Saturday, 30 November 2019

Welcome to December

As usual, I am writing my blog while I am on my break, If the cookie monster could eat these lovely Twix store baked cookies then he wouldn't drop all those cookie bits on the floor. I have no idea how they stay soft for so long.

We are in the political Christmas of 2019, not sure it will be like this every year now or if we will continue having elections in May every five years; we will see. In a way it is good to have it now because it is very cold and dark, it is nice to have a distraction from all that hostile environment. Short cold dark days with long freezing nights. Lots of Rain and clouds and Frost in the morning.

Friday, 29 November 2019

My Traffic light

Earlier in the week I was thinking about what a traffic light would look like if I had designed it. If I designed a traffic light it would be an equilateral square shape. The leading edges of the traffic light would have a frame around it that was black and white striped.

The squared traffic light would be split down the middle. On the left site would be a grid like panel filled with dots to make written information like the time and temperature and traffic conditions further down the road. Or to make signs about the junction like no right turn. The grid of dots would be light emitting diodes and have a resolution similar to 90s Tamagotchis. The left screen would also show a count down timer for when the light would change.

The right hand side would be the signal. Four rectangular coloured signals would be used, Red to stop yellow to prepare to stop or wait. Green to go and blue when the light is not active as a traffic light.

Thursday, 28 November 2019

Gary Rhodes dies

I found out yesterday that the celebrity chef known as Gary Rhodes has died. I was left in the dark at the time about the cause of death but found out today that he died from bleeding in the brain, basically he banged his head and one of the vessels that carry blood into his brain burst open and part of his brain was starved of oxygen. One minute you could be walking around feeling fine, the next minute find yourself dying. Being alive as a human is like waiting in a waiting room of a doctor's surgery, you know your time will end but you don't know exactly when and you don't know what will happen when you pass through those doors. All you know is the life you have now is temporary. 

This is why I try to make every day count in some way, even if the one thing I do is add an entry in this blog.

At the time Gary died, I was thinking about what a traffic light would look like if it was designed by me. I will write more about that in a future post.

I will always remember my self designed traffic light when I think of Gary Rhodes and processed Sugar because Gary was involved with TV adverts for Tate and Lyle and that is how I remember him the most. I also remember his spikey hair style.

I wish peace and love to his family and friends and hope they find some peace in this time of disaster. I send out my love to all those people that have died recently.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Prince Andrew interview

Ealier in the week I watched the BBC interview of Prince Andrew regarding his involvement with Epstine, the rich Pedophile that commited suicide in prison. He exploited under aged women for sex. 

If there is one thing I learned from the interview it is that being connected to other people can be very bad for your well-being and image. I don't know how much he was involved or if he did anything himself so I will say nothing else on the matter. 

I am a very lucky man because when I was young I was transparent and almost everyone didn't want my company, therefore I had no one to pull me down later in life. I was considered by others to be a stupid dork that deserves no social time with other people. Although being surrounded by people that have no respect for you is hard and causes depression later in life, in the long run it is good because you learn to appreciate higher things like daily learning, art and deep philosophy and loose the need to be liked by other people. Infact I have no need to be liked or admired by anyone and I have grown a creative mind that can change the world with the right opportunities. 

I will call this a gift from God. Living a life where I am only really connected personally to my family and I am free from social dogma. 

Monday, 25 November 2019

Acid and politics

I was just thinking that there is an acid in my body that can dissolve every part of my body yet it is kept in place by continually generated mucus. My body is generating mucus to keep acid in place so it only dissolves the food that I eat. An acid that is very corrosive. If it were in a jar, the jar would have a warning stamp on it.

Another thing I was thinking is..

December 2019 will be the most political Christmas in my clear memory. Perhaps when I was a baby there was an episode like this but I wouldn't remember it. To be honest with you I am sick of it all. I am sick of brexit and I am sick to party propaganda. Perhaps that is why I have started to read Wikipedia much more than my social media news feeds. I read to learn and to explore. Not to get confused and angry.

Sunday, 24 November 2019

I wonder

I wonder if there is a planet like Earth that exists as a moon of a giant gas planet and has a moon like our own and the moon has its  own moon the size of Enceladus.

A small rock orbiting a moon sized planetoid which is orbiting an Earth sized planet that is orbiting a giant planet.

