Sunday, 28 February 2021

My Spring

Every person I know of has a different definition of what Spring is. Some people consider it to be Spring as soon as we enter the Spring months (March, April and May). It just turned march now. Others Consider it to be Spring when it is Easter which falls on a different day every year. I call it spring when I see Dandelions, Daisies, Daffodils or buttercup flowers in the grass, usually about half way through March. Some people call it Spring when the temperature is in double digits, above 9°c. Some people call is spring when they see blossom in the trees, I see blossom in the trees in February sometimes. 

My government calls it Spring on the Day of the Equinox, the Day when night time and daytime are both equally 12 hours long, this is on the 20th of March. I believe it is a global standard but I'm not sure though. 

What ever definition you choose, my son's birthday is in the middle of Spring in the middle of April and I hope we will celebrate his second birthday without feeling stress and being in a lockdown separated from the rest of the family like last year. My son's third spring is nearly here. 

Happy times. 

Saturday, 27 February 2021

Clear Day

Jacob, My Son. 
You have grown so much and you have changed a lot. You like to flush the toilet just to see the water swirling around and run around a lot and often imitate sounds that you hear quite well. The world around you has also changed, Mayanmar's leader has been imprisoned by their military and there is civil unrest in India as well because the government privatised the food market and farmers are not prepared for the changes. A new probe is looking for life on the planet Mars, good luck to them. 

 Two days ago I dropped a heavy box on my hand and bruised the thumb and joint where the thumb meets the hand. Today the injury has flared up early in the morning and is still hurting a lot, I can feel my heart beating at the tip on my thumb and inside the thumb joint and I think there is a big bruise in there. I hate calling in sick, I like to work as much as I can and it is hard right now. When the pain goes away I should be grateful for my health and free healthcare. Life would be more stressful if I knew I had to pay for medical treatment. At the moment, medical care is free in Britain. 

Friday, 26 February 2021

After Death

If you believe that when your body dies you become nothing and there is no afterlife then why strive for anything? 

I would compare life to painting a room in a burning building. When you have finished painting the room, the fire will consume everything you have done, there will be no sign that the room was ever painted. When our bodies die, the memory of what we have done is gone and the activities of our lives no longer exist, eventually we will be forgotten in this world and everything we do will be for nothing. Atrophy will waste everything away into nothing and one day there will be nothing in this world and there will be no evidence that we lived, it would almost be like nothing ever happened. There will be no Earth, no stars, no material, just nothing. 

I often watch NDE(near death experience) videos on YouTube because I want some evidence that our life persists after our bodies have died. I want proof that we have a higher cause and that there is more to our existence. 

Thursday, 25 February 2021

Where is it Dim?

It is the last 3rd of Winter and spring is nearly here, a lot of people have the winter blues. What I want to know is why blue is dim to us? Why do we associate the colour blue with feeling down and dullness? Why does the light appear dim to us? 

Blue and Purple are on the end of the light spectrum, I consider violet and purple to be the same colour. The blue part of light has a higher frequency, this means the photon undulates more often as it travels. It takes more energy to make blue light than red light and the blue light is doing more but we see blue and purple as the dim colours.
Perhaps blue light has trouble passing through the lenses of our eyes, ultraviolet light can't pass though at all. I think ultraviolet light isn't violet, it is a colour we can't imagine but it is a higher frequency than purple and it undulates so much that it gets deflected by the lenses in our eyes so we never see it. I wonder if something similar is true for blue, perhaps only some of it can pass through our eye lens so that is why it appears dim. Or perhaps the retina cells can only detect part of the light ray so the nerves get a weak signal. Or perhaps our brains make blue and purple light dim because it is more important to see red and green than blue and purple. I don't know where blue goes dim.  

In the lens, in the retina or in our minds? I wonder if we know that blue is brighter than red and if it appears more bright after reading this post.  Where is it Dim? 

I am British so I spell color as colour, my apologies to American readers. 

Wednesday, 24 February 2021

The Happy Zone lives

I hope to one day have a home with a liesure room that I call the 'happy zone'. The dream has already started because I have a flashback mini sega mega drive. I hope to fill the whole room with games and folders filled with all my sketches. It would be a place where I could be a kid again and would share the time in that place with other people. I want to be a man that has no hatred of anyone at all. If you read this blog all the way through then you will see that I go on and on about this for a long time. 

The bar in my room would appear first, you would sit at the bar stools and have a nice cup of coffee while you play on a flashback plug and play games console from the 90s. The 90s is an important decade for me, the birth place of 'domestic internet' the 'game boy' and it is also where I spent a lot of my childhood. 
The walls of the 'happy zone' would be covered in metallic gold coloured wall paper, why? so that low powered lights could be used and it would still be bright in there. 

