Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Religious Paradox

It is written in the scriptures that the Beast himself would one day dwell amongst people on Earth and lead a man to be the Antichrist and the letters of his name would add up to the number 666. Alan doesn't add up to 666, it adds up to 28 I believe. 


If I assassinated the Antichrist, would I be doing the right thing? It is written that Jesus would kill the Antichrist so If I killed the Antichrist, would I be going against the scriptures by taking Jesus' place? It is his Role to kill the Antichrist and throw him or her into the lake of fire. But If I didn't assassinate the Antichrist then I would be letting him or her do the evil deeds that they set out to do? Cutting people's heads off for not taking the mark of the beast, genocide on a large scale. Something like that.

One thing I ask people is not to imitate me because I am just a ordinary man that searches for the truth. My head is filled with thousands of questions and a hunger for insight and I hope that I don't offend the creator of the universe. If I have then I am sorry, that is not my intention.

Thank you for reading.

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What February 2025 Means To Me

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