Monday, 31 May 2021

First Half of 2021

We are half way through the year 2021. The first half of 2021 was about Pestilence, vaccinations, stress, lockdown, conflict and exploration

Here in the UK we were in lockdown for the whole of the winter and half of Spring. Very little Happened apart from that. When February came things changed a bit. 
In February there was a Military coup in Myanmar, Aung San Sau Kyi the elected leader of Myanmar was arrested and thrown into prison. In the same week, the newest member of the Booth family was born, Nathan was born one day after his 9 year old sister Chloe's birthday. I have a new Nephew.  For the rest of the month, people in Myanmar were giving 3 finger salutes in protest for the military take over and many people were shot, as far as I know, Myanmar is still a Dictatorship. That same month the Perseverance probe landed on the planet Mars. 

March came along and there was new challenges. 
In March the Suiz Canal was blocked by a cargo ship that was blown sideways by a strong wind and wedged on the canal banks. It took the Egyptians about a week to dislodge the massive ship, I think they were angry that the ship didn't drop it's anchor when the wind got too strong,  the distribution of goods between the east and west was disrupted. From march onwards the cost of fuel here in the UK went up by 10p per liter and stayed up until now. Here in the UK vaccinations were being speeded up they were vaccating people as quickly as the factories were making them, millions of the most vulnerable people were getting their jabs. 

In April, the United Kingdom came out of the Lockdown. I saw some very long queues for shops. I think that everyone was fed up and wanted their lives to go back to normal. 
Prince Philip passed away and my son turned 2 years old the same week. I witnessed the first powered flight on Mars the same month. 

In May there was a conflict in Israel, there was an exchange of Missiles between Hamas and the IDF. 
Here in the UK we had a general election and learned that the two Celtic nations of the Kingdom were unhappy with our direction and were thinking about leaving the kingdom. A huge volcano in the Congo erupted and destroyed towns nearby. The C19 virus was killing many people around the world because it had mutated into a more deadly disease. 

What will happen next? 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...