Monday, 31 May 2021

First Half of 2021

We are half way through the year 2021. The first half of 2021 was about Pestilence, vaccinations, stress, lockdown, conflict and exploration

Here in the UK we were in lockdown for the whole of the winter and half of Spring. Very little Happened apart from that. When February came things changed a bit. 
In February there was a Military coup in Myanmar, Aung San Sau Kyi the elected leader of Myanmar was arrested and thrown into prison. In the same week, the newest member of the Booth family was born, Nathan was born one day after his 9 year old sister Chloe's birthday. I have a new Nephew.  For the rest of the month, people in Myanmar were giving 3 finger salutes in protest for the military take over and many people were shot, as far as I know, Myanmar is still a Dictatorship. That same month the Perseverance probe landed on the planet Mars. 

March came along and there was new challenges. 
In March the Suiz Canal was blocked by a cargo ship that was blown sideways by a strong wind and wedged on the canal banks. It took the Egyptians about a week to dislodge the massive ship, I think they were angry that the ship didn't drop it's anchor when the wind got too strong,  the distribution of goods between the east and west was disrupted. From march onwards the cost of fuel here in the UK went up by 10p per liter and stayed up until now. Here in the UK vaccinations were being speeded up they were vaccating people as quickly as the factories were making them, millions of the most vulnerable people were getting their jabs. 

In April, the United Kingdom came out of the Lockdown. I saw some very long queues for shops. I think that everyone was fed up and wanted their lives to go back to normal. 
Prince Philip passed away and my son turned 2 years old the same week. I witnessed the first powered flight on Mars the same month. 

In May there was a conflict in Israel, there was an exchange of Missiles between Hamas and the IDF. 
Here in the UK we had a general election and learned that the two Celtic nations of the Kingdom were unhappy with our direction and were thinking about leaving the kingdom. A huge volcano in the Congo erupted and destroyed towns nearby. The C19 virus was killing many people around the world because it had mutated into a more deadly disease. 

What will happen next? 

Sunday, 30 May 2021

What May 2021 means to me

May 2021 was about voting Brits, Pestilence, conflict and a river of fire in the Congo. 
For the past 4 years, Westminster has treated the Northern Irish as a fifth wheel or obstacle for Brexit, not like a Brother nation in the Kingdom. We had a general election this month and the results revealed that the 4 nations of the United Kingdom are on a different page as a result. 
Nationalist parties gained more seats in Northern Ireland, I imagined people that had marched through the Streets of Belfast in Orange all their lives to show their commitment to the Kingdom looking over their shoulder and voting for Sinn Fien or something like that. Perhaps the Island of Ireland will be one state in the near future. A similar thing was happening in Scotland. 
Later in the month there was an exchange of missile fire in Palestine and Israel, the conflict escalated almost to the point of a war but it remained a rumour, the Egyptians stepped forward to negotiate peace, they seem like the go-to guys for peace talks. 
The C19 virus mutated more and was killing more people in the world, I got vaccinated this month along with millions of other Brits. The Pestilence of the C19 virus is very devastating, I have lost some family members. 

Towards the end of the month, mount Nyiragongo erupted and released a river of lava that destroyed towns nearby. I think the lava eventually reached the city of Goma. Thousands of people fled the disaster in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. I wish them all peace and good health. 

Then finally at the last bit of the month it was my Dad's birthday, the west Booths and East Booths were reunited at our parents house for the first time in over a year. 

Happy Times ahead? I hope so. 

Saturday, 29 May 2021

Clyde Cheerman - Computer Accident

Clyde Cheerman the Cheer up Robot was out and about cheering everyone up. One day he visited an elderly man. 
He was confused because the elderly man said he hates computers yet he has a DAB radio and loves to listen to it.
The Elderly man says he will never use a computer but he listens to his DAB radio. All DAB radios have a computer inside them. They need a microprocessor to interpret the code that is sent in the signal. 

