Wednesday, 30 November 2022

Funeral Brat

Yesterday I saw a video of a young lady mocking her Dad's dead body at his funeral. I thought to myself that it is very disgusting to do that. If you hate your father that much then why did you go to his funeral? I sensed that her insults were lies. She called her father a racist, xenophobe and white supremacist because he was a Donald Trump supporter. I added a link to the video at the bottom of this blog post so you can make your own judgement. I like the end of the video when one or two people tried to clap but they stopped because it was awkward. 

Her Dad's wife was a different race to him and so was she but he stuck around, a racist wouldn't do that. He gave her life and took care of her through her whole life, should that not merit some respect?  I support Donald Trump because he is against abortions and Hillary Clinton wanted to increase the birth control abortion window to the 3rd Trimester of pregnancy, days and weeks before the baby is due to be born; imagine if some stupid brainwashed kid was reading my blog now, they would think I'm a racist. You know what is xenophobic? Going to a country that is hosting the world cup, where being openly gay and promoting gay rights is illegal and disrespecting their laws and customs, that is xenophobic. I feel like young people are all brainwashed and they don't think for themselves. They're like mindless zombies. 

I think that anyone that mocks their dead parents at their funeral should be condemned by the community they live in. It is a big disgrace. The irony is that she is a racist because I saw another video of her saying she will never make friends with white people. That is racist. If you have something against your parents and you're at their funeral, keep it to yourself. Show some respect. Concentrate on the positive things. 

Tuesday, 29 November 2022

We are through

It is almost winter here in Britain, it is 5°c all day most days and it is getting dark very quickly but England are through to the 16 team knockout stage of the world cup. I don't ever remember having a football world cup in winter. I like the world cup being hosted in the winter. 

It is sad that two British Nations were in the same group in the world cup, Wales played well. It would be nice if they went to the 16 team knockout stage but they lost in the group stage unfortunately. 
The two best teams in group B, USA and England will play against the two best teams in group A, Netherlands and Senegal. Netherlands will play USA and England will play Senegal. 

This Sunday from 19:00 I will find out which team will get to the Quarter finals (the best 8 teams). Before that I will see if USA wins against the Netherlands this Saturday. It will be a very interesting weekend. 

Monday, 28 November 2022

So Much for free

Sometimes I am amazed by how many things are free of cost to use for individuals, they are free to use because they have figured out a way to pay the running cost without charging users directly. 

All the social media platforms that I know about are free to use, if you have a problem with them then don't use it. Foundation education here in the UK is free, medical care here in the UK is also free; they are funded by public spending but they are free at the point of service.  The Wikipedia encyclopedia is free to use, I read many articles on there and learn many things. I have learnt about history and things like that. 

I was going through the free TV apps on my smart TV stick and was amazed by how much stuff you get for free. Pluto TV, ITV player, You Tube, they are all free to use. 

There are many software platforms that are free to use. Most of the Linux based os systems are free. All the main programming development kits are also free. 

Human food chain

In recent weeks there has been bird flu outbreaks on chicken farms around the world. They reacted by quarantining the chickens and killing some of them. As far as I know this has caused a shortage of eggs. There is quite a lot of things that threatens our food supplies. 

I don't know how dangerous H1N1 viruses would be to humans if they found a way to jump to our species. I don't think about it. I thought the government should consider supplying bio hazard suits to all people to make sure we're all with access to physical virus protection. 

Perhaps I should start storing dry food like instant noodles, pasta and rice. That is a common thought I am having this month.

Saturday, 26 November 2022

Happy Thoughts

The best thing about this time of year is the fresh air and all the lights. It is the last bit of Autumn and every town in Britain that I know of has turned on their festivity lights. The sun goes down very fast this time of year in my part of the world. Sometimes it is dark and raining, you can see a distorted reflection of lights on the pavement as it rains. 

I was also wondering if it is possible for a white dwarf star (dead star) to return to main sequence if it drifts through a nebula and gains more hydrogen. I imagined our yellow dwarf sun fading out 8 billion years in the future, then a cloud of hydrogen passes over the dead star and falls into it, the star then turns into a red dwarf or orange dwarf star, smaller but alive again. 

