Monday, 9 March 2020

4th spacial dimension

I was trying to imagine what life would be like if there was an extra spacial dimension. We live in a 3 dimensional world. Up and down. Forward and backward and side to side. 

In a 2d world you would only be able to see in 1 dimension because you have no width so you would only see a line. 

In this 3D world we see in 2D. We see a grid of pixels up and down, left and right and and we have two copies of the image from 2 eyes so we can judge distance but the image is still 2D and when we look at photos they are also 2D. When you look at a TV it is 2D but it shows a 3D world but the screen is still 2D. 

In a 4D world you would see in 3D so you would be able to see the top of your head and look at yourself sideways and forwards at the same time. In a 4D world you would be in many copies of the same  place at the same time but only be in one place when you observe yourself. That is what my imagination makes of a 4D world. In a 4d world the rules would be different I think. A 4D world is not just one place but many copies of that place at the same time. Each copies of reality is slightly different to the previous one. It would be as if you have millions of eyes. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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