Digital audio radio signals encode characters that describe how to assemble the sound wave. The whole signal turns off and on in timed pulses to send the code. 

The elderly man was using a computer by accident. His radio is a computer that pretends to be a transistor radio. 

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

Nyiragongo eruption

About 3 days ago, Mount Nyiragongo erupted in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 
There were some towns near the volcano and city called Goma with a population of 2 million. Many thousands of people were displaced. I wish peace and good health to all the people that were displaced by the volcano. I think some of them went all the way to Rwanda. 
The images I saw on the news was that of a hell scape, the clouds were glowing bright red and there were rivers of lava flowing down the mountain. 

Volcanoes help us to live, they release minerals and carbon that is trapped in the rocks below. I think that life on earth would find it hard to exist without volcanoes. The trouble is they cause a lot of chaos to us. I remember finding out about how Pompeii city was buried in ash from a volcano about the year 50 AD nearly two thousand years ago. 

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Working Man's Paradise

Sometimes I work very hard. I try very hard to keep my home life and work life seperate. I even put a desk inside my storage room where I keep my stock so I can process my stock without taking it home. 

When I get home and my feet are tired, I will sit down. I look forward to eating sandwiches and drinking tea, I look forward to sitting on the couch and watching documentaries and mysteries on TV. 
That is bliss for an ordinary working man like myself, seeing his couch, eating a meal, drinking tea and doing nothing for a few hours and perhaps doing a hobby or two. 

Doing nothing for two hours and thinking nothing, just sitting there and watching TV. Watching a true life mystery onfold or an interesting story. 

Thoughts about regulation

One thing I have noticed in recent years is that renewable energy is very hard to control, sometimes we get too much of it, other times there is a shortage; if it is night time and there is no wind there may not be enough of it. I often try to imagine ways to regulate the supply of this natural energy so it is steady and persistent. 
I imagined tower blocks that were filled with cartridges that stored kinetic energy in lifted weights that pulled a system of gears that turns a dynamo. The cartridges contain a small electric motor that resets the cartridges when there is too much natural power being produced. 

Another way would be to compress air into tanks when there is excess power and then release the compressed air though a generator when the power level is low. 

Perhaps cheap high capacity batteries would be invented in the near future. 

Sunday, 23 May 2021

Most Boring Man in the world

When I look in the mirror I see a man that is very boring. I consider myself to be the most boring man in the world. Well now it is scientifically proven to be true. 
I have been on Twitter for 12 years and I have less than 50 followers, when I left High school I had hardly any friends, yesterday I posted my one thousandth post on this blogging platform and I get less than a thousand views per month.

My only true virtue is that I am very patient, one day I will make things that are very interesting, I will make videos that many people enjoy watching and write things that people enjoy reading. 

When I play my youTube videos I am aware that my voice sounds very dull, this is especially true of the last two videos because I was afraid of waking up my son so I was almost whispering. 
I will try to record my audio in my car. It all starts with the story board, then the graphics, then finally the audio. If my videos are popular then I will try to make a full length movie, 1 & ½ hours long or more. 

Saturday, 22 May 2021

Love Brick

I thought of a way to control plastic waste in this world. What I would do is grind all the plastic into a powder and then mix it with cement powder and water and pour it into a mould to make a bricks.  
I would call it the Love Brick. If this post gets a lot of views, then there is something else called a Love Brick. The Brick would inherit the attributes of both materials. It would resist dampness, weigh less than a normal brick, be better at insulating and cost less than a normal brick. Perhaps it would also be less brittle. I should try to make a love Brick myself. 

The plastic would be ground up in a human powered mill inside a prison. 
Plastic is placed in a human powered grinder in a prison, the powder of the plastic is mixed with cement and water to make blocks. Cement is usually mixed with sand to make concrete, but here it is mixed with plastic powder. 

