Friday, 17 December 2021

Christmas for everyone

There is a Christmas for everyone. Christmas was originally a party that Europeans would throw every year to cope with the cold dark winter days. They knew that the days were starting to get longer again on the 25th of December. The week before that, they days were getting shorter and nights were getting longer. It wasn't called Christmas in those days. Later on, the Christians decided to celebrate Jesus's birthday on the pagan festival, they renamed it Christmas. Christmas is about cheering yourself up when it is a cold and dark time of the year and if you want to have a belated celebration of Jesus' birthday than that is fine. I think he was actually born in spring. 

Christmas right now is like if Santa Claus flew down a large chimney and ended up in a nuclear reactor of a power station and said "Ho ho no no no". Then they get him out and he doesn't feel like delivering presents, they would say what has got in to you? He would say "Uranium 235". 
We are in the tail end of a Pandemic and dancing with inflation. Perhaps my Christmas drink this year should be a Taquilla. I really need some cheering up. 🍹🎅

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...