Friday, 22 November 2019

Rain Rain

Jacob, my Son.

One thought you may think is who are you more like, Mum or Dad? My answer is you are a unique person and different to both of us.

When you combine red and green light rays, you get yellow. Yellow is different to both red and Green. If you combine Sodium and Chlorine you get salt, salt is not an alkaline metal or poisonous gas, it is unique to both of them.

You are like yourself.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Super Tailback

I will remember 22nd of November 2019 as an encounter with the worst tailback in my life. I was driving to work and reached the A40 section that passes Hillingdon train station when I encountered a traffic jam. The traffic was so slow that it took over an hour to reach the next slip road.

To cut a long story short, I was 1 hour and 10 minutes late for my job yet I was due to arrive 5 minutes early.

The traffic was caused by a car crash and the car managed to jackknife itself sideways and took out about 50 meters of fencing to the northolt military base and I could see the runway from the road through the fence. The car looked like a BMW or Mercedes, they look alike to me. It was beige coloured and was upside down. That car must have been going extremely fast... 

If the driver survived I am sure he or she had life changing injuries. People need to calm down.

100 planets plus

I don't know much but I know that it takes 5 hours for light to reach the edge of what we call the solar system, but... 

The gravity of our star reaches out much further, the influence of our sun's gravity goes half way out to the next star which is over 4 light years away. This means that after 2 years of light travel it is possible to find an object orbiting the sun. 

I believe we have over 100 planets in our solar system because the bit we regard as the solar system is tiny compared to the reach of the Sun's gravity. Being who I am, I did some maths on my caculator. Let's say we observe 6 hours of light travel as solar system. (1 quarter of a day of light travel). Now the gravity of our sun reaches 2 light years and beyond This means the true area of our solar system is about 3,000 times bigger the observed solar system. 

In fact after one day a light photon has travelled 4 times the distance from the sun to edge of the ort cloud. Even if there is just one planet in that space then you have to consider one week of light travel and even one month, then you realise there must be more than 100 planets, some of them would be much bigger than Earth. 

Even if some of them were bigger than Jupiter they would be almost impossible to detect because they are so far away. 

So much mystery and the mind wonders 

Sunday, 17 November 2019

The nothing

If we live and then we die and no longer exist and all traces of our mind is gone then wouldn't the sum of the equation be that we never existed?

If you multiply 3 by 0 the answer is 0. Nothing. With that logic, this whole world is not real and is just a dream in a mind of another being because almost all of creation is abensent of your working mind.

If the outcome of everything you do is eventually nothing at all then everything you do is nothing because nothing is the outcome.

If I grow a tree and the tree burns up on a dry summer then the final product is not a tree it is ashes and atrophy. Things in this world only exist to me because my working mind says they do. When my working mind is gone then to me they are nothing, even nothing is nothing.

If nothing is nothing then nothing is something because no nothingness is something.
That is why the supreme being is so important to mankind because it validates our existence and makes us think we are more significant than germs and animals.

Some thoughts

Well I was thinking, If you made the internet free then how will all those companies that charge for their internet service make money? Wouldn't they go out of business and leave their staff unemployed? 


When I walk on the beach, I get grains of sand stuck in my shoe and they are carried away with me yet it makes little difference to the beach. The beach is oblivious that a few grains have gone. Is the same true for this solar system. The sun and Earth could disappear and the universe would not notice any difference. And the same is true for everything in this blog. It actually makes no difference to the vast ocean of information and opinions of the masses of people that see it. 

Friday, 15 November 2019

Roll a dice

Here is the situation I am facing. I have been asked to vote on in a general election in December. I don't like any of the parties. The two main parties are admitting that they will spend public money above tax revenues so that must mean they will borrow more money, right?

Another party wants to cancel brexit and are using tactics to gain power such as cross party cooperation. Another party is doing the opposite and trying to get a clean break brexit.   The other parties are small and don't seem to have a long term plan that I can relate to.

There are six parties standing for election in my area and a dice has six sides so perhaps that is the only way to choose. That or I just vote for the party I dislike the least.

All I can do is listen to them and listen to my judgement and connect the dots. Read the manifestos and think about it.

Thursday, 14 November 2019

Fire and Water

Here in the UK on the Island of Great Britain there are currently floods occuring in the center of the island in North England and in the midlands.

