Thursday, 5 March 2020

Chilled Morning

Jacob, my son. 
Today it was cold and damp outside. We are drifting into spring and entering that fuzzy zone where spring and winter meet.  There is a killer virus going around and many people are afraid. 

Some people tell me that it is harmless because it only kills 2 percent of hosts and most of those killed are elderly. I would say that spanish flu only killed 1 percent of hosts so it is already more dangerous than the disease that killed 100 million people. And the covid19 virus hasn't adapted properly to human cells, as it mutates it will be more deadly and get better at infecting people so we may see more dangerous strains emerge very soon. 

I have lost interest in the news because I am tired of all the politics and nonsense. I just read about planets, space and science, things like that. I try to fill this world with my world. My little world is a more gentle and kind little world where creativity is the king. This little blog is a small part of my little world, gently diluting all the media that makes people angry and afraid and replacing it with a desire for enlightenment. 

I am sitting next to you right now and you are sleeping. You are still an infant at the moment but I look forward to a time when we can sit together and share leisure activities like playing Mario Cart or visiting amusement parks, whatever floats your boat I guess. I hope to teach you the joy of reading and all the things that are important to me, like having integrity and respect. 

To a world that's sick and a son that's young I send my love. 

Blog Archive

One Third of January

One third of January passed by already, it seemed like yesterday that we were setting up the Christmas  tree at the start of December. The i...