Saturday, 19 November 2022

World Cup starts

The world cup in Qatar is about to start, it was earmarked to start in summer but they brought it forward to the winter because the Arabian peninsula gets very hot in the summer, sometimes as much as 50⁰c I think. I don't think anyone can run around in those temperatures. 

There are two British teams in the same group so that will be interesting. Some people will ask why there is two British teams in the same tournament. The reason is because we are a country made up of more than one nation. The Island of Great Britain has Wales, Scotland and England. The United Kingdom of Great Britain also includes northern Ireland. 

I will be looking out for rainbow wristbands, BLM Kneeling and any political gestures so I can root for the rival team. I think they should just concentrate on the football. The leaders of Qatar don't answer to football players and they can do it back. They can demand we outlaw things we do here that they may find offensive. It will be a very interesting day. 

Just football? Let's see. 

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