Monday, 4 November 2019

Christmas election

Here in the UK, we are going to have an early general election during Christmas. There seems to be a party for everything.

If you want a second referendum or a soft Brexit, you could vote for Labour. Also they want to renationalise a lot of the infrastructure that was sold off during the eighties and nineties, Railways, utilities and things like that.

If you want to cancel brexit then you could vote for the Liberal Democrats. They made it very clear they would revoke article 50 as soon as they were elected.

If you want a hard clean break brexit then you can vote for the Brexit party. They will leave first and negotiate later.

If you want a hard brexit preceded by a transition exit deal then you could vote conservative. They want to keep all the taxes low because they think the growth created would more than compensate for the loss in public revenue and add some on top.

The outcome of the vote would be very revealing. I wouldn't be surprised if the result was hung all around because the Brexit vote would be split between two parties and those that want a soft Brexit won't vote lib dem. Well, we will see.

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