I just realized that most of the footballers were eggs in the '90s. Most of the professional football players were born after the millennium. That would explain why they're daft. They don't know anything, they don't know how the world works. If you take politics and protests onto a football pitch, nothing happens; do they realize they're not Captain Earth? The leaders of the host nation don't answer to them. If they protest on the pitch then the host nation could do the same thing, they could say we will only sell you oil if you outlaw things we find offensive in your countries. Those silly football players could trigger an oil embargo against Europe; they are very daft. If there is an oil embargo after the world cup, they should send drilling machines to football player's mansions to Frack their gardens for shale gas. Why don't they just play football and shut up like they're paid to do. Silly fools.
I will root for the teams that shut up and play, even if they're playing against my own country.