I would have virtual reality walker pods in the room so up to 4 people could play golf in virtual reality. There would be a pool table and a foot ball table and a cabinet full of games and mini arcade machines. 

The dream remains... 

Monday, 22 February 2021

Spun around

I was thinking that the place I am sitting right now is probably the first and last place a human will ever sit. 

Our Earth is going around the Sun and the Sun is going around the centre of the galaxy and the galaxy is being dragged away from the centre of the universe by the supercluster that it is attached to. Every time a person sits in this chair, they are sitting in a different place in the universe. 

If I traveled back in time then the place I am sitting right now would most likely be the vacuum of space. 

Sunday, 21 February 2021

Cool night

Jacob, my son. 
It was just before your third spring in this world at the end of winter last week that the new  NASA probe called 'perseverance' landed on Mars. It has a smaller probe attached to it that will fly like a helicopter, very cool. 

It is nice to observe the news and not see statistics about people dying from the Pandemic. I feel like they are sending too many probes to Mars but the news is welcome. 

When everyone is sick and broke in this world, the bad guys win. I don't like seeing the bad guys win. I will treasure this brief bit of news. 

Saturday, 20 February 2021

Patriot Raffle

We are two thirds the way through February already. It's not long before we reach spring and it won't be long before the governments in this world have realised that they have racked up vast amounts of debt to deal with the Pandemic. 

I have an idea that may help get the debt under control, I will share it with all the world leaders I know of and let them decide if it would be any use. 

What I would do is open a patriot Raffle lottery. 
The prizes of the lottery would be fixed. 
First prize is £12 million 
Second prize is ½ @ £6 million. 
Third prize is ⅓ @  £4 million. 
Fourth prize is ¼ @ £3 Millon 
Fifth prize is ⅙ @ £2 million
The rest of the money is used to pay off government debt. The lottery wouldn't need to pay off the debt but just stop it from growing bigger and pay the interest. The second goal would be to try and reduce the debt a bit but inflation would make the debt smaller anyway. I would say work out how much is needed to stop it growing bigger every month and go from there and adjust the frequency of the lottery to hit that first goal. 

What ever choice the leaders make, I wish them good luck and peace. 

Friday, 19 February 2021

Perseverance Mars Probe

Yesterday (my time) another probe landed on the planet Mars from NASA. This probe is their most sophisticated robot and it will look for signs of life in the past.  I feel like they are neglecting the other planets and moons in the solar system, but I know very little. 

We can't go to Mars ourselves right now because the astronauts would be killed by the solar wind. The High speed charged particles that are thrown out by the Sun. The solar wind is also responsible for removing most of Mars' atmosphere so water can't be present on Mars' surface because the pressure is too low and it would boil away and freeze at the same time. 

Fortunately for us the solar wind is magnetic so it gets caught by our planet's magnetic field and pushed away, some is pulled down to the polar regions to create the Arora Borealis ( northan and southern lights) 

I imagined a use for those charged particles...
In the future when we over produce clean energy we may make machines that trap solar wind particles and cause them to collide with Jupiter and help Jupiter grow into a Brown Dwarf. The brown dwarf would then grow into a red Dwarf Star. Our own Yellow Dwarf Sun will lose one third of its mass by flinging out particles into deep space, one third of the Sun's mass is enough to build a red dwarf star, they are very small stars and they can last a long time. 

There is no harm in day dreaming 💭

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Blue Ignorance

Very often people will ask me "what are you looking at?" or "Are you ok?". The answer to both of those questions wouldn't make any sense. If I am staring into space  or nothing then I am looking at my ignorance. I know so little in this world that I am completely puzzled. 

For instance, the sky is blue because the blue and purple part of the light spectrum has a very high frequency so the blue and purple light photons are colliding with air particles more often then the red part of the light, so blue light gets separated from the rest of the light ray and scattered in all directions so it makes the air look like it is emitting blue light. But I was wondering what happens to the air particles when that are hit by blue frequency photons, I thought to myself that they would go into a spin because two forces are acting on them, the photon hitting the atom and the other atom it is connected to is holding it. But the answer is I don't know. I don't know if the air molecules spin when they are hit by light photons or just bounce of the nearby molecules like snooker balls or they they just vibrate like a bell. I just don't know. 

This is what I am looking at.... My own ignorance. 
Then I am left with even more questions, if the air molecules do spin when they are hit by light photons then would it effect their magnetic properties. Nitrogen is mildly repelled by magnets and oxygen is slightly attracted to them. But magnetic fields are directional, if the molecules are spinning then would that not make them less magnetic as a group? I don't know, I know so little and feel so puzzled. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Mark of the Beast & Vaccines

I have heard some people claim that vaccines are the mark of the beast listed in the Christian book of Revelation. I don't think this is true, I will explain why. 

