Thursday, 31 March 2022

What March 2022 Means To Me

March 2022 was an ongoing civil onslaught in Ukraine. Thousands of Russian missiles were fired at innocent people in their safe havens. Hospitals were hit, along with schools, homes and care homes. I was upset by seeing a place filled with blameless infants being hit by powerful missiles, the poor little ones don't even know what war is. They were so innocent but they were caught in the thick of it all. 

Over the last 2 years , there has been a slump in sea crossings between Britain and France. The 'P & O' ferry company stopped making a profit, I believe they were making a loss.  The P & O boss reacted by spontaneously laying off 800 staff without notice and the remaining staff were kept on minimum wage. It was seen by the British community as unfair and unlawful. 
At the start of the last third of the month, the clocks in Britain went forward one hour, the days were getting longer than the nights. Then towards the end of the month I saw a video of Will Smith hitting Chris Rock in the face because he told a hair joke about his wife. I was disappointed by what he did but I was even more disappointed by the reaction of the other celebrities. He was given an award minutes after the incident and they were cheering and applauding him, some of them were even defending his actions, I thought to myself that they were idiots. I didn't understand how you could cheer for someone that had just assulted another person because of a mild hair joke. It was Chris' job to tell roasting jokes, he was just doing his job. 

The main theme of the month for me was inflation. The price of everything went up very high during March, more than I had seen in my life. This was partly because of the sanctions being placed on Russia and partly because of the Pandemic I think. Supply chains around the world were disrupted. 

Happy April ? Let's see. 

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Hair Joke Slap

Yesterday I saw a video of Will Smith hitting Chris Rock in the face because he told a hair joke about his wife; that is how he defeated the alien fighter pilot in Independence Day I think.  I have nothing personal against Will Smith, I think every person in this world has done something they are not proud of. He just made a mistake, he is a human being.

The thing I was disappointed about was all the actors and actresses were cheering and applauding him minutes later when he got an award. I thought to myself that they are idiots. How can you cheer and applaud a person that just hit someone in the face?  Chris Rock was just doing his job, they were paying him to roast and mock people with slightly offensive jokes; that was his job. I thought that Chris Rock is a big man because he did his job and remained outwardly calm the whole time. I admire Chris Rock for that, he did his job and kept himself in control. I think all the celebrities there should be punished next year, they should send Chris Rock my jokes and let him read them out for 3 hours and all they will have to stay awake is a double espresso. 

Hollywood logic is idiotic anyway, I remember when they could stop themselves from being eaten by tyrannosaurus Rex by standing still. They can try that, just create a T-rex in the lab and then when it breaks out, stand still and it won't eat you.

I imagine what prestige-alan would do if he was there. Prestige-alan sees Will Smith hit Chris Rock, Will Smith wins best actor award minutes later, prestige-alan gets up and walks out and refuses to acknowledge Will Smith's achievement, he is disappointed by his behaviour and exits the premises. Just like that. 

Sunday, 27 March 2022

23 hour Day

Jacob, my son.
The clocks have gone forward one hour in Britain because the days are getting longer than the nights. They want sun rise to be one hour ahead in time through the warmer months. It was also mother's day so they only got 23 hours to celebrate, good timing 😏. 

I have noticed there is a global resentment for the British monarchy, many overseas nations that have the British Queen as their head of state want to be a republic or federation. They want to remove the Queen as the head of state. I'm guessing they also want to remove the house of Lords from their parliaments as well. Barbados has already become a republic, Jamaica seems to be doing the same thing. I wish them all the best and a bright future. 

I wonder when Prince Charles will become king of Great Britain or if the Throne will go straight to Prince William. If the queen passed away then I can use my dynasty Joke, I can say my phone is so old it is from the Elizabethan era. It is true son my jokes are very dry. 

I don't know why but there is a camera race with phones at the moment, the more  powerful cameras a phone has the more popular it is. Most new smart phones these days look like they have pocs, like they have a disease on their backs. 

Saturday, 26 March 2022

One Hour Forward

The clocks are going forward one hour very soon in Britain because the days on my side of the world are starting to get longer than the nights. If the clocks didn't go forward one hour, the sun would rise at 5 AM and it would be twilight at 4:40 AM during summer. 

