Sunday, 2 May 2021

Holocaust Clarity

I have met people that don't know who Adolf Hitler is, I have also met people that think the Holocaust never happened. In my view it is very harmful to think the Holocaust never happened because if we don't learn from History then Humanity will make the same mistakes again and History will repeat itself. 

Basically what happened is in the 1920s, Germany had hyper inflation and they were very poor because of world war 1 and the sanctions that were in place. The following decade in 1933 to be exact, the Natzis came to power, they didn't have a majority in their parliament so their followers killed the opposition and anyone that opposed them becoming dictators of Germany. By the middle of the 1930s, Hitler was the dictator of Germany. By the end of the 1930s, Germany invaded Poland and soon after invaded North Africa, France and the Soviet Union. The rest of the world was connected to those places so the world was dragged into a 5 and a half year world war. 

While this was all happening, the Natzis murdered 11 million people, 6 million Jews about 2 million Romanov Gypsys, countless Homosexual people and people that opposed their authority. We call this the Holocaust. 

If you think the Jews were lying about the Holocaust then what about the Gypsies, were they lying as well? What about the polish prisoners of war that were forced to carry the dead bodies to the furnaces, were they lying? What about the millions of human bone fragments. What about the Gay people that survived. Every type of person that survived the concentration camps wrote a book about what they had witnessed. I have read some of those books, they are very shocking. Things that stick out to me was a heavily pregnant woman was stabbed in the stomach so the baby and the woman were both stabbed at the same time, I felt sick. The poison gas that was used to kill most the people was originally developed to kill pests, they were killing people as if they were Rats or Cockroaches. I think the gas was called Zyklon b. 

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