Sunday, 6 March 2022

Two World Planet

Earth is turning into a two world planet. The 'Democratic West' and 'Autocratic East'. The democratic west has an elected government with an opposition cabinet to scrutinize every decision they make, the supreme court in a democracy is above everyone, even a monarch can be put on trial. In an Autocracy you get a very long election period, then the elected government has surpreme power and complete control of the budget and resources, they have lots of advisers but no opposition cabinet. It isn't my place to say what is better. In my view, there is no East or West on the Sphere until you draw a line on it. This problem is all man made and could lead to world war 3. I don't think either system works, there has to be something better out there. A better way to manage our resources and lives. 

Now there is a polarity war happening. Throughout the recent years, different countries have been flipping alignment, Myanmar became an autocratic east aligned state during the Pandemic after a military coup.  Before that, Hong Kong changed alignment because of a stipulation with the British. Now Ukraine is changing alignment by force from Russia. Lots of Islands thought the world are also changing alignment, they are becoming NATO member democracies. What good can come from this? 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...