Rivers throughout England are surging very forcefully, I saw a tree was pushed over on the river bank near my home in Wycombe. I blame global warming for this disaster although I also blame my leaders for not making infrastructure preparations like what I often describe in this blog. I also blame global warming for the fires in East Australia in New South Wales. Many people in Australia have lost their homes and some people have been killed and many wild annimals have also been killed.

I hope that a new high capacity battery is invented soon that is cheap so I can afford to buy an electric car and make my Carbon footprint more shallow than it was before.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Madam Yellow

Madam Yellow, why do you insist on carrying the banner of democracy when you oppose it so extremely? 

You are not liberal and you are not democratic. What would happen if two parties that support Brexit have more majority than you but their vote is split so your party is left with the majority. Would you still cancel brexit, even though most Brits voted for Brexit parties?  

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Raining dots

Jacob, my son. 
If there is one lesson I would pass onto you now it would be not to look up to other people. Some people appear to be very outstanding and they may have a lot of prestige but they turn out not to be decent. 

When I was a young boy I admired Rolf Harris because of his artistic flair, I later found out that he was a pedophile. Jimmy savile was a child rapist that prayed on sick children. Even Bill Cosby the funny guy had a bad history. None of those men had any honour or integrity. 

Always aim to be happy and learn as much as you can. Self improvement is the key. Always try to make yourself a better and wiser person than you were the day before. And remember that this life we have now is temporary, life as a human is very short. Most trees live longer than people so value every day. 

Monday, 11 November 2019

PlayStation 5

I learned earlier this autumn that Sony was making the PlayStation games console version 5. I saw a picture of what it will look like, it looked a bit like toilet seat to me but it won't be crap. I wouldn't be surprised if it was designed to make the most of virtual reality and 4k graphics. 

I think the biggest problem with virtual reality is people being sick. I have tried out virtual reality head sets myself and I find that is the problem. When you move around without moving your legs, it makes you feel sick, maybe that is why the PlayStation 5 will be shaped like a toilet seat. Space is the other problem, you can make a rectangle in your room for virtual reality but that is not enough to let you explore open worlds. Perhaps a special treadmil should be developed that allows visitors of virtual reality to explore open worlds without actually moving along the floor at all. Well we will see what is in store in the near future. 

Before Jesus

It is written in the scriptures that Jesus will return to Earth one day and raise the dead to be Judged with the living.

There were many people that were born and lived on Earth before Jesus lived as a man. How will those people be judged? They didn't reject the gospel, they lived and died before Gospel was present. What will happen to those people? They didn't get a chance to choose the Gospel or reject it.

Would God give them a second chance? Would he make them live again or just know what they would do already? What would happen to all those people? Would they all share the same fate?

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Lake of Fire

If I could talk to God I would ask him why he didn't throw Lucifer into the lake of fire straight away when he was deceiving one third of the angels.

It is written that Satan will be thrown into a giant lake of fire to be destroyed. Why didn't God destroy Satan before he met people on Earth?

I have no idea why it went that way. Is there a scripture that explains this? I don't know. I know very little and hunger for insight.

Saturday, 9 November 2019

Just another Day

There is a small river about 100 meters from my home. Today the river is Surging but not quite bursting, lots of kinetic energy, a gift from the sky. We are so closed minded that we allow it to turn into a nuisance. We just treat it like a object that is there.

In my world there would be foot bridges that have grills on the river bank below them on the top half of the river bank. The grill allows excess water would flow into aquaducts, the aquaducts stay level with the river and they zig zag under grass parks and empty spaces and car parks, when the river level drops, the aquaducts drain back out into the river. There is no mechanical pumps, just gravity doing all the work. The aquaducts stop the rivers from bursting their banks and allow all of the water to be used by the river to generate electricity. In my world, even 2 months of rain in one day would be seen as a gift. In the real world it would be a nuisance because the rivers would overflow and flood the nearby roads.

This blog is the only physical manifestation of my world. Here I am, an ordinary transparent man that is judged by others. Some people think I am just a simple man that likes football, others may think I am just a impulsive man that doesn't have a deep mind. The truth is they are all wrong. I am an armchair philosopher and a guy that hungers for insight. A man with a world inside his head. I define myself as a boat heading for placid water. A man that values peace and understanding. Not an intelligent man but a man that hungers for more knowledge all the time and questions reality.