In the book of revelation is says that the Christians that are prepared will be taken from the earth before the Tribulation period and will meet Jesus. They are the Christians with oil in their lamps, they are prepared, they have forgiven everyone that wronged them and made Jesus the Centre of their life. They have used their faith in Jesus to become blameless. It is only after this happens that the mark of the beast will appear. Many Christians call this event the Rapture. 

The Beast is a Holy country that is given the name of a man and the letters of the man's name add up to the number 666. All religions will disappear because they witness the rapture and will believe in Jesus. The problem is there will be two Jesuses, one that is false and one that is real. The false Jesus will be the leader of the Holy country, the Holy country is very small but it will be in charge of all the money in the world and people will need to confess to the false Jesus to be allowed to buy and sell things. If they follow the false Jesus, he will make them break some of the 10 commandments, that is the mark of the Beast. The false Jesus will actually be Satan. Then the false Jesus will try to destroy Israel but the real Jesus will defeat him at Mount armegedom and throw him into a lake of fire along with all the people that support him. 
The mark of the Beast is to worship and follow the false Jesus that will become the leader of the world after the Rapture. Simples. What is the Holy County? I don't know. Perhaps it doesn't exist just yet. 

Vaccines have nothing to do with religion, they are just a way of preparing your immune system to attack viruses without delay. It is like giving a map to an army so they know how to attack a town. That is what I think. It is always different when you read it yourself. Don't confuse medicine with religion I would say. 

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

Pissy Flower

For some strange reason, there are men that put toilet tissue paper in the Urinal in men's public toilets. When I see some screwed up toilet paper in a Urinal, I think to myself that I can fix the problem by pissing on it. 


I get my penis out and aim at the toilet paper and try to cut it in half with my piss. The screwed up toilet paper turns into a fluorescent yellow flower and my piss runs out. Then I think why would someone put toilet paper in a Urinal and why am I trying to cut a ball of paper in half with my piss? Why do I think that would work? Is this just an Alan thing or a man thing? Do all men try to use their penises as a power tool to cut misplaced paper in half. How would I ask other men about this? 

"Hello buddy, do you try to cut misplaced toilet  paper in half with your piss?" 

I don't think so. 

Sunday, 14 February 2021

Fake Sun Jupiter

One thing I have been doing in February is trying to imagine what would happen when mankind harvests too much power from the wind and Sun. I believe that they will figure out some bizzare way to use it because that is what people in this world do. They just keep finding ways to use things. 

One thing I thought of is to produce loads of Radium and Uranium through nuclear fusion. If you fuse Hydrogen into Helium in a fusion reactor it gives out more energy than is used to fuse it together. The same is true for Helium and lithium but when you get to Iron, you get a small amount of energy, less than the energy used to make it. The same is true for all the elements that are equal to or heavier than Iron, like copper, lead and gold. Radium atoms are so big that they decay slowly and emit loads of energy. To make 1 killo of Radium, you would need more than twice to power used in the whole world right now. 

If you produced many tons of Radium every day and sent it to Jupiter, it would sink deep into the planet and emit heat side the planet, eventually Jupiter would turn into a fake Sun, it would shine very dim but if you were close to the planet, the effect would be like a Sun. 

Just a thought. Yes ordinary guys can think about these things sometimes. 

Saturday, 13 February 2021

Big Push

I often ask myself what would happen if we produce too much clean energy, more than we can use ourselves. The answer I think of is we would invent new problems that need a lot of power to solve. That is the way people are, when they solve a problem they search for new ones and solve those. 

My vision of the future would be billions of dusk thrusters, this is how they would work. Shortly after the sun goes down at about 23:45, millions of quiet electric powered jet engines would thrust directly up at the sky, they would be very quiet but they would push thousands of tonnes of pressure onto the ground. Then at about 12:15 they stop. Why? 

Well, they would do two things...

They would trigger earthquakes and they would push the planet very slightly. Triggering lots of small earthquakes would prevent stronger earthquakes.  

The billions of thrusters would collectively give the whole planet a slight push in the direction of its orbit (anticlockwise), this would cause the planet to speed up slightly and take a wider orbit. This would slowly make the earth move away from the Sun, the sun is slowly getting bigger and hotter at the surface and the future earth will receive too much heat and life would be impossible. 

There's more, I'll tell you later. 

Friday, 12 February 2021

Common February thoughts

We are already one third the way through February, time seems to be going quite fast for me. 

Common thoughts that I have every day this month are, why does Ganymede have a thin atmosphere when Titan has a very thick atmosphere? keywords that bring up interesting videos on YouTube are 'spooky snap chat filter glitch', 'spooky tick tock video glich', 'paranormal video filter glitches', 'spooky ring door bell glitch'. My youtube down time playlist(watch later) is paranormal and spooky. I also think about food a lot and wonder if Cashew butter is better than peanut butter. I was also thinking about what Spring and Summer will be like this year. 