Friday, 21 May 2021

Creature Genocide

In 2019 and 2020, many wildernesses of the new world continents burned up because the global atmosphere is more dry, First it was Brasil, then Australia and finally large parts of North America, billions of creatures were killed by the fires. It is very hard to even imagine the scale of the destruction. 
Billions more creatures are being poisoned in the ocean by eating plastic. I was wondering if they measure broken fishing nets as part of the plastic waste. I think that fishermen would cut a broken net loose to float in the ocean, no? Am I wrong? Fishing nets are made of Nylon cord and polyester fibres I think. 

If I throw an empty bottle of water into the recycling bin or the trash then surely the plastic in the ocean is coming from somewhere else perhaps boats, bridges and the coastal areas. Broken nets, ropes, bottles left on a beach, crisp packets that were blown off a bridge, things like that. 
It can't be coming from me. 

I don't know.  

Thursday, 20 May 2021

Two Thirds of May

We are in the last Third of May with Just 10 days left of the Month. The second Third of May was very much about Conflict, Pestilence and Medical depletion. There was a partion conflict with rocket battles involving Isreal and Resistance groups in the Palestinian districts. Thousands of Missiles were fired in that region. I don't take sides or support anyone, my role in this world is to just observe and serve the community with my humble offer of labour and insight. I'm just a servant that works hard and records what I learn and shares my chronicles with the world.  
There were so many people infected with new strains of C19 virus that some medical equipment was in short supply. Oxygen tanks and ventilators were scarce in some parts of the world. 

On a positive note, China has landed another probe on Mars. I can't help but wonder why they aren't looking at places that actually have liquid oceans of water like, Europa and Titan (Deep below the surface). 

What will happen in the last bit of May and June? I have no idea. 

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

After the Queen

I was thinking what would happen after the Queen abdicates her throne or dies in the near future. Prince Charles looks set to take the throne but the future generations of the family don't seem so keen. I also think that the monarchy is less popular now in the UK than it was in the past. 

I imagined what would happen if the monarchy was abolished in the UK. I thought that soon after the monarchy were abolished, the house of Lords in parliament would follow so parliament would just be the house of commons, a one house chamber of government with every seat appointed by elections. 

The name of the country would also change because it is no longer a Kingdom, perhaps we would be called the 'United Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland'. I don't think Northern Ireland wants to remain British or part of the Kingdom so perhaps it would just be called Britain. We could lose the 'Great' part of the name to be simple. 

I thought of names our country would take if we lost the monarchy or northern Ireland. 
'Britain' (That's it). 
'Anglo Wales' if we lost Scotland. 
'United Kindness' to keep the acronym. 
'United Keystone Republic of Britain'. 
'United Nations of Britain'. UNB has a ring to it. 
'Useful and Kind Britain'. 
'Engales' England and Wales. 
'Scotland, England and Wales' Scoengles? 
'Nations of Britain' 

Who knows? I can't imagine what the future would be like. 


Kingdom Changing

This May we had a general election in the UK. The political maps showed the whole kingdom starting to change. 

The Northern Irish showed us that the EU is more important to them than the UK, the Green parties won more seats, Sinn Fein (Pronounced Shin Fain) and SDLP have taken seats from Loyalist Parties. It looks like Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland may merge together in the near future. 

In Scotland the map turned more Yellow, Scotland may want to break off from the British Union because they are supporting SNP. They already have a devolved government anyway. 

Will Britain be one country or just the name of the Island. Will it be a multi state Island?  I don't know but things are starting to happen in the minds of the Brits. 

Sunday, 16 May 2021

Holocaust Punishment

Some people think that the Holocaust was a punishment from God. I disagree with this theory. I don't think the Holocaust was a punishment from God. 

There were all types of people sent to the concentration camps, Romanov Gypsys, Jehovah's witnesses, Gay people, Disabled People, even communist supporters were sent there, it was not just the Jews. Every type of person that didn't fit into the Natzi civil narrative was sent to that place. Every type of person was killed in the Gas chambers with the Zyklon B aerosol grenades. 