It was while the clocks were going forward one hour that I was in a place inside my head called Lemon valley, a deep void filled with thought experiments and thought machines that don't work. There are no people in this place, no politics, no ego, no pride, no hate; nothing, just the thoughts. 
Lemon valley, an ocean of thoughts about machines that don't work because I'm not clever enough to complete them now, they just sit there waiting for me to figure them out or build test rigs.  The place only exists because it is somewhere to go when life is hard or I can't sleep. My body is there doing what it has to do, working and getting by but my mind is in this empty place. People will see Alan and wonder why his eyes are glassed over or if he is staring into an empty space. 

Friday, 25 March 2022

Happy Thoughts

Life is very short, I don't know how long I have left in this world. Life is also hard sometimes and stressful. I try to have happy thoughts. I think about the 'Happy Zone', a leisure room filled with joys for big kids like myself. The happy Zone starts of as a shoe box with games consoles in it. Then it grows into an arcade bar inside a sitting room. After that it would just be a whole room filled with games tables and video games consoles. 
Clyde :  "Alan, why is there a bar in your sitting room, I never saw you drink alcohol before"? 
"Do those mini retro games consoles and little TV screens on the bar shelving work"? 
Alan : "I am a big kid Clyde, I like to play computer games and things like that."
"Those mini 90's games consoles all work and so do the small TV screens nested inside the bar shelving, I don't drink much alcohol though, only two small glasses of whiskey per year, one on my birthday and one on Christmas but the bar is a 90's arcade bar for soft drinks, the arcades would have bars for young people to sit down and have a soft drinks so they could stay in the arcade a bit longer. I would just drink coffee though". 

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Last Third of March

I am half way through the last third of march, a very common group of thoughts in my head at the moment are, Vladimir Putin, Death and Mega Inflation; it is going to be a very bright spring. 

The most common thought throughout my life is death. I think about death every day of my life. When the war broke out in Ukraine, I thought about death a bit more than normal. I thought that someone could be sitting down and reading a book in their home and be blown to pieces a minute later because of a stray missile. I often wonder what happens to our mind and consciousness when we die. Does our thoughts persist or does everything stop, even the awareness of time passing by. I wonder what Putin is going to do. What is he thinking. I watch conferences where he is being questioned by the press. I don't know much really. 

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Spring Day

Jacob, my son. 
It is true Spring now; the days and nights are exactly the same length, they call that the spring equinox, this Sunday the clocks will go forward one hour to stop the sunsets being too late at the night. This is your fourth spring in this world and next month you will be three years old.

Russia is still attacking Ukraine, they are shooting powerful missiles at residential districts in the capital city, Kyiv (🗣️"Key if"). They are hitting hospitals, schools and apartment buildings. It is a shame, a sad situation. 

I walked outside with you today to get some fresh air and enjoy the milder weather. I try not to think about the things that are happening in this world. 

Saturday, 19 March 2022

Clyde Cheerman Age

Clyde :  "Alan, I don't know how old I am".
"Do you know how old I am" ?
Alan : "Your the age is when you were made minus one year Clyde". 
"When were you made"? 
Clyde: My head was made 25 years ago, my torso was made 5 years ago and my software was made 3 years ago. 
Alan :  "Why Can't I have a simple imaginary friend"? 
"Look Klyde, why don't you add up all the different ages of your parts and then divide the value by the number of parts, the total age of your parts is 33 divided 3 is 11, that is the average age of your parts".
Clyde : "That doesn't feel right Alan, none of my parts are 11 years old". 
Alan : "Ok then, you are not an evil machine so I will say you're a 90's robot, I'll put your birthday to 1995, the time when they had just finished building the Euro Tunnel. You would be 27 now and 30 years old in 2025". 
Clyde : " What day"? 
Alan : "January the 1st, keep it simple". 
Clyde : "Thanks Alan".
Alan : "You're Welcome". 

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Clay to the World

I am clay to the world, moulded and shaped by the words and experiences of this life. It is St Patricks day today and the start of spring season. When it is spring I think of springs because they sound the same. When I think of springs I think of energy storage and the double helix shape of DNA. 
In Spring the air is warmer so I start to sweat more. When we sweat, our skin excretes a fluid, the molecules in the fluid that have a higher energy level evaporate more quickly then the low energy ones. So we are left with a thin layer of cold fluid on our skin and that is what cools us down. All fluids in this world are like that, they are a mixture of molecules that are hot and cold. If you have some air that is 30°c, some of the molecules in the air are 60°c others are 2°c, the temperature of the air is the average. If you could separate the high energy air molecules and low energy air molecules in an air duct with a wedge that has a barrier on one side that repels high energy molecules, you could change the world because the imbalance could be exploited. But the barrier would need to use less energy than the energy exploited. The whole system would take heat from the air and turn it into kinetic energy. It would produce cold air and electricity. This whole thought process stemmed from knowing how sweat works. It is a common thought in my head and there are many machines in my head that I want to try and build with more time and space. 

