Sunday, 14 February 2021

Fake Sun Jupiter

One thing I have been doing in February is trying to imagine what would happen when mankind harvests too much power from the wind and Sun. I believe that they will figure out some bizzare way to use it because that is what people in this world do. They just keep finding ways to use things. 

One thing I thought of is to produce loads of Radium and Uranium through nuclear fusion. If you fuse Hydrogen into Helium in a fusion reactor it gives out more energy than is used to fuse it together. The same is true for Helium and lithium but when you get to Iron, you get a small amount of energy, less than the energy used to make it. The same is true for all the elements that are equal to or heavier than Iron, like copper, lead and gold. Radium atoms are so big that they decay slowly and emit loads of energy. To make 1 killo of Radium, you would need more than twice to power used in the whole world right now. 

If you produced many tons of Radium every day and sent it to Jupiter, it would sink deep into the planet and emit heat side the planet, eventually Jupiter would turn into a fake Sun, it would shine very dim but if you were close to the planet, the effect would be like a Sun. 

Just a thought. Yes ordinary guys can think about these things sometimes. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...