Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Mark of the Beast & Vaccines

I have heard some people claim that vaccines are the mark of the beast listed in the Christian book of Revelation. I don't think this is true, I will explain why. 

In the book of revelation is says that the Christians that are prepared will be taken from the earth before the Tribulation period and will meet Jesus. They are the Christians with oil in their lamps, they are prepared, they have forgiven everyone that wronged them and made Jesus the Centre of their life. They have used their faith in Jesus to become blameless. It is only after this happens that the mark of the beast will appear. Many Christians call this event the Rapture. 

The Beast is a Holy country that is given the name of a man and the letters of the man's name add up to the number 666. All religions will disappear because they witness the rapture and will believe in Jesus. The problem is there will be two Jesuses, one that is false and one that is real. The false Jesus will be the leader of the Holy country, the Holy country is very small but it will be in charge of all the money in the world and people will need to confess to the false Jesus to be allowed to buy and sell things. If they follow the false Jesus, he will make them break some of the 10 commandments, that is the mark of the Beast. The false Jesus will actually be Satan. Then the false Jesus will try to destroy Israel but the real Jesus will defeat him at Mount armegedom and throw him into a lake of fire along with all the people that support him. 
The mark of the Beast is to worship and follow the false Jesus that will become the leader of the world after the Rapture. Simples. What is the Holy County? I don't know. Perhaps it doesn't exist just yet. 

Vaccines have nothing to do with religion, they are just a way of preparing your immune system to attack viruses without delay. It is like giving a map to an army so they know how to attack a town. That is what I think. It is always different when you read it yourself. Don't confuse medicine with religion I would say. 

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