I also divide everything up into odd and even numbers. On the days of the month that have odd numbers I do different tasks than days with even numbers. Today is the 17th, that is an odd number so I do tasks that are odd numbered more and I am more likey to choose the left or West direction. On even days I do different tasks; the opposite. That is how I balance my world; by dividing it up into odd and even. There are things I do more on odd days and there are other things I do more on even days. Everything I do has some kind of order to it, that is my balance in a world run by imbalance. 

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Alan World Bus Stop

The way I look at the world is a bit different to the norm; if I was in charge of public transport infrastructure it would work slightly differently. 
In a world inspired by my thoughts, it would be normal to see bus stops on roundabouts with a raised walkway that takes people there. 
I used the simplest example in my sketch. In this example it is a suburban area with one bus route that comes once every 20 minutes. The bus stop parking apron (in orange) is on the roundabout-island so when the bus stops to pick up passengers, it separates from the traffic. In some of my thoughts, the bus stop for buses going A to B and B to A are the same bus stop and the roundabout has 3  bus parking aprons but it is one bus stop for both directions. If the bus can't park on a convenient parking apron, it would park on a different one and then use the roundabout to head back in the correct direction. 

If there are no roundabouts that are the right size, other bus stops would be on the bend in the road so they would be easy for buses to manoeuvre and still separate from traffic. I added that in the corner of the sketch (in orange). 

I also excluded glass wall and sliding doors in the sketch for the sake of simplicity. A glass barrier would be necessary because people would walk into the road take a shortcut. So the center of the island would be a glass box with sliding doors that open when the bus parks. 

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Spring Starts

I can see many daisies in the grass on lawns and grass verges everywhere, to me that means it is spring season. I personally recognise 3 types of spring, t-Shirt spring, daisy Spring and true Spring. 
I call it t-shirt spring when the temperature outside rises above 10 °C. If it is sunny outside and above 10°C, you can walk outside with shorts and a t-shirt on. It is daisy spring when daisy flowers sprout out of the grass and open. True spring starts in the last third of march on the 20th. 

In 5 days time all of those things will line up. I consider march, april and may to be spring season. Metal Springs merge with my thoughts on march every year because of my language. The Helix shape of springs or the properties of them become a part of my thoughts consistently every year. 

Saturday, 12 March 2022

Inflation and Prestige

When I go past the petrol stations, I see that the price of fuel is over £1.60 per liter. It now costs over £50 to fill up my tank with fuel; I fill up every week so that is £200 per month. There has to be a better way to get about that is as convenient as a car. 

I was thinking about Prestige Alan, a version of me that doesn't exist. If Prestige-Alan existed, he would be a very difficult person. They would say what would you do to stop the war in Ukraine, I would say "I don't work for the UN". Or a politician with a big mouth, lots of money, and little respect for people would get elected and they would ask if I think think he is a jerk and I would say, "I don't want to talk about politics" they would demand my opinion and I would say "shut up, I'm not a political analyst". 

I'm a bit like that now I think; Jehovah's Witnesses run away from me on the street. Sometimes they forget where I live and they knock on my door and run away when they see me. They could just tell me they don't want a 3 and a half hour argument about the Bible or remember where I live so they don't knock on my door because I feel awkward when they do that. 

I feel like no one on this planet likes me sometimes. 

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Hospital Hit

Yesterday I learned that a Maternity hospital was hit in a missile strike in Ukraine. At first I thought it was a missle glitch, later I learned that they were targeting the premises deliberately; the Russian military claim it was no longer an active hospital but was used as a military base. 
I'm my view, it was a very shocking thing to learn about. Infants are blameless, they don't even know what war is. The infants in the hospital are probably all new born babies. It is the last place anyone would want to be hit by missiles. 

Perhaps the people of Ukraine will teach the world a lesson. If they have guns and their mind set on remaining an independent nation, they will succeed and drive away the Russians. I wish them all good luck. It would be nice if everyone just sits down for a few days and works out a peace treaty that the two nations can sign and the war will be over. It is ordinary people that are suffering. 

