Friday, 13 March 2020

Vincero I win

I was thinking about the Italian people because they got the Corona virus before the Brits so they are 2 weeks ahead of us and the virus is surging through their communities relentlessly. 

When I think of Italy I think of the song Nessun Dorma which means No sleep. Being who I am, I made the song fit the Pandemic in my head so they are both connected. 
So I have this song stuck in my head for a while and the words now have an extra meaning to me. 

I recall Luciano Pavarotti singing Nessun Dorma (no sleep). At the end of the song he sings "all abla vincero, vinceroooo, vinceeerrrrrooooooo" (At sunrise I win, I win, I wiiiiiiiiinnnnnn.) He sings that last bit as forcefully and tone perfectly as he can and you can just feel it. Amazing memory. It symbolises the struggle people face with the infection, their bodies give the disease a disease (antibody proteins) the disease gets sick and dies and then they win and get to see the sunrise once again. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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