Saturday, 19 March 2022

Clyde Cheerman Age

Clyde :  "Alan, I don't know how old I am".
"Do you know how old I am" ?
Alan : "Your the age is when you were made minus one year Clyde". 
"When were you made"? 
Clyde: My head was made 25 years ago, my torso was made 5 years ago and my software was made 3 years ago. 
Alan :  "Why Can't I have a simple imaginary friend"? 
"Look Klyde, why don't you add up all the different ages of your parts and then divide the value by the number of parts, the total age of your parts is 33 divided 3 is 11, that is the average age of your parts".
Clyde : "That doesn't feel right Alan, none of my parts are 11 years old". 
Alan : "Ok then, you are not an evil machine so I will say you're a 90's robot, I'll put your birthday to 1995, the time when they had just finished building the Euro Tunnel. You would be 27 now and 30 years old in 2025". 
Clyde : " What day"? 
Alan : "January the 1st, keep it simple". 
Clyde : "Thanks Alan".
Alan : "You're Welcome". 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...