Wednesday, 9 March 2022

First Third of March

A common thought that was in my head throughout this week is the Russia and Ukraine conflict. I was wondering what is going through Putin's head; why is he invading Ukraine? I watched press conferences from the past where Vladimir Putin was being interviewed and thought about what may be going through his mind. I thought he may think  there is going to be a global economic meltdown and thinks that fascists infiltrate democracies when the currencies fail so he wants an autocratic buffer zone around his country. Another theory may be that he views NATO as a loose cannon and doesn't want Ukraine to join NATO. Perhaps he believes everything he is saying, perhaps he thinks the current Ukraine government are Neo Nazis that are plotting to kill off ethnic Russians in Ukraine, I don't know. 
Another common thought that is inside my head was an energy machine that doesn't work. I imagined having a sphere coated in a paint that absorbs most of the sun's radiation, then convects the heat into a metal rod, the rod has spring like  protrusions branching off it that expand and rotate very slowly as they expand and push a gear system that has a high gear ratio so the end of the transmission is a spinning dynamo. It doesn't work because it would expand too slowly and to get the speed needed there would need to be a very high gear ratio and the pressure needed to overcome the gears at that ratio would be more than the strength of the spring. Behind the sphere there would be a small windmill and there is a grove around the spear to let the wind pass through. The logical part of my brain says it doesn't work so need to keep changing it. Eventually I would need to build real test rigs, but my home is too small. 

I was also wondering what a character would look like if it represented the word 'inflation'. £ = pound, π = pi, $ = dollar. I imagined a stick man/ bank director holding a whiskey flask in one hand and printing money with the other and missing his old job at MC Donald's because he didn't feel so much stress when he worked there. I think of silly things sometimes. 

Sunday, 6 March 2022

Two World Planet

Earth is turning into a two world planet. The 'Democratic West' and 'Autocratic East'. The democratic west has an elected government with an opposition cabinet to scrutinize every decision they make, the supreme court in a democracy is above everyone, even a monarch can be put on trial. In an Autocracy you get a very long election period, then the elected government has surpreme power and complete control of the budget and resources, they have lots of advisers but no opposition cabinet. It isn't my place to say what is better. In my view, there is no East or West on the Sphere until you draw a line on it. This problem is all man made and could lead to world war 3. I don't think either system works, there has to be something better out there. A better way to manage our resources and lives. 

Now there is a polarity war happening. Throughout the recent years, different countries have been flipping alignment, Myanmar became an autocratic east aligned state during the Pandemic after a military coup.  Before that, Hong Kong changed alignment because of a stipulation with the British. Now Ukraine is changing alignment by force from Russia. Lots of Islands thought the world are also changing alignment, they are becoming NATO member democracies. What good can come from this? 

Saturday, 5 March 2022

Spring Evening

Jacob, my Son. 
Two days ago I saw some Daisies sprouting out of the grass, to me that means it is Spring. It is true Spring at the last third of this month on the 20th I think. This is your 4th Spring in this world, you'll be 3 years old next month. 

Our society has reacted to Russia's invasion of Ukraine by putting heavy sanctions on Russian goods and Services. I'm not ok with that, I don't like causing ordinary people to face destitution because of their leader's decision. I think that most Russian people don't want war but they are the ones that are being punished by the world. They live in an Autocracy, they vote people in and then the elected government has absolute power and no opposition cabinet to challenge their decisions, the supreme court of Russia can't put leaders on trial because they are above the courts. I saw that people were protesting, in places like that, if you speak out too much, accidents happen, tea pots become radioactive and people disappear. Yet they still protested because they were against the war. I thought they were very brave. 

Friday, 4 March 2022

Down Time Theme

When I go to sleep or rest, it is important to not think about anything, to have a clear mind. Sometimes I watch people make things  on YouTube and that helps me to sleep well. The theme for my down time play list at the moment is Terrarium

A Terrarium is a glass container with a small garden inside it. Some Terrariums are sealed, others have an opening. 

My downtime playlist changes all the time : Down Time. But at the time I wrote this post It was about Terrarium. The good thing about this play list is I can turn the volume down and just watch them build things. I use the Chromecast button on my YouTube to play the whole playlist on my TV. 

Thursday, 3 March 2022

Russia Sanctions

I don't like the idea of placing sanctions on Russia. The people in Russia that would be affected the most would be ordinary Russian people that never appeared to be interested in this war with Ukraine. We are all connected so the sanctions will effect everyone, it will affect us as well I think. I wonder if sanctions actually work. I wonder. 

