Thursday, 17 March 2022

Clay to the World

I am clay to the world, moulded and shaped by the words and experiences of this life. It is St Patricks day today and the start of spring season. When it is spring I think of springs because they sound the same. When I think of springs I think of energy storage and the double helix shape of DNA. 
In Spring the air is warmer so I start to sweat more. When we sweat, our skin excretes a fluid, the molecules in the fluid that have a higher energy level evaporate more quickly then the low energy ones. So we are left with a thin layer of cold fluid on our skin and that is what cools us down. All fluids in this world are like that, they are a mixture of molecules that are hot and cold. If you have some air that is 30°c, some of the molecules in the air are 60°c others are 2°c, the temperature of the air is the average. If you could separate the high energy air molecules and low energy air molecules in an air duct with a wedge that has a barrier on one side that repels high energy molecules, you could change the world because the imbalance could be exploited. But the barrier would need to use less energy than the energy exploited. The whole system would take heat from the air and turn it into kinetic energy. It would produce cold air and electricity. This whole thought process stemmed from knowing how sweat works. It is a common thought in my head and there are many machines in my head that I want to try and build with more time and space. 

I also divide everything up into odd and even numbers. On the days of the month that have odd numbers I do different tasks than days with even numbers. Today is the 17th, that is an odd number so I do tasks that are odd numbered more and I am more likey to choose the left or West direction. On even days I do different tasks; the opposite. That is how I balance my world; by dividing it up into odd and even. There are things I do more on odd days and there are other things I do more on even days. Everything I do has some kind of order to it, that is my balance in a world run by imbalance. 

Blog Archive

What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...