Sunday, 12 December 2021

Omicron and Sleaze

Right now, a topic that is very relevant is Hypocrisy, Sleaze and Omicron. We have been carefully observing the Omicron variant of Covid19 and have learnt that it is quicker than the Delata one. We have also learned that the vaccines still work on it. We don't know if Omicron is more deadly than Delta but we think it will be the dominant strain of Covid19 in the UK very soon. It is our first winter with both variants so it could be very challenging, we don't know. I don't look at viruses as evil things, I know that other viruses kill microbes that produce toxic chemicals; Those viruses are helping us to live. All viruses that I know of can't move, they are transmitted by the infected person. Once they have been ejected from our body, they just drift in the air and water like bits of dust.   

It was while we were learning about Omicron that we learned that the Government was accused of breaking their own lock down rules. They were accused of throwing a Christmas party when mixing in large groups was banned. The only evidence I saw was the Prime Minister (President) Boris Johnson having a Zoom video call with two colleagues that he works with every day, I was not convinced he was breaking his own rules. Some government staff from both parties were caught breaking the rules earlier in the year, all I will say is they were having escapades in their office and they were married. 
I can see why some people were angry, some people were fined thousands of £s for hosting Christmas parties. Others were treated like a nuisance and spend a short time in reprimand. Those people would definitely be watching the outcome of the investigation and feeling angry. 

The Brits are looking for more proof of Sleaze, will they find it? I don't know. 

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