Thursday, 24 November 2022

Truth Media

Recently, Elon Musk unblocked Donald Trump's twitter account but Don didn't want to use it because Donald trump now owns his own social media platform called 'Truth Social'. I tried it out myself and thought it was quite good. It is light weight so it runs like a web page embedded in an app. I thought that was a good idea because the app doesn't use much memory, it is using objects on the smart phone os that is already made and present. So far I really like Donald Trump's truth social. I like the simplicity of it and the way it doesn't take much space on the phone. I have been on Twitter for 13 years and only have about 50 followers, I hope I get more followers on 'Truth Social'. I'm also impressed that they allowed CNN on there after they seemed biased against him quite often. 

I went back to Don's old twitter feed and I found this tweet
The more I learn about Donald Trump, the more I like him. They were making out like he wanted the January Capital riots to happen but this is wrong. Donald Trump loves law and order. We all know the police force isn't infallible, they employ a few bad cops but overall the police force in America is very constructive. There are harmful people present in every profession unfortunately. The way to deal with them is to monitor them and stop the bad individuals. 

I also share his views on abortion, especially in the 3rd trimester. I agree that Hillary is wrong to campaign for 3rd trimester birth control abortions, I view a 2nd trimester fetus as an infant, not a clump of cells. I would prefer if they chose not to get pregnant or have the abortion in the 1st trimester. That is the way I feel about it. 

Interesting times ahead. My truth social tag is the same as my twitter tag @alspresso. 

Sunday, 20 November 2022

Strange Autumn

I never imagined myself watching a football world cup during late autumn. They usually host the world cup during the summer months. I was a bit angry because I watched the BBC to see coverage of the opening ceremony but they were just lecturing me about the issues they have with Qatar instead, then they went to the kick off. If I want to watch a football tournament, I want to watch the event, not a human rights lecture. We already know about the issues, but now is the time to enjoy the event. Ecuador scored 2 goals and won that match against the host nation but both teams played very well. 

At the same time I learned that Elon unblocked Donald Trump's twitter account. I don't understand why so many people were so angry but they were. They were claiming he caused by the January 6th riots but he asked people to protest peacefully without using violence. I think Donald Trump has his own social media app so I think he has turned his back on Twitter. 

I have many ideas for twitter, I'm not sure they will improve the platform but there are many ideas in my head. It would be nice to add a sound effect to twitter like paper bing ruffled as you scroll down the page and popping sound as you open up a post, things like that. I have been using Twitter for years. 

Saturday, 19 November 2022

World Cup starts

The world cup in Qatar is about to start, it was earmarked to start in summer but they brought it forward to the winter because the Arabian peninsula gets very hot in the summer, sometimes as much as 50⁰c I think. I don't think anyone can run around in those temperatures. 

There are two British teams in the same group so that will be interesting. Some people will ask why there is two British teams in the same tournament. The reason is because we are a country made up of more than one nation. The Island of Great Britain has Wales, Scotland and England. The United Kingdom of Great Britain also includes northern Ireland. 

I will be looking out for rainbow wristbands, BLM Kneeling and any political gestures so I can root for the rival team. I think they should just concentrate on the football. The leaders of Qatar don't answer to football players and they can do it back. They can demand we outlaw things we do here that they may find offensive. It will be a very interesting day. 

Just football? Let's see. 

Friday, 18 November 2022

False Alarm

A few days ago I learned a missile had hit Poland. It turned out to be a stray Ukrainian surface to air defence missile. I was afraid at the time because they said it was a Russian Missile and Poland is a part of NATO. I don't want a world war. I think no one does. Word war 3 would be like a global disaster. 

I thought to myself that volodymyr zelensky should be more careful next time about reporting incidents like that; it could cause a lot of trouble for everyone. 

I hope that all the nations in east Europe can settle their differences peacefully. 

Thursday, 17 November 2022

Annoying Autumn

Earlier in the week I learned that Matt Hancock went on a survival TV show called '  I'm a celebrity, get me out of here'. When I learned of this news I felt angry because I saw that he was still the active MP for 'West Suffolk'. Imagine someone in west Suffolk wanted to speak to their MP or contact them and they will say "he's not there, he's on a camp in Australia". He doesn't represent West Suffolk, he represents himself. I also felt angry because he cheated on his wife, it is like he is shameless. Why would you want to show your face on TV when you have cheated on you wife? Where is this man's shame? He let down his family. When I learned he cheated on his wife, the title of the news was 'He broke lockdown rules' because he wasn't socially distancing 😆 that's true. They wanted to emphasise the legal side. 

