Tuesday, 13 October 2020


I read through the article about bluetooth. The logo for bluetooth is the initials of Harrold Bluetooth (Viking king of denmark) and the blue bit is a blueberry. The king unified Denmark, he loved to eat a lot of blueberries to the point where is mouth turned blue. The old Viking character for H resembled a line the an X in the middle. 

If a technology was named after me it would be a slice of bread plus letter A and B pushed together, perhaps with a cup of coffee in the logo. 

Anyway, bluetooth is lots of different connection technologies put together. Different profiles but they all use ultra high frequencies (UHF). This means the waves are over a million Hertz and are about 10cm wide. Most of the transmitters are deliberately weak to be power efficient because they only need to transmit a few meters. 

There is class one two and three blue tooth transmitters. Class one is very weak and used for devices that are near. Class two is for 10 meters, most devices use class 2. Then you have class 3, it has no upper limit, you could fill a whole valley with the signal. 

On Wikipedia, there are so many related articles to the Bluetooth one that I rediscovered reading lists. On the Wikipedia app you can open a menu on an article and add it to a reading list for later. It is a very useful feature.

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