and there would be a space at the back of the boat to rent out for a restaurant chain like subway. 

Cars would drive and park on the boats and then the boats would move the cars across London from East to West and West to East. There would be about 25 boats running along the whole route so over a thousand cars would be taken off the road while the service is running. 

People would park on the boats and cruise the river and leave their cars if they wish to sit in the cafe area and relax. The boats would be closed off to ensure that no trash drops into the River Thames but there would be windows in the boat to allow people to look out and enjoy the view. 

Friday, 6 March 2020

Rolling Mad

I went to the shop and noticed all the toilet rolls were sold out, even the expensive scented ones. I guess if you wrap toilet paper around your head it will stop the viruses getting into your body :-p. 

It reminds me of the congestion zone in London. They charge people for driving through London to stop pollution. People go the long way around the congestion zone and clog up the M25 to avoid the congestion zone so there is even more pollution. The person that thought of the congestion zone is the same person that thinks Hitler supported Zionism. Hitler wrote a book before he came to power that accused the Jews of colluding with the Communists to destroy Germany and claimed that they should all be killed in that book. I read an English translation of Hitler's book, I know what I am writing about. Hitler may have said in a press conference that he supports a homeland of the Jews but then he also said that he will never attack Russia and he also said he only wanted to reunite the German speaking people. He attacked Russia and France shortly after those statements. Hitler was a lying machine. You can't quote anything Hitler said because it was all a lie. 

It didn't stop there, the man could not admit that he is wrong. He kept defending what he said. It is a London thing, only elect crazy fools to be a Mayor. 

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Easter Zone

The Easter zone is what I call the period of time that Easter may fall on. It falls on a different day every year but if you were born at the end of march or somewhere in April then you would be in the Easter zone. 

My son Jacob was born inside the Easter Zone in the middle of Spring. This means his birthday sometimes falls on an easter Day. The next time Easter falls on my son's birthday will be in the year 2022. He will be a 3 year old todler by that time. After then it will always be near. I think April is a very nice time of the year to have a birthday. Nice to have a birthday in the middle of Spring and inside the Easter zone. 

BBQs and Easter eggs await. 

Chilled Morning

Jacob, my son. 
Today it was cold and damp outside. We are drifting into spring and entering that fuzzy zone where spring and winter meet.  There is a killer virus going around and many people are afraid. 

Some people tell me that it is harmless because it only kills 2 percent of hosts and most of those killed are elderly. I would say that spanish flu only killed 1 percent of hosts so it is already more dangerous than the disease that killed 100 million people. And the covid19 virus hasn't adapted properly to human cells, as it mutates it will be more deadly and get better at infecting people so we may see more dangerous strains emerge very soon. 

I have lost interest in the news because I am tired of all the politics and nonsense. I just read about planets, space and science, things like that. I try to fill this world with my world. My little world is a more gentle and kind little world where creativity is the king. This little blog is a small part of my little world, gently diluting all the media that makes people angry and afraid and replacing it with a desire for enlightenment. 

I am sitting next to you right now and you are sleeping. You are still an infant at the moment but I look forward to a time when we can sit together and share leisure activities like playing Mario Cart or visiting amusement parks, whatever floats your boat I guess. I hope to teach you the joy of reading and all the things that are important to me, like having integrity and respect. 

To a world that's sick and a son that's young I send my love. 

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Hazard ass

There are many things stacked up against mankind but people are too busy saying "who's bad? , Who's bad? , Who's bad?" and giggling their..... Weapons, to notice. Or they are busy complaining about brexit if you are like 'blames-o-crying' on the radio. 

So many hazards..
Super volcanoes
Pandemic superinfections
Hostile space aliens
Unforseen sun behaviour
Global economic meltdown

Just to name a few
 and there is no preparation in place for any of them. It is like we don't care about our future. 

I do wonder sometimes. 

Monday, 2 March 2020

Covid 19

I think that the Covid 19 virus is more serious than people think. The virus is here to stay and it belongs to a family of viruses that include Sars. It mutates and even in its current form it is very dangerous, it kills more that 2 percent of the hosts. It may not kill many people now but as it mutates it will become more dangerous. 

I see Covid 19 as a warning to humanity. When you exploit and kill animals then you invite diseases into the community. This will continue to happen until we change our ways. I think we should leave the animals alone and become vegetarian and vegan. I am only vegetarian now but this has inspired me to becoming semi - vegan, a person that doesn't buy dairy products but will eat a biscuit with egg in the ingredients if it is given to me. 

Once again a strange Spring  is changing me. I have been a vegetarian for 12 years and now I am slowly turning into a vegan. Animals will be exploited and killed but I will have nothing to do it. 

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Moon favour

Some people may ask what use is the moon to mankind? I learned in the past that the Moon is doing us several very big favours. 

For example, a day on Earth was close to 6 hours when it first formed. The tides of the moon slowed the Earth down. A day that is 4 times quicker would produce storms that are 4 times more powerful because it is the rotation of the Earth that causes storm cells to spin. That means a storm with winds that are 150 km per hour now would be 600 km an hour on old Earth. The moon literally made it easier for us to live. 

When the moon first formed it was close to the Earth so it would have appeared 15 times bigger than it does today and it had oceans of magma so it would have appeared a glowing red colour. It must have been an amazing sight to see. 

I often wonder what old Earth looked like with a new crater free incandescent moon filling the sky. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...