There are many other things I think about, my worries, my dreams and my hopes. Prayers and hobbies are important to balance the mind. 

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Ginger Ghost

I'm allowed to poke fun at ginger hair because I have some ginger hair myself, I won't say where it is though. In the classic computer game 'Packman' there are 4 ghosts, a red ghost that calls itself 'Blinky', a pink ghost that calls itself 'Pinky', a blue ghost that calls itself 'inky' and a ginger ghost that calls itself 'Clyde'.  Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde. "I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP, IT IS TRUE!" 

Clyde the Ginger ghost is different from the other 3 ghosts, it spends half the game just sitting in the little respawn box demanding a second independence referendum. I just realized that Clyde chases Packman sometimes but it never actually stings him. I have never seen Clyde the Ghost sting Packman, not even once, even when Packman is cornered. Clyde the Ghost is a waste of Space when it comes to being a computer game henchman. It is more of a 'Silly Nilly Poop' leader. 

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

February Blues

On the first day of February there was a Military coup in Myanmar. The elected leader of Mayanmar Aung San Suu Kyi was arrested for suspected election fraud and illegal importation of walkie talkies by military personnel. The military then blocked all social media in the country. 

The days following the coup and up till now there was protests with people giving 3 fingered salutes and shouting at the authorities. It was during the protests that my niece Chloe spent her 9th birthday waiting for her new Brother Nathaniel to be born. Nathan was born 1 day after Chloe's birthday so their age gap is 9 years and 1 day. They were isolated from the rest of the family because we are in a winter lockdown to fight the Pandemic. Nathan was born during a the COVID19 pandemic and Military coup of Mayanmar, the country that is sandwiched between China and India. I will remember Chloe's 9th and Nathan's birth that way. 

Friday, 5 February 2021

Tick tock liar boy

A few days ago a young boy filmed himself calling DR Chris Witty a Liar. The problem with young people is they love and hate themselves too much. All their thoughts are about themselves, they show disrespect towards selfless servants that are trying to help their people so they can become famous and they cut themselves and cause harm to their bodies because they don't know that being selfless is the way to be. Their mind is just me me me me me me all the time. They create their own living hell on earth, they really do.

I was impressed by the calm response from the government advisor, a lot of doctors swear an oaf to protect the well-being of the people they serve and that is how they are. 

I was also pleased to learn that the boy's mum took away his playstation, that is worse than 25 slaps in the face for a teenager. Young people need to stop thinking about themselves all the time and think about how they can help their society and learn many things. 

Thursday, 4 February 2021

New Nephew

Yesterday I learned that the English language doesn't have a word for a sibling that is born on a different year but with the same date. I learned this because my Brother's wife gave birth to their son and if he had been born a few hours earlier, he would have shared a birthday with his oldest sister. They will celebrate their birthdays in sequence side by side instead. He was born just after the military coup in Myanmar, the country that is sandwiched between Thailand, China, India and Bangladesh. My Brother and his wife chose the name Nathaniel, Nathan for short. I am very happy for them. 
Life is such a miracle yet it is temporary. I imagine protein machines riding DNA molecules like a zip and creating RNA strands that are then used to synthesize more protein machines and biological molecules to maintain the cells. Something so complicated yet we are unaware of it. Life is a never ending mystery, we don't know why we exist or even why the Universe is here, only that it does or at least we think it does. Perhaps this world we live in isn't real, perhaps we are just the thoughts of a supreme being or something like that. 

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Cloudy morning

Jacob, my son. Do you remember the lawn at the back of our home where you learned to walk during the Spring lockdown of 2020? Do you remember us putting masks on our face before we went into food shops? Do you remember us requesting songs from the smart speaker? Maybe not but I will. I will never forget the time you walked for the first time without holding my hand. I will never forget hearing you running up and down in the room while I tried to sleep after a long night at work. I look forward to a time when I can talk to you and show you all the games I played as a child, dominos, chess solitaire, black jack. Every day you are picking up more and more words. 

Monday, 1 February 2021

Mayanma coup and family Death

Covid19 has claimed another member of my family, I won't name her on here because this is a public blog but she is one of my aunties. I feel pity and sock. I didn't expect that to happen. I thought that everyone that was still alive would be ok and we would get to spring and everything would return to normal. I can't feel happy now, only the miracle of a new birth can lift my mind up now. I hope she didn't suffer. 

Last night there was a military coup in Myanmar. A hilly county that is sandwiched between India and China. There were claims of voting fraud and the military took over. I try not to have a personal view about the authorities of other countries. We live in a small world and the historical events of other countries are relevant to us all. I wish the people of Myanmar a peaceful happy life. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...