Thursday, 29 October 2020

Witch Hunt

Not too long ago in the middle ages and up till the 1750s, thousands of people were accused of being a witch and killed in the most violent way possible, with fire. There is nothing more violent in this world than burning a person to death. Every nerve ending maxes out fully and every cell it split open and the blood boils and flows out. The skin is destroyed and all the organs stop working. Death is certain and very painful. 

Every last one of those people that were burned were innocent because witches are supernatural beings that use magic to harm others. No human in this world can do that. What would happen is something bad would happen to one person, then they would think it was because of another person, the suspicion would spread through a town or village.  There would be mass hysteria in a village when things were going wrong.  

I often wonder if I would become part of the mass hysteria if I lived in a village amoungst a person  accused of being a witch in that time period. Would I help them build the fire? Would I believe the other people that are around me or would I be the guy that thinks it was nonsense? Would I be cheering as their hair melts and skin peels off? Would I be one of them? I don't know. I hope I would be the guy that thinks it is nonsense and doesn't get involved. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...