Wednesday, 8 December 2021

5 Strange Years

In 2016 a lot of strange things were happening, firstly many celebrities started dying; George Michael, David Bowie, David Guest and Prince to name a few. Then we had a referendum in the UK to choose if we leave the EU. The United Kingdom as a whole voted to leave. Later that year, Donald Trump was elected in America, he was also against trading blocks, political unions, and soft borders.  

I got Married in November 2016. 

For five years the UK couldn't decide how they will leave, some leaders wanted a second referendum. Others wanted to cancel Brexit, some wanted us to be part of the common market and leave the political union, some of them wanted a clean break with a follow up deal later. Parliament was pulling itself in different directions for 4 years. It got particularly bad in 2019, they were rejecting all the exit deals and amendments and no party had full control of the house of commons. The Conservatives were in a coalition with the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party) to keep control of Parliament, a big compromise in my view. Then a New group of conservative leaders stepped up with a very clear agenda and gained a majority in parliament with a snap election in Christmas 2019. 

Then a Pandemic came along and caused chaos to the whole world. Supply chains were disrupted during that time and many people couldn't work or trade. Inflation and civil unrest became the norm during that time. Many people were killed by the virus itself. 

What will happen now? I don't know. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...