Thursday, 28 November 2019

Gary Rhodes dies

I found out yesterday that the celebrity chef known as Gary Rhodes has died. I was left in the dark at the time about the cause of death but found out today that he died from bleeding in the brain, basically he banged his head and one of the vessels that carry blood into his brain burst open and part of his brain was starved of oxygen. One minute you could be walking around feeling fine, the next minute find yourself dying. Being alive as a human is like waiting in a waiting room of a doctor's surgery, you know your time will end but you don't know exactly when and you don't know what will happen when you pass through those doors. All you know is the life you have now is temporary. 

This is why I try to make every day count in some way, even if the one thing I do is add an entry in this blog.

At the time Gary died, I was thinking about what a traffic light would look like if it was designed by me. I will write more about that in a future post.

I will always remember my self designed traffic light when I think of Gary Rhodes and processed Sugar because Gary was involved with TV adverts for Tate and Lyle and that is how I remember him the most. I also remember his spikey hair style.

I wish peace and love to his family and friends and hope they find some peace in this time of disaster. I send out my love to all those people that have died recently.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...