Thursday, 7 November 2019

River of Mystery

Many people in this world would see an ordinary man like myself and think I am only think of 3 things, Football, fighting and frolicking. People judge people outwardly in this world.  The truth is none of those things has any place in my mind. What I think about is the reason I exist and what happens to consciousness when my body eventually fails to stay alive? Infact my mind is swarming with unanswered questions about life and reality. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Is God angry with me? Why can't I hear God's voice? What will happen to the universe when all the Hydrogen is used up? Why is the Universe here? Thousands of questions. Like a river of mystery.

I also create many machines inside my head and hunger for the opportunity to build them for real. One machine I think of is the vacuum blimp. You see, Helium weighs less than our nitrogen rich air, and and Hydrogen weighs even less but the absence of all gasses is even less mass still but housing a vacuum requires a strong envelope that can overcome the pressure of air trying to close the space, this is the problem I often try to solve inside my head but fail regularly. You see if you made a vacuum inside a glass jar that was slightly less than one millimeter thick, it would be lighter than air; but the air pressure would crush it and cause it to shatter.  You could create a vacuum inside a normal jar and it could harbour a vacuum but it would still be more heavy than air because the glass is too thick so the net weight of the jar would still be more than the same volume of air.

The only way I can think of that I can't disprove with my mind is to crate microscopic bubbles that contain a vacuum and join them all together. The bubbles would be made of carbon fibers or something like that and millions of these tiny bubbles that harbour vacuums would be joined together to form panels that float in air. The bubbles would be made inside a vacuum in a molten state and lots of bristles would use surface tension to pull the small blobs outwards to create a vacuum in the middle. Because they are made inside a vacuum, there is no air pressure to close the space inside untill they are hardened and removed from the vacuum chamber.

Then, if it worked you would create even more problems like how to mass produce these panels affordably. Things like that.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...