I am sure that more machines and security staff read this blog than normal people but that is ok. I don't want anyone to read this unless that value what it says. Most people in this world won't value anything I write because that is the way the world is. No need to fight it, just accept that world is the way it is.

Friday, 8 November 2019

Floods in Britain

Here on the island of Great Britain there were a number of floods. Many of them were in the midlands in the center of the island near Stoke in places like Derby.


In my world the flood is actually a lost opportunity. If too much rain fell to the ground in a short time in my world, there would be a network of aquaducts below bridges that syphon off excess water when rivers flow too high and carry it away to store it below ground. Then when the water level drops the water would flow out again. The rivers in my world would be filled with water wheels that are conseled in stone cylenders that look like logs. The aquaducts in essence would be storing kinetic energy and releasing it later when the water level in the rivers drops.

That is what I see when I see flood water. I see a lot of kinetic energy that is not being exploited by people. Instead, it is gone out of control and damaged parts our towns.

Thursday, 7 November 2019

River of Mystery

Many people in this world would see an ordinary man like myself and think I am only think of 3 things, Football, fighting and frolicking. People judge people outwardly in this world.  The truth is none of those things has any place in my mind. What I think about is the reason I exist and what happens to consciousness when my body eventually fails to stay alive? Infact my mind is swarming with unanswered questions about life and reality. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Is God angry with me? Why can't I hear God's voice? What will happen to the universe when all the Hydrogen is used up? Why is the Universe here? Thousands of questions. Like a river of mystery.

I also create many machines inside my head and hunger for the opportunity to build them for real. One machine I think of is the vacuum blimp. You see, Helium weighs less than our nitrogen rich air, and and Hydrogen weighs even less but the absence of all gasses is even less mass still but housing a vacuum requires a strong envelope that can overcome the pressure of air trying to close the space, this is the problem I often try to solve inside my head but fail regularly. You see if you made a vacuum inside a glass jar that was slightly less than one millimeter thick, it would be lighter than air; but the air pressure would crush it and cause it to shatter.  You could create a vacuum inside a normal jar and it could harbour a vacuum but it would still be more heavy than air because the glass is too thick so the net weight of the jar would still be more than the same volume of air.

The only way I can think of that I can't disprove with my mind is to crate microscopic bubbles that contain a vacuum and join them all together. The bubbles would be made of carbon fibers or something like that and millions of these tiny bubbles that harbour vacuums would be joined together to form panels that float in air. The bubbles would be made inside a vacuum in a molten state and lots of bristles would use surface tension to pull the small blobs outwards to create a vacuum in the middle. Because they are made inside a vacuum, there is no air pressure to close the space inside untill they are hardened and removed from the vacuum chamber.

Then, if it worked you would create even more problems like how to mass produce these panels affordably. Things like that.

Nice day

Jacob, my son.

You are over six months old now and I can tell you what the world is like. Here in the UK we have been asked to vote in a general election during the Christmas period because parliament won't cooperate in this big decision regarding leaving the EU.

In the middle East there are huge tensions and Iran has claimed they have started to enrich Uranium, the unstable radioactive element that is used in nuclear bombs. They have also stated that they want to destroy Israel.

People around the world are working hard to cure degenerative diseases that affect millions of people. Ordinary people like me are transparent and try to learn more about the world we are living in.

I will say no more... I try to be positive.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Religious Paradox

It is written in the scriptures that the Beast himself would one day dwell amongst people on Earth and lead a man to be the Antichrist and the letters of his name would add up to the number 666. Alan doesn't add up to 666, it adds up to 28 I believe. 


If I assassinated the Antichrist, would I be doing the right thing? It is written that Jesus would kill the Antichrist so If I killed the Antichrist, would I be going against the scriptures by taking Jesus' place? It is his Role to kill the Antichrist and throw him or her into the lake of fire. But If I didn't assassinate the Antichrist then I would be letting him or her do the evil deeds that they set out to do? Cutting people's heads off for not taking the mark of the beast, genocide on a large scale. Something like that.

One thing I ask people is not to imitate me because I am just a ordinary man that searches for the truth. My head is filled with thousands of questions and a hunger for insight and I hope that I don't offend the creator of the universe. If I have then I am sorry, that is not my intention.

Thank you for reading.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Paddle it

Many countries are trying to build solar panels, others are trying to build wind farms. There is a cheap way to use both I think.

