Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Last Bit of December

It is the last bit of December, the last bit of 2021; the second half of the Pandemic. The world bought itself a new space telescope called 'James Webb'. It is more powerful than the Hubble one but it is heading out for deep space in a place that is out of reach for repair crews, it has to work well from day one. They want to look further back in time and see stars that existed billions of years ago. I also think they want to see exo planets directly. I will keep an eye on the NASA blogs and see what they have discovered. Is one of my favourite sites. 
I can never get my head around any creation story in this world, they all seem hard to believe, both the scientific ones and the religious ones. 

What water was earmarked to fall as snow is falling as rain. There has been hardly any frost in the mornings. It is dark and damp and we are all dancing with inflation, we keep our chin up and stay hopeful that things will improve, at least the air is fresh, that is something to smile about. 

I am hopeful that my son will be happy in the 20s. That is all that matters now. I just want Jacob to be happy and make good friends and have many happy memories. Soon I will be able to have extended conversations with him and learn more about what he thinks. I will listen as much as possible. 

I watch videos of people playing golf in virtual reality and imagine doing the same in the near future. That is what I am like, I'm just a big kid. I remember happy times when I used to play roller coaster Tycoon on my desktop computer. I love playing games where you build things or try solve a puzzle. 

Be Happy. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...