I often send messages to my local MP, I want to get around by bike but there is hardly any bike roads in my town and the roads are not policed enough so there are many cars speeding. It feels very dangerous to ride a bike where I live; I feel like the few cyclists in my town are very brave.  I never get a response from my MP; I put that down to him working in the cabinet so I don't hold it against him much but if I learned he was on a TV show having escapades in a jungle, I would be very disappointed. I would think to myself why did we  elect him if he isn't going to listen to us. In the Neverlands, every road has bike road next to it, I guess their elected politicians listen to their constituents. 

Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Half of November

We are half way through November and the theme this month was very much about Elon's mind set. They think he was being reckless and not thinking straight. I would say it's because they don't listen to him. He is concerned about the wellbeing of mankind in the near future. He wants humans to live on two planets so civilization will continue if one planet is destroyed by a disaster. He has been warning for years about allowing artificial intelligence to self code and self improve because it could become self aware and more intelligent than people. He has also been openly concerned about freedom of speech being crushed by corporate political correctness because modern civilization relies on the freedom of speech. That is why he bought twitter and paid more than it's value. 

I use Twitter a lot so I have many ideas that may improve the platform. I would make Twitter play, a collection of games on twitter. One game would be like flappy bird but with the twitter logo. The other game would be twitter lottery, a weekly raffle where there are several prizes, the cheapest prize would be another ticket to play, the highest prize would be $5 million dollars. Then there would be a networked top down survival game, there would be a small box on the game for advertising. It would also be nice to make Twitter work with Chromecast so you can play twitter videos on your TV. I would also make the background colour of twitter slowly change and learn which colour makes the users stay on twitter the most. It would be different for each person. 

I would also make Twitter coins, if you post 100 tweets in one day, you get a twitter coin. You could use 1 twitter coin to make your tweet appear at the top of a reply list. I would also get twitter to ask questions to give you ideas for tweets. It would say "do you think there will be world peace soon?" You would answer and it would say shall I tweet your view?". Some people don't know where to start. I start with good morning. 

 The ability to completely turn off direct messages would also be nice, I don't want to be contacted when I follow people back out of courtesy. It would also be nice if twitter displayed links to my blog graphically like the other social platforms. 

Friday, 11 November 2022

Urine thoughts

I was peeing into the loo and realized that I have never actually seen my bladder. I don't really know what it looks like. All I know is it is hollow and has two tubes going into it from my two kidneys and one tube to empty it. It sends a signal to my brain when it is nearly full and I need to go to the toilet. I wonder what shape it is in reality. I have never seen any of my internal organs. I only have a rough idea what they look like. I wonder if there are birth marks and things like that on organs

Knowing I need to take a pee is like a sense but it's not the sense of touch. We are told we have 5 senses but this can't be true. I can sense when I'm dehydrated and need to drink water,  I can sense what way is up and down, I can sense when I need to use the toilet. I can sense all sorts of things. I can even sense someone is standing behind me. 

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Stop oil

I agree with stop oil protesters but I think they're going the wrong way about it. I think they should work with the green party to get more seats in parliament. The political party I voted for the most was the green party. It is obvious there is a lack of investment in renewable energy. Every single street  light lamp post could have a small windmill on the top of it, the central barrier on every dual carriageway and motorway could have solar panels on it and small compact windmills. There should be evidence everywhere that we are developing renewable energy. It's not obvious.  

Millennium-alan didn't think burning fossil fuels is a problem because he thought the oil and coal would run out before we had a run away greenhouse effect. He thought we had been burning fossil fuels for 200 years, yet the average global temperatures haven't increased much. Servant-Alan, today's me thinks it is a problem and the Earth could go through a tipping point and there could be a bigger disaster happening, perhaps the whole planet could turn into a dessert.  

Just this year we had hurricane Ian in America, one of many Katrina sized Hurricanes that comes every year now. Even now it has been a mild autumn in Britain.  We had a three month drought in the summer and record high temperatures, it went to 40⁰c for the first time. 

Tuesday, 8 November 2022

90s Eggs

A lot of young people today were eggs in the '90s; their dad was worried about the millennium bug harming their computer, then they felt relief and fertilized the eggs that became them. That is why a lot of young people don't know what they are doing. They don't understand how the world works. 

I saw young people on the news climbing motorway gantries. They were trying to stop traffic and stop the government trading oil. No oil means no food, do they know that? The tractor burns diesel to plough the field, the diesel comes from oil. All the machines that prepares our food are powered by electricity that is powered by natural gas, the gas comes from oil. If we close down the oil refineries, there will be no food to eat and we will all starve to death. We are trying to become independent of oil but that takes time. They are using investments from oil companies to build windmills and things like that. 

