Wednesday, 14 December 2022

Red Dwarf Habitat

We are going around a star known as a yellow dwarf. Our sun star lasts for about 10 billion years then it will die but it is half way through its life already. Red Dwarf stars are smaller than our sun star but they last a lot longer because they use up their fuel at a much slower rate, they are a lot more dim so planets need to be a lot closer to the star to be warm enough for water to be a liquid on the surface. The problem is the planet would need to be so close to the Red Dwarf Star that it would be tidally locked to the star so one side of the planet faces the star and the other side faces away into deep space continuously, like the far side of the moon does with the earth. 
I thought to myself that if the planet was going around a gas giant like Jupiter then it would be tidally locked to the gas giant planet instead of the star and be protected by the planet's magnetic field from powerful solar storms. 
The planet sized moon could be the size of Mars and not even have its own magnetic field. It would have a few days of the month of darkness. But the planet would be a very safe place to live I think. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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