We are already facing inflation of cost . I don't know much about what causes inflation. I imagine the national banks are pressured to print money to ease payments but then the added money dilutes the value of the whole currency, that would be inflation. I also think if supply chains were slowed down or interrupted, that would make all the goods more expensive because speed and quantity of supply are key to cost. We just had a Pandemic so I imagine both of those things are happening, quantative easing (printing money) and a slump in supplies. I would call it a potent-inflation or post Pandemic inflation. I love making up my own words. 

Alien Ethics thought

Suppose an alien civilization visited earth in a star ship and gave mankind a gift. The gift was instructions for how to make a self replicating nano machine that kills all viruses. They read through the instruction manual step by step and assemble a tiny machine and release it into the world. 

A few months later, a vast cloud of Ammonia and Methane seeps out of the ocean into the air, fish start dying and then land animals die as well as humans. They then realise that some of the viruses in the world were stopping Bacteria from becoming too numerous. Bacteria that makes Ammonia and Methane gas was being killed by viruses but now they weren't because the anti virus machines wiped them out. But it is too late, mankind is doomed. 
What would be the alien's crime? They didn't make the anti virus machines themselves, they gave the instructions to people but they didn't tell them to make the machines. They may have known that some viruses are keeping us alive by killing harmful Bacteria. What if they said that it would be bad to build it jokingly so they still warned us but we thought they were joking. How would you even categorize their crime?  

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Ukraine Mercenary Fighters

Yesterday I saw young Brits on the news approaching the Ukraine embassy to join the resistance and fight the Russians as volunteer mercenary soldiers. At first I was impressed by their bravery and kindness. Then about 20 minutes later my heart sank because I remembered that Russia has some very ugly weapons and nothing to lose. 
Imagine going to Ukraine and pushing back the army then they react by using horrific weapons like missiles that spray a cloud of flammable aerosol then detonate it, you get blown up and burnt at the same time. If you were lucky you would live but your own mother wouldn't recognize you and you would need to take super strong sedatives every night so you can sleep for the rest of your life. There are even weapons that are worse than that, the Russians have already been heavily sanctioned so it won't be an option for them to back down because they have already lost too much. 

What I would do is try to get Finland, Sweden, Ukraine and Russia to sign a peace treaty, they leave Ukraine alone and in return, those countries that are close to Russia won't join NATO. I always listen and realized that the Kremlin government views NATO as a loose cannon, they spontaneously attack sovereign countries because of flawed intelligence without thinking it through. We watched the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq at the turn of the millennium and the bombing of Libya and Kosovo. No one listens to me anyway so I will write it here and say nothing else.

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

What February 2022 Means to me

February 2022 was a very tough month for many people on Earth. We were already struggling with inflation. At the start of February I learned that there was an outbreak in the Palace and the Queen was infected with Covid19, she was fully vaxed so the virus was subdued by her old Royal immune system straight away before she had bad symptoms. 

During the second third of the month, a powerful storm called Dudley moved across the North side of Britain and devastated the infrastructure throughout the area, powerlines were pulled down, train tracks were blocked, trees were toppled and buildings were damaged. 
Then a few days later, storm Eunice hit the southern half of Britain. The English Midlands, Wales and the South was hit very badly, trees were pushed over, there was a large amount of damage and it was very windy throughout the Island of Britain, there was no place in the Kingdom without strong winds for 5 days. I believe the storm continued to travel across northern Europe. 

During the last third of February, Russia invaded  Ukraine, we saw the build-up of troops and military hardware the previous month, many people I spoke to thought it was just a political game. We now know that Putin wasn't playing a game, his troops crossed the border with the goal of toppling the current Ukraine government. I would call it a polarity war, an attempt to realign Ukraine's alliance towards the Russian federation and away from Nato and the EU. They want to stop Ukraine from having an independent Supreme court and short term-period based democracy and make Ukraine more like Belarus. Most of the free world condemned the invasion and put sanctions on Russia, many Russian people were against the invasion and tried to protest. People around the world were afraid of the consequences of this new war in Europe. They were afraid it may escalate into a bigger war or cause even more price inflation. Above all, we didn't want ordinary people people in Ukraine to die because of a war. Most ordinary people like myself don't want any war on Earth. 

The conflict in East Europe continues. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...