The other group of young people that don't understand how the world works are professional footballers, their dad saw the twin trade towers fall down and decided life is too short so they fertilized the egg that became them. Now in that short time they had in their life, they want to go to the world cup and tell the host nation what laws they should change. Do they know they can do the same thing, they can demand we change our laws and use the oil trade as a stipulation. We could end up with an oil embargo. The world works by nations cooperating and overlooking their differences. The whole world works like that and if you try to change it, the deed backfires. 

All those eggs from the '90s are trying to tell everyone how to run the planet. Good luck. 

Sunday, 6 November 2022

Northern Ireland thoughts

In recent months, northern Ireland has become like a fifth wheel in United Kingdom. They share a land border with the EU because the Republic of Ireland is still a member state. 

The EU member states don't want any products to enter their market from counties with low wages and costs without a tariff being charged that makes the product less competitive with theirs. Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland want a soft border to keep the two nations at peace so Britain has been forced to treat Northern Ireland like a separate state from the UK. 

Britain wants to lower its import tariffs to countries around the world. But they also want to have good access the EU single market. They need a very clever deal that satisfies everyone. The deal we have right now isn't enough. 

Thursday, 3 November 2022

Professional Footballers are kids

I'm pleased we are having a football world cup in the darker part of Autumn and the start of winter. The cold and darkness here in northern Europe can mess with your head sometimes. I was thinking it would be nice to have a global football tournament every late autumn. We can watch the world cup and then it would finish just in time for the Christmas period in December. 

I just realized that most of the footballers were eggs in the '90s. Most of the professional football players were born after the millennium. That would explain why they're daft. They don't know anything, they don't know how the world works. If you take politics and protests onto a football pitch, nothing happens; do they realize they're not Captain Earth? The leaders of the host nation don't answer to them. If they protest on the pitch then the host nation could do the same thing, they could say we will only sell you oil if you outlaw things we find offensive in your countries. Those silly football players could trigger an oil embargo against Europe; they are very daft. If there is an oil embargo after the world cup, they should send drilling machines to football player's mansions to Frack their gardens for shale gas. Why don't they just play football and shut up like they're paid to do. Silly fools. 

I will root for the teams that shut up and play, even if they're playing against my own country. 

Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Guy Fawkes, English Thanksgiving

On the 5th of November every year, the English nation in Britain celebrate Guy Fawkes, some of the Welsh also celebrate Guy Fawkes also but mostly it is the English. We light fireworks and fires and feast on snacks. 

Guy Fawkes is a celebration of the failed assassination attempt of king James in 1605. A man called 'Guy Fawkes' had placed many barrels of gun powder in a basement under parliament to blow up king James when he was opening parliament. King James was the curator of the king James Bible, the first Bible that was properly translated from Latin to English. The reason we celebrate Bonfire night or  Guy Fawkes is because we know it would have caused a huge civil war if it was successful. It's also an excuse to have a party in the darker part of autumn. You could say it is similar to the American thanks giving. 

King James had a son called Charles, Charles became Charles king of England. It was during the 16th century that king Charles named the main river that flowed through Boston in the American state of Massachusetts after himself. I think that Massachusetts is one of the 13 British Colonies of America at the time. Charles was very greedy and wanted to increase his powers but that caused a civil war, he lost the war and his head because he was sentenced to death for treason by parliament. 

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

October 2022

It was during October that I realized that the conservative government had made a mistake, they appointed a new leader that produced a temporary budget that caused chaos. Liz Truss Resigned when she saw that her budget had caused every financial product to inflate in cost and negatively affected the markets. 
soon after Rishi Sunak was appointed the leader of the conservative party. He inherited chaos and a huge weight on his shoulder, a country that was facing a cost of living crisis. I wish him good luck and clear thoughts. 

During October, every type of hydrocarbon that we know of had become more expensive, methane, ethane, propane, butane, food starches, petrol solvents, diesel and everything we know of that powers our machines and heats our homes and food we eat had become more expensive. 

The war in Ukraine continued to happen and there was more tension in the Pacific Ocean as well. The Chinese consider the island of Taiwan to be a renegade province that must be absorbed back into the Chinese state. The island of Taiwan considers itself an independent country. The two nations are at loggerheads right now. 

Try not to think about it. 

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What February 2025 Means To Me

 It was very cold in February and always overcast. There was very little sunlight. A sad month it was, a member of the family passed away; h...