Saturday, 9 November 2019

Just another Day

There is a small river about 100 meters from my home. Today the river is Surging but not quite bursting, lots of kinetic energy, a gift from the sky. We are so closed minded that we allow it to turn into a nuisance. We just treat it like a object that is there.

In my world there would be foot bridges that have grills on the river bank below them on the top half of the river bank. The grill allows excess water would flow into aquaducts, the aquaducts stay level with the river and they zig zag under grass parks and empty spaces and car parks, when the river level drops, the aquaducts drain back out into the river. There is no mechanical pumps, just gravity doing all the work. The aquaducts stop the rivers from bursting their banks and allow all of the water to be used by the river to generate electricity. In my world, even 2 months of rain in one day would be seen as a gift. In the real world it would be a nuisance because the rivers would overflow and flood the nearby roads.

This blog is the only physical manifestation of my world. Here I am, an ordinary transparent man that is judged by others. Some people think I am just a simple man that likes football, others may think I am just a impulsive man that doesn't have a deep mind. The truth is they are all wrong. I am an armchair philosopher and a guy that hungers for insight. A man with a world inside his head. I define myself as a boat heading for placid water. A man that values peace and understanding. Not an intelligent man but a man that hungers for more knowledge all the time and questions reality.

I am sure that more machines and security staff read this blog than normal people but that is ok. I don't want anyone to read this unless that value what it says. Most people in this world won't value anything I write because that is the way the world is. No need to fight it, just accept that world is the way it is.

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...