The image I get of God in the scriptures is a God of love and is perfect. Satan directly went to war with God and he was banished, he wasn't destroyed by God. Satan is only going to be destroyed because he killed and harmed other beings, it is justice for cruelty. You see, God is love. The Mass Murder of the Natzis is not love it is Hate, it is the opposite of God's Nature. There was blameless children in the death camps, what did they do? 

That is what I think. Sorry if I am wrong. 

Thursday, 13 May 2021

What Capitalism means to me

The way I look at modern capitalism is simple. 

We take a lot of high concentration energy in fossil fuels and exploit it to give it a value, the exploitation of energy is traded using a fiat currency, the value is increased again when workers and consumers are added into the chain, this is done by printing money as more of it is created. Something that starts off as the release of energy ends up becoming trade of goods and services, each link in the chain adding more and more value and distributing wealth through the population. Capitalism isn't perfect but it works and is the best way to run a society that we know of so far. 

The problem is Capitalism is brittle. If fossil fuels run out then money will die. We have to replace fossil fuels with natural energy like solar panels and wind. If consumers are replaced by robots then there are no consumers so we can't sell goods and services properly. I think that capitalism as we know it now won't work in a world were machines do all the jobs because machines don't spend money and they don't want anything. 

Natural energy is hard to control because it comes in spurts, sometimes we get too much of it, other times there isn't enough. We need a way to spread the load so the supply is smooth a steady, I wonder how? 

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Thoughts about energy

I was thinking that lead is very heavy, about 11 & ½ times heavier than water of the same volume. A ten kilogramme bucket of water would weigh over 100 kg if it was replaced by same volume of Lead. 

I thought that a small block of Lead could be used to store a large amount of kinetic energy if there was a surplus renewable energy generated for times when the output is low. 

This is how it works... 
A small Lead block is attached to a cable, the cable is looped around a spool that is attached to a gear cog. When a latch is released, the lead block pulls the gear cog and turns it, this transmittes rotation to a smaller cog, the smaller cog spins 5 times for every one rotation. That cog is connected to a bigger cog that in turn spins a smaller cog that is 5 times smaller. By the time the rotation has reached the last cog it is spinning very fast and turns a dynamo. When the cable is fully unfurled, the transmission stops. Later a small electric motor turns the cog wheels in the opposite direction and lifts the lead block back up. 
Each cog in the transmission chain gets 5 times faster but also has less force turning it. The first cog takes one minute to rotate but the 7th cog spins 15,625 times. When the system runs in reverse, the opposite happens, the electronic motor's turning force is amplified but it loses speed so the first cog is turning very slowly and takes a few hours to lift the lead block back up. The electronic motor resets the system during the day when surplus solar power is produced. 

I thought there could be thousands of these kinetic storage devices in a tower block that is especially built for that task. 

It feels very strange to draw my thoughts and write about them. 

One Third of May

We have passed through one third of May 2021 and are now in the Second third. 
The first third of may was all about falling rockets, global pestilence and voting Brits. 

We had a general election during the start of May, the political map of Britain shows that the Scots seem to value the EU more than the UK. Many English people in the North of England voted for the party that are center right and pro capitalist. The mayor of London remained in office. Little else has changed. 

We were facing falling rockets throughout the world, first China's space station delivery rocket lost control and fell back down to earth. Now SpaceX rocket seemed to be ready to deliver astronauts into deep space, I'm sure it doesn't explode shortly before or after landing for no apparent reason and the astronauts have nothing to worry about....😂. More recently, missiles were fired at Israeli towns by Hamas and many were shot down and missiles were fired back. Most of the Tension between Palestinians and Israelis is connected to Jerusalem. If Jerusalem is that Holy to them, then it shouldn't belonging to anyone, in my view holy cities should all be declared independent states like the Vatican in Rome. If a Jew or an Arab came into my home I would pour them a nice cup of coffee or tea and show them both a universal brotherhood I have for all people. 

The Covid19 virus is very much with us and new more deadly strains of the disease are emerging throughout the world, it is something to be worried about in my view. I hope that we can stop this disease soon. The pain and death it has caused to us all is beyond words. 

