I recently learned that a company has bought the Atari trade mark and remade a modern version of their retro consol called the Atari 2600. They are calling it the Atari VCS 800, or Atari box. This company is taking crowd funding and making a modern version of the retro Atari. They are setting it up so it can be used as PC and will boot any operating system that will run on ATX standard motherboards. (Windows and Linux).
The problem is the price is about the same as the PlayStation 5 and is being released at the time, but it has less computing power. Also, everyone is being left in the dark about what the consol can do, the 11 thousand crowd funders and all the people that have pre-ordered it. And some people are looking between the lines, they are seeing a normal ATX computer that is being put in a retro case. Plus the Atari vault is very cheap so all the retro games can be bought cheaply on other consols.
I want it to be successful, if I was loaded I would add it to my man cave, even if it was a rip off. Well, we will see what happens this winter, it will be very interesting.