Water wheels! The sun makes water evaporate, then the wind pushes the clouds accross the Earth's surface, this is wind and sun together.

I think that the sides of rivers could have cylenders that are disguised as logs lining the river banks. There could be holes in the log imitations that allows water to flow into paddles that push a Dynamo around and around. They would be cheaper than solar panels and discreet.

Additionally aquaducts could be hidden on the side of river banks under bridges that channel away water when the water level is too high and use the excess water to generate even more power.

I wish that you could see what I was thinking. You see, there would be millions of these things, the casing is made of stone but looks like timber so people think that logs vertically lining the river bank. These stone logs are hollow and there are many small holes on one side that allows water to flow though and push the paddles that are connected to a Dynamo.

If I was rich, I could build these things and try to convince governments around the world to install them.


Being an ordinary man is being imprisoned by mediocrity.

Monday, 4 November 2019

Christmas election

Here in the UK, we are going to have an early general election during Christmas. There seems to be a party for everything.

If you want a second referendum or a soft Brexit, you could vote for Labour. Also they want to renationalise a lot of the infrastructure that was sold off during the eighties and nineties, Railways, utilities and things like that.

If you want to cancel brexit then you could vote for the Liberal Democrats. They made it very clear they would revoke article 50 as soon as they were elected.

If you want a hard clean break brexit then you can vote for the Brexit party. They will leave first and negotiate later.

If you want a hard brexit preceded by a transition exit deal then you could vote conservative. They want to keep all the taxes low because they think the growth created would more than compensate for the loss in public revenue and add some on top.

The outcome of the vote would be very revealing. I wouldn't be surprised if the result was hung all around because the Brexit vote would be split between two parties and those that want a soft Brexit won't vote lib dem. Well, we will see.

Sunday, 3 November 2019

TV text

When I was a young man I would often wonder why there was so many buttons on a typical TV remote. I would see a plastic block in my hand with many rubber buttons covering it. There seemed to be a button for everything. A button for the volume, a button to mute the TV even a button to make the screen less colourful.

There was one button that blew my mind. It was the TXT button. When I pressed the TXT button, the Teletext slate would appear. You could use the TV as a news paper. For me it only really worked with the BBC although I remember some channels would have a basic one. I loved the Teletext button and I loved the idea that a digital newspaper was hidden in the TV signal and it was free. I loved the crude blocky appearance of the Teletext and I loved to read it. I am the only person I know of that would love to read TV text as a kid. In different peoples homes the Teletext button looked different. On some people's remotes the teletext button was an icon of script or sometimes it was just the letter T.

Now there are more slates in our digital freeview TVs, there is a thing called the EPG (electronic program guide) , it is like a TV guide on the TV.

And there is subtitles. For me that is very useful because when I have guests I find they talk over the TV, with subtitles I can read what they are saying on the TV.

Saturday, 2 November 2019

What October 2019 means to me

It is November now, the last stretch of Autumn. October was very much an active month. Throughout October, Boris Johnson the Prime Minister negotiated a new Brexit deal with the EU but Parliament blocked the deal, to be honest, I knew they would. Some of parties were clearly against the deal from day one and labour doesn't trust the conservative party. I knew that the whole chamber of the commons would not cooperate through the remainder of 2019. Fortunately they all agreed that we need an early election and one was brought forward for December the 12, less than 2 weeks before Christmas. All the parties had distinct agendas that I will discuss in the near future.

It was in October that I learned that 39 people were killed in the back of a truck because it was air tight and hard to breathe. I was filled with anger at the people smugglers because human beings shouldn't be exploited and put in danger like that. They were treated worse than animals.  It is a sad story and I never want to see it happen again.

I also learned that a new drug was developed that can slow down Alzheimer's brain disease. It helps the immune system to attack the excess protein that kills the Neurons. What an amazing world we live in. Perhaps within the 2020s decade we may see true cures for cancer and degenerative brain diseases. Man kind has so much to do. So many hazards to avert and so many diseases to cure. God speed.

Throughout the world there was a great deal of unrest. Protests in the middle East and Hong Kong and here in the UK. Most humans on Earth don't like their leaders at all. That is very clear.

As we edge closer to winter and the 20s decade I keep my chin up and try to be brave and strong for my family, it is a scary time to be British.

Thank you for reading.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...