Wednesday, 12 May 2021

One Third of May

We have passed through one third of May 2021 and are now in the Second third. 
The first third of may was all about falling rockets, global pestilence and voting Brits. 

We had a general election during the start of May, the political map of Britain shows that the Scots seem to value the EU more than the UK. Many English people in the North of England voted for the party that are center right and pro capitalist. The mayor of London remained in office. Little else has changed. 

We were facing falling rockets throughout the world, first China's space station delivery rocket lost control and fell back down to earth. Now SpaceX rocket seemed to be ready to deliver astronauts into deep space, I'm sure it doesn't explode shortly before or after landing for no apparent reason and the astronauts have nothing to worry about....😂. More recently, missiles were fired at Israeli towns by Hamas and many were shot down and missiles were fired back. Most of the Tension between Palestinians and Israelis is connected to Jerusalem. If Jerusalem is that Holy to them, then it shouldn't belonging to anyone, in my view holy cities should all be declared independent states like the Vatican in Rome. If a Jew or an Arab came into my home I would pour them a nice cup of coffee or tea and show them both a universal brotherhood I have for all people. 

The Covid19 virus is very much with us and new more deadly strains of the disease are emerging throughout the world, it is something to be worried about in my view. I hope that we can stop this disease soon. The pain and death it has caused to us all is beyond words. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...