Sunday, 15 March 2020

Mild Day

Jacob, my Son. 
If you are the type of person that associates a disaster with a song and a food item then you may have inherited that from me. 

I associate the Corona virus outbreak with the song Nessun Dorma and the food item spring rolls. 
I made every part of that song fit the disaster in my head. The song comes from Italy, Italy got the virus early and had a lockdown in Europe first. Nessun Dorma means no sleep in Italian. People are afraid so they have trouble sleeping. At the end of the song he sings vincero forcefully, vincero means I win, most people's immune systems win against the infection. He sings  at Sunrise I win. The word Corona is related to the sun. The song is about a princes that has locked herself away because of a romantic dispute. People are getting locked in their apartments to stop the virus. 

The food item spring rolls are associated with the Chinese. The virus first emerged in China. Spring rolls are brittle, the global economy also seems to be brittle, a microscopic virus is enough to cause it vast damage. People are buying lots of toilet rolls as they panic and spring rolls as also rolls. Some people will be able to blow their nose and wipe their bum and cry for the next 5 years without going to the shops I think. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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