Friday, 19 February 2021

Perseverance Mars Probe

Yesterday (my time) another probe landed on the planet Mars from NASA. This probe is their most sophisticated robot and it will look for signs of life in the past.  I feel like they are neglecting the other planets and moons in the solar system, but I know very little. 

We can't go to Mars ourselves right now because the astronauts would be killed by the solar wind. The High speed charged particles that are thrown out by the Sun. The solar wind is also responsible for removing most of Mars' atmosphere so water can't be present on Mars' surface because the pressure is too low and it would boil away and freeze at the same time. 

Fortunately for us the solar wind is magnetic so it gets caught by our planet's magnetic field and pushed away, some is pulled down to the polar regions to create the Arora Borealis ( northan and southern lights) 

I imagined a use for those charged particles...
In the future when we over produce clean energy we may make machines that trap solar wind particles and cause them to collide with Jupiter and help Jupiter grow into a Brown Dwarf. The brown dwarf would then grow into a red Dwarf Star. Our own Yellow Dwarf Sun will lose one third of its mass by flinging out particles into deep space, one third of the Sun's mass is enough to build a red dwarf star, they are very small stars and they can last a long time. 

There is no harm in day dreaming 💭

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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