Saturday, 8 May 2021

Nine Eleven lemonade

Clyde : Alan, what does the phrase every cloud has a silver lining mean? 
Alan : It means every bad thing that happens also has a positive side effect. 
Clyde: What about the Nine Eleven Terrorist attacks? Does that have a silver lining? 
Alan :  Well, yes it does. 
Alan :  The nine Eleven Terrorist attacks makes it easier to remember how many days each month has on the Gregorian Calendar.

Month number nine and eleven both has 30 days, there was four planes hijacked, the 4th month also has 30 days. The sixth month has 30 days  but they cut corners with the hexagon and built it has a Pentagon instead, my jokes aren't funny. 

Four, Six, Nine, Eleven ( April, June, September, November) has 30 days, the rest has 31 except for February, it is "2" short with only 28 days or 29 days on a leap year. February is the second month of the year. 

Friday, 7 May 2021

Pandemic persists

In the parts of the world where large extended families all live together and the populations are very dense, the Covid19 virus has become a very big problem. Millions of people are infected around the world and in some places it has become a disaster. 
I think the virus will mutate again and new more dangerous strains will emerge in all the places where there are many infections. The chances of the virus mutating into a more dangerous form increases with the number of infections. 

Thursday, 6 May 2021

High Profile Divorce

I learned a few days ago that Bill Gates is getting a Divorce. I don't know why it is in the news, thousands of people get a divorce every year. 
when the world makes something of the life change of a celebrity, I can't help but think about what prestige Alan would be like. I think prestige Alan wouldn't be very popular with the press because he would refuse to have a view or agender about anything. He wouldn't support any political group or have any useful answer. 

For example, family Alan and Millennium Alan thinks the future of energy Production would be to harness moving water like waves or flowing water but Prestige Alan would just say I don't know. I don't have any answers or idea. Prestige Alan would remember that he was transparent and his views were transparent.  

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

Veranda House Happy Machine

This morning I made another attempt to draw the Veranda House that I dreamed up inside my head because my drawing skills are not good enough to show my thoughts the way they are at the moment so I keep trying. That is what hobbies are all about, they are a process of improvement and recreation. 

I'll explain the sketch from the top down. 
The top of the veranda House is a leisure room called the 'Happy Zone' man cave. In the corner of the room is a smaller room for washing clothes and a workshop for making things. The whole floor is covered in solar panels, both the walls and the ceiling and there is water tanks in there to collect rain water so the floor is higher than the other floors. The rain water is used by the washing machines and then used again by the toilets. The top floor is smaller than the floor below so the area lost is an outside space, it is a patio paved with glass bricks. The glass bricks also collect sunlight but to heat up water for showers in tanks below. At night, the top floor patio floor lights up because there are also lights there. The top floor patio is a outside recreation area for night time. 

The middle floor is where all the bedrooms are, the middle floor is smaller than the ground floor so the area lost is an elevated lawn. All the bedrooms have their own little French doors to get direct access to the elevated hanging lawn. Most of the hanging lawn is above the porch roof so it is like a lawn on a porch, strange when you think about it. I didn't draw all the little French doors because I don't have good drawing skills yet. 

The biggest floor is the ground floor, there is a porch that goes around the whole floor, the porch has seats to sit on. The porch and railings look like they are made of wood because they are painted brown but they are not, they are made of aluminium. The ground floor is elevated one meter off the ground to allow light to flow into the basement. There is a small car park inside the basement and some guest rooms around the edges. The front of the house is curved on the ground floor so it is shaped like a slice of bread. Infront of the curved part of the house is a large pond and the house is surrounded by high walls, at night projectors shine a fake sunset horizon onto the walls to create a nice effect. The dining area is in the curved part of the floor and the guest sitting room is also there. In the centre of the floor is a gym and a cresh and a kitchen. 

In the basement there are guest rooms that go around the outside edge, inside the guest room light comes down from above, so the windows are behind a grill on the top part of the wall. In the middle of the basement is a small car park with a ramp that goes up one meter, the floor is two meters high so the house is one meter above it. 

Monday, 3 May 2021

Veranda House happy machine attempt

The joy of sketching and blogging is you can bring your thoughts to life. If I was wealthy, I would build a house that gives joy to all that enter it, the Veranda house Happy Machine. I made another attempt to sketch it and bring my thoughts to life. 
The colour of the outer walls is that of sand stone, a kind of reddish orange(look-up sandstone images). The house has a veranda porch that goes all the way around. The ground floor and porch is 1 meter off the ground to give space to the basement below and let light flow into it. Each floor is smaller than the floor below so the whole building looks a bit like a pyramid. The next floor from the ground floor has a lawn on the outer edges, in the sketch I didn't draw the railings so the lawn could be more visible. When my drawing skills improve, I can bring that happy thought to life. 

The top floor is surrounded by a glass brick patio with solar panels below. The railings were also removed from the sketch and also the seats that are in the porch. The railings in the porch look like wood but they are just aluminium panels that are painted brown. 

I imagined having vegetarian barbecues in my Happy veranda House on the elevated lawn or in the porch if it is raining. I imagined adopting many Children and giving them the happy life that they were never given. A happy machine that gives and gives. It collects sunlight and gives power back to the grid. And brings joy. 

Happy thoughts :-) 

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Holocaust Clarity

I have met people that don't know who Adolf Hitler is, I have also met people that think the Holocaust never happened. In my view it is very harmful to think the Holocaust never happened because if we don't learn from History then Humanity will make the same mistakes again and History will repeat itself. 

Basically what happened is in the 1920s, Germany had hyper inflation and they were very poor because of world war 1 and the sanctions that were in place. The following decade in 1933 to be exact, the Natzis came to power, they didn't have a majority in their parliament so their followers killed the opposition and anyone that opposed them becoming dictators of Germany. By the middle of the 1930s, Hitler was the dictator of Germany. By the end of the 1930s, Germany invaded Poland and soon after invaded North Africa, France and the Soviet Union. The rest of the world was connected to those places so the world was dragged into a 5 and a half year world war. 

While this was all happening, the Natzis murdered 11 million people, 6 million Jews about 2 million Romanov Gypsys, countless Homosexual people and people that opposed their authority. We call this the Holocaust. 

If you think the Jews were lying about the Holocaust then what about the Gypsies, were they lying as well? What about the polish prisoners of war that were forced to carry the dead bodies to the furnaces, were they lying? What about the millions of human bone fragments. What about the Gay people that survived. Every type of person that survived the concentration camps wrote a book about what they had witnessed. I have read some of those books, they are very shocking. Things that stick out to me was a heavily pregnant woman was stabbed in the stomach so the baby and the woman were both stabbed at the same time, I felt sick. The poison gas that was used to kill most the people was originally developed to kill pests, they were killing people as if they were Rats or Cockroaches. I think the gas was called Zyklon b. 

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Alan Clock

I see myself as an ordinary servant in this world but also as a unique person that looks at the world slightly differently to other people.

One thing I do that makes me different to other people is I try to divide all units of time into 3. Perhaps because Ï€ is 3 and a bit, or perhaps because I think of three things at a time. 

One month is roughly 30 days so the 'Alan week' is 10 days long. 

Day 10 is ⅓ of a month. 
Day 20 is ⅔ of a month 
Day 30 (ish) is 1 month

The first 10 days of the month are the first third. 
The 10 days after the 10th is the second third. 
Then the days after the 20th are the final third. 

I do the same with the clock on the wall. 
20 minutes past is ⅓ of an hour
40 minutes past is ⅔ of an hour 
The last 20 minutes is the final third of an hour. 

I do the same with the calendar 
The 4th month is ⅓ of a year 
The 8th month is ⅔ of a year 
The remaining 4 months are the last third of a year